Previous Total Solar Eclipse over USA: 2/26/79

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dr. farr

Well-known member
Apr 4, 2010
The previous total solar eclipse visible over the USA (northwest states, through eastern and northern Canada) occurred on February 26, 1979; it was a SN eclipse, in 7 Pisces; the eclipse was in the mutable sign of Pisces, and in the cardinal (Manilius) decan of Capricorn. I erected the eclipse chart for US population center, Plato, MO, for the time of maximum obscuration, 10:55:12 AM.

Other Eclipse data:
-Mars had dominion of this eclipse, Mars being the closes planet to conjunction with the eclipse
-other eclipse affinities: elemental decan Pisces; face Saturn; watery triplicity; egyptian term of Venus; dodekatemoria of Gemini

The Eclipse chart (@ Plato, MO; tropical; whole sign house format)

Sun/Moon @ 7 Pisces in 10th house
Mercury @ 21 Pisces in its fall, in 10th house
Venus @ 24 Capricorn in 8th house
Mars @ 29 Aquarius in 9th house
Jupiter @ 0 Leo in 3rd house
Saturn @ 10 Virgo in 4th house
Uranus @ 21 Scorpio in 6th house
Neptune @ 20 Sagittarius in 7th house
Pluto @ 18 Libra in 5th house
Nodes @ 17 Pisces/Virgo
Dark Moon Lilith @ 15 Leo in 3rd house

Ascendant @ 6 Gemini, squared by eclipse, squared by Saturn
Part of Fortune @ 7 Gemini, partile square by eclipse, squared by Saturn
MC @ 15 Aquarius in partile opposition by Dark Moon Lilith

Eclipse square Saturn
Mercury trine Uranus square Neptune
Venus sextile Uranus
Mars quincunx Jupiter
Pluto sextile Neptune

The Eclipse is conjunct the fortunate star Skat, and parallel the stars Alphard and Rigel; the indications of connections of the Sun & Moon (the eclipse) with Alphard and Rigel are decidedly martial in nature (see Robson; also and clearly emphasize the martial nature of this eclipse (Mars has dominion over this eclipse)

The eclipse is in the mutable sign of Pisces, and in the cardinal (Manilius) decan of Capricon; planetary placements are divided between mutable and fixed signs; therefore the continuation of the influences of this eclipse and the planetary configurations of the eclipse chart, would be of moderate duration.


Sources of allocations of affinities and significations: R. Bill, M.P. Hall, L. George


+January: pre-eclipse: Shah of Iran overthrown by Islamic militants (Iran, a close US ally, becomes an enemy of the US)
:Iran = Taurus, Taurus in 12th house, platik opposition by Uranus (sudden unexpected events; radicalism) Uranus posited in the decan of Pisces (Pisces is sign of the eclipse); Islam = Moon; Moon is part of the eclipse, in opposition to Saturn

+January: pre-eclipse: US annual inflation rate hits 18%
:US = Gemini; Gemini 1st house, ascendant = 6 Gemini, squared by eclipse; Gemini posits Part of Fortune, partile square by the eclipse; 2nd house (finance) from Gemini (US) = Cancer; Moon significator for Cancer, Moon part of the eclipse, opposition to Saturn

+January: pre-eclipse; Vietnam invades Cambodia
:Indochina = Libra; Libra posits Pluto

+February: pre-eclipse: China mounts short duration invasion of Vietnam
:Vietnam = Virgo; Virgo 4th house, opposition to eclipse; Virgo posts Saturn (opposition by eclipse); Virgo significator Mercury in its fall in Pisces, the sign of the eclipse

+2/14: pre-eclipse:US ambassador Dubs assassinated in Kabul, Afghanistan
:Afghanistan = Capricorn, on 8th house, platik square by Pluto (assassins); eclipse in the decan of Capricorn

