Problems With Planets???

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Eric traveller

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2020
for the Moon - drink some more water.
for Venus - drink some water.
Sun - drink less water.
Sun/ Mars drink less water...
Jupiter - drink moderate amounts of temperate water.

According to Claudius Ptolemy;. the Moon is of the nature of water. Venus of water, the Sun and Mars are hot, dry and arid. Jupiter is of the quality of temperate and moderate moist heat. The side facing Saturn is cool, while the side closest to the Sun and Mars is fiery, so they basically equal out and Jupiter is just plain awesome that way.
I tried this and instantly felt better. For example, if your Mars is weak, because it is in a watery Sign, or dissipated, or if it is conjunct Cetus the Whale or baten kaitos, perhaps drinking as much water as needed will help you to accommodate the issue of a weak Mars; it will aid in accomplishing its strength by recreating the traditional environment of a dry, fiery and hot place.

Man, the simple things...
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Alternatively, try a dry martini with a decent gin: shaken not stirred, straight-up with an olive.

Works wonders on many planetary problems. :wink:

A dry martini will make you like Saturn, and it will give you that Dap. No one wants the dap. ..Just joking😄😂
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For Venus some chocolate will do. Trust me, I'm a Taurus ascendant.
for the Moon - drink some more water.
for Venus - drink some water.
Sun - drink less water.
Sun/ Mars drink less water...
Jupiter - drink moderate amounts of temperate water.

According to Claudius Ptolemy;. the Moon is of the nature of water.
Venus of water, the Sun and Mars are hot, dry and arid.

Jupiter is of the quality of temperate and moderate moist heat.
The side facing Saturn is cool
while the side closest to the Sun and Mars is fiery
they basically equal out
and Jupiter is just plain awesome that way.
thank you for the interesting advice!
Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology Part II - Seven Stars

Saturn is cooling and moderately drying, malefic, masculine and diurnal.
Saturn controls depressions and sluggishness
the lymphatic system and the immune system

Jupiter is heating and moderately moistening, benefic, masculine and diurnal.

Jupiter controls begetting of children, the reproductive system
the digestive system, the integumentary system

Mars is burning and drying, malefic, masculine and nocturnal.
Mars controls the muscular system, the urinary system, the lower gastrointestinal tract
Sun is heating and moderately drying, common, masculine and diurnal.
Sun controls the circulatory system, the nervous system
the eyesight, especially the right eye

Venus is moistening and moderately heating, benefic, feminine and nocturnal.

Venus controls cleanliness, the olfactory system
the reproductive organs, the secondary sex characteristics

Mercury is alternating between moistening and drying, and common.
Mercury controls the vestibular system, the gustatory system, the auditory system

Moon is moistening and moderately heating, benefic, feminine and nocturnal.

Moon controls the mother and the conception
the respiratory system, the upper gastrointestinal tract
the eyesight, especially the left eye

Robbins, F. E. (1940). Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos. William Heinmann, London.

Retrieved from
Valens, V. Anthologia. Translated by Mark Riley.

Retrieved from Valens entire.pdf
I tried this and instantly felt better.

For example, if your Mars is weak, because it is in a watery Sign, or dissipated
or if it is conjunct Cetus the Whale or baten kaitos
perhaps drinking as much water as needed
will help you to accommodate the issue of a weak Mars;
it will aid in accomplishing its strength by recreating the traditional environment
of a dry, fiery and hot place.
Man, the simple things..

by the way
use water preferably uncontaminated by chlorine or fluoride :smile:

Alternatively, try a dry martini with a decent gin:
shaken not stirred, straight-up with an olive.
Works wonders on many planetary problems. :wink:
Bread, retired Aquarian Sun solution to Sirius problems with planets :smile:

by the way
The Olive Tree is ruled by SATURN

Olives aka Olea europaea.
related to mangoes, cherries, peaches, almonds, and pistachios.
Olives are very high in vitamin E and other powerful antioxidants.

A dry martini will make you like Saturn, and it will give you that Dap.
No one wants the dap. ..Just joking😄😂
What's Dap?
Dependent on context

For those adults who find a proper martini too medicinal, try a Manhattan. You can use bourbon or rye, but I'd go for rye as it's drier. A bit of red vermouth, or half-red, half-white. You don't want this too syrupy. A dash of bitters OK. Shake it all up with some ice (swivel your hips while you do this to your favorite 1980s disco beat, it's good exercise,) and pour off into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a (preferably undyed) maraschino cherry.

Cherries are related to olives.

You don't need top-shelf spirits for these drinks, but don't use bottom-shelf rot-gut. People who dislike liquor but don't oppose drinking generically, usually drank some really foul cheap stuff as a kid, and understandably swore off the hard stuff.

Sip your Manhattan slowly in pleasant surroundings with your favorite appetizer.

If you don't find this to be a civilized custom with a moment of relaxation, by all means worry about planetary positions, by all means eat more chocolate. It is known to release endorphins in your system.
For those adults who find a proper martini too medicinal, try a Manhattan. You can use bourbon or rye, but I'd go for rye as it's drier. A bit of red vermouth, or half-red, half-white. You don't want this too syrupy. A dash of bitters OK. Shake it all up with some ice (swivel your hips while you do this to your favorite 1980s disco beat, it's good exercise,) and pour off into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a (preferably undyed) maraschino cherry.

Cherries are related to olives.

You don't need top-shelf spirits for these drinks, but don't use bottom-shelf rot-gut. People who dislike liquor but don't oppose drinking generically, usually drank some really foul cheap stuff as a kid, and understandably swore off the hard stuff.

Sip your Manhattan slowly in pleasant surroundings with your favorite appetizer.

If you don't find this to be a civilized custom with a moment of relaxation, by all means worry about planetary positions, by all means eat more chocolate. It is known to release endorphins in your system.
For Venus some chocolate will do. Trust me, I'm a Taurus ascendant.
Cherries are ruled by planet VENUS :smile:

What about diabetes?

I've always thought it was my Venus that blessed me with that.

Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology Part II - Seven Stars :smile:

Venus is moistening and moderately heating, benefic
feminine and nocturnal.
Venus controls cleanliness
the olfactory system
the reproductive organs
the secondary sex characteristics

Robbins, F. E. (1940). Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos. William Heinmann, London.

Retrieved from
Valens, V. Anthologia. Translated by Mark Riley.

Retrieved from Valens entire.pdf

Jupiter is heating and moderately moistening, benefic, masculine and diurnal.

Jupiter controls begetting of children, childbirth
the reproductive system
the digestive system
the integumentary system