+3/26: Egyptian/Israeli Peace Treaty signed
:Venus (peace) sextile Mercury (treaty's); likely influence of benefic star Skat conjunct the eclipse
(but Mars dominion total solar eclipses always demand "a price to be paid": sponsor of the treat, US president Jimmy Carter, will lose his bid for a second term in election loss to Reagan in 1980; co-architect and signatory of the Treat, Egypt president Anwar Sadat, will be assassinated in 1981 by Egyptian army commandos in Cairo)

+3/28: Three Mile Island (Pennsylvania) nuclear reactor partial meltdown; worst US nuclear power plant disaster on record
:pennsylvania = Sagittarius, 7th house, posits Neptune (leaks, steam, vapors, turbines, toxins, dissolution; strange events),
Neptune in platik square by eclipse; Saturn (heavy metals) platik square to Neptune, and in opposition by the eclipse

+5/25: American Airlines crash on take-off from Chicago kills 275 people; worse US air crash on record
:Chicago = Leo, 3rd house (transportation), posits Dark Moon Lilith, which is in partile opposition to the MC; Uranus (aircraft) in platik square to Leo

+6/03: Ixtoc I oil platform blowout, Gulf of Mexico, 600000 tons of oil spilled, second largest oil spill on record
:Neptune (oil platforms, spills) in platik square by eclipse; Pisces (oil fields, oceans) = sign of the eclipse; Saturn (crude oil) in opposition by the eclipse

+July: Sandanista Liberation Army (Marxists) takes power in Nicaragua
:Central America = Gemini; Gemini 1st house, ascendant 6 Gemini squared by the eclipse, squared by Saturn

+7/14: Saragossa Spain hotel fire, 80 people killed
:Spain = Sagittarius, cusp squared by eclipse (square Sun = fire; dominion of eclipse = Mars = fire)

+8/11: Morvi India flood kills 15000 people
:Indan = Capricorn; Capricorn on 8th house, eclipse in the decan of Capricorn; Capricorn significator Saturn opposition by the eclipse

+8/27: World War 2 hero Lord Montbatten assassinated in Ireland by IRA killers
:Ireland = Taurus, 12th house; platik square by Uranus (radicals, sudden events), Uranus in decan of Pisces (the eclipse sign)

+8/30: Hurricane David hits Caribbean, eastern US, 1100 killed
:Eastern US = Gemini; 1st house, ascendant 6 Gemini, squared by eclipse, squared by Saturn

+10/26: South Korean president Chung Hee assassinated in Seoul
:Korea = Scorpio, posits Uranus (sudden events), Scorpio significator = Mars, which has dominion of the eclipse

+11/04: US embassy in Tehran, Iran, taken by Islamic militants; 52 Americans held hostage for 444 days
:US = Gemini, 1st house, ascendant 6 Gemini in square by eclipse, squared by Saturn; Jupiter (embassies) quincunx by Mars (which has dominion over the eclipse)

+11/20: Islamic militants seize Grand Mosque @ Mecca, 250 people killed
:Saudi Arabia = Gemini, 1st house, ascendant 6 Gemini squared by eclipse, squared by Saturn; mosques (ancient) = Saturn, in opposition by the eclipse; Islam = the Moon, Moon is part of the eclipse, in opposition to Saturn

+December: Soviet Union invades Afghanistan, beginning of 7 year long war
(Note: beginning also of US recruitment, training and arming of Islamic jihadists to fight the Soviets; these jihadists will later become the Taliban of Afghanistan, and the organizers of the Al Queda terrorist organization)
:Afghanistan = Capricorn, 8th house; eclipse in the decan of Capricorn; USSR = Aquarius, posits Mars, dominion of the eclipse;
Afghanistan (Capricorn) and Soviet Union (Aquarius) both significated by Saturn; Saturn in opposition by the eclipse

+12/31: Social club fire in Quebec, Canada kills 42 people
:Eastern Canada = Gemini, 1st house, ascendant 6 Gemini squared by eclipse, squared by Saturn (6 Gemini squared by Sun = fire)


+January: Solidarity Union established in Poland; first open political organization to resist Soviet influence in eastern European countries
:poland = Aries; Aries (beginnings) on 11th house (ideals), significator Mars (which has dominion over the eclipse); likely influence of benefic star Skat, conjunct the eclipse

+March:civil war (lasting 4 years) begins in El Salvador following assassination of R/C Archbishop Romero
:Central America = Gemini, 1st house, ascendant 6 Gemini squared by eclipse, squared by Saturn

+4/12: US boycott of Olympic Summer Games in Moscow
:Moscow = Aquarius; Aquarius posits Mars, dominion over the eclipse; Aquarius significator Saturn in opposition by the eclipse

+4/12: military coup in Liberia, president Tolbert assassinated
:West Africa = Cancer, significator Moon (part of the eclipse), Pluto (assassins) in platik square to Cancer

+4/22: passenger ship Don Juan sinks off Phillippines after colliding with barge, over 1000 people drowned
:phillippines = Scorpio, posits Uranus (sudden events), Scorpio significator = Mars, which has dominion of the eclipse; ships = Moon, Pisces: Moon part of the eclipse, in opposition to Saturn (death); Pisces = sign of the eclipse

+4/24: failed US military attempt to rescue Tehran embassy hostages; 8 US soldiers killed
:US = Gemini, 1st house, ascendant 6 Gemini squared by the eclipse, squared by Saturn; Gemini significator Mercury in its fall in Pisces (sign of the eclipse)

+5/18: Mt St. Helens volcano (Washington state) erupts killing 57 people
:Washington state = Leo; Leo posits Dark Moon Lilith, partile opposition to the MC; Leo significator, the Sun, is part of the eclipse; Uranus (eruptions) in platik square to Leo

+5/20: Kingston Jamaica nursing home fire kills 157 people
:West Indies = Virgo; 4th house, in opposition by the eclipse; Virgo posits Saturn (nursing homes), in opposition by the eclipse

+5/29: Civil rights leader Vernon Howard shot and wounded during assassination attempt in Indiana
:Indiana = Sagittarius; cusp squared by Saturn, squared by the eclipse

+June: Sichuan China flood, 6200 people drowned
:China = Libra, posits Pluto (floods), significator = Venus, in 8th house under Capricorn

+Summer: record US heat wave; over 1200 people die
:US = Gemini, 1st house, ascendant 6 Gemini squared by eclipse, squared by Saturn (6 Gemini squared by Sun = heat)

+July: Israel takes over all of Jerusalem as its new capitol
:Jerusalem = Virgo; Virgo, 4th house, in opposition to the eclipse; Virgo posits Saturn, in opposition by the eclipse; Virgo significator Mercury in its fall in Pisces (sign of the eclipse)

+8/19: Saudi Tristar passenger jet burns on emergency landing in Riyadh, 301 people killed
:Saudi Arabia = Gemini, 1st house, ascendant 6 Gemini squared by eclipse, squared by Saturn; Gemini significator Mercury in fall in Pisces, sign of the eclipse

+September: Iran/Iraq war (lasting 8 years) begins
(Note: also the beginning of covert US military aid to Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein)
:Iran = Taurus, 12th house, platik opposition by Uranus; Iraq = Virgo, 4th house in opposition to eclipse (in Pisces), Virgo posits Saturn, in opposition by the eclipse

+10/10: Earthquake in Algeria kills 5000 people
:Algeria = Scorpio, posits Uranus (earthquakes), Uranus in decan of Pisces (Pisces is the sign of the eclipse)

+11/04: Reagan elected president of the US
:likely influence of the benefic star Skat, conjunct the eclipse
(...however, as mentioned previously, Mars dominion total solar eclipses demand a "price": in March, 1980, Reagan will be shot and wounded during an assassination attempt in Washington DC)

+11/21: MGM Grand fire in Las Vegas kills 84 people
:Nevada = Scorpio, posits Uranus (explosions, sudden unexpected events), Scorpio significator = Mars (fires), Mars has dominion of the eclipse

+12/08: Music and cultural icon John Lennon murdered in New York City
:New York City = Cancer, significator Moon; Moon part of the eclipse, in opposition to Saturn; Pluto (murderers) in platik square to Cancer
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