profit in clothing business?

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Dec 9, 2015
Will I gain good profits/earning from this business?


I am thinking of starting my own fashionable clothing brand, either through import/export or by manufacturing them in my home country (selling on own website). So I wanted to know weather it will be profitable and will this business do good.


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I don't think this chart is saying, "No, never!" but it is suggesting that you need to put some more effort and thought into your project before you can really forecast whether it is likely to pay or not.. This might be something like drawing up a business plan, and ensuring that there really will be a market for your product.

Maybe you hoped to get an astrological answer prior to investing your time and energy into your project. What this chart is showing is Mercury (you) combust the sun, but in the process of leaving this difficult condition behind. The moon (your emotional stake in the matter) applies to a conjunction with Saturn, suggesting that you will encounter some very real practical problems that would have to be worked out prior to making a success of your business.

I don't know how did I make this mistake. Plz find the attached correct chart. And thank you so much for your observation!

I am worried seeing this chart, I feel its negative?


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I think this chart looks moderately OK. Not brilliant, but not horrible. You are ruled by Mercury, which is in the 10th house conjunct the MC (good) but Mercury itself lacks essential dignity.

The moon rules your 2nd house of money. It's in the 12th house (not so wonderful) but it's next aspect is a trine to Jupiter (good) and the moon is exalted in Taurus (good.)

Maybe you are ready just to take the next step, which would be more serious fact-gathering, a business plan, getting some good networking contacts, and looking at your financial needs.

You are on point about gathering the facts and business plans. Let me throw light on few things. I was so excited to start this business that, I just wanted to get it started and I have this kind of confidence that it will do well, as I am planning to bring some new fresh concept into the market. But I am not able to find proper manufacturer and also I am not able to do it by myself (I live in foreign land and I have asked my father to look for the manufacturer, and this thing is not moving ahead). Meanwhile I have started loosing confidence, also I dint want to be over confident. There are many obstacles to operate and gather knowledge while sitting in foreign land. My idea began with importing first but online scams really scare me. So I am not able to take that decision whether import or find manufacturer in home country. So I am scared as well as desperate to start. Its a bag of mixed feelings.

Mercury will go in fall soon, is it bothersome? Uranus with moon, may be shows income through web may be. Also 11th lord, income from biz lord in my 8th and in fall as well, but saturn there in own sign. Is it bad? But exalted Ve applies Sa. Next 11th lord will be mars, which also lacks dignity in Sag. What do you suggest? Plz guide.

Also I am opting for the business the very first time, so I don't know what to expect. In case anyone is interested, here are my birth details, 26/07/1986, 22:45, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India.

Also this is the first time, I am getting into business, so I don't know what to expect. In case, anyone is interested this is my birth details,
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I don't know how did I make this mistake. Plz find the attached correct chart. And thank you so much for your observation!

I am worried seeing this chart, I feel its negative?

hello Ananyaa
personally i have mixed feelings about this chart.Of cource the business as l10=a strong dignified saturn , though succedent, its a very good thing and we see also that this exalted venus, and as a benefic aspecting saturn is great also.Still the business in moon's detriment, while moon your pocket and in 12th and even if we would like to distinguish the profit from this business itself as l11 we see this jupiter in his fall and term but fall is stronger than term also harming your pocket, moon.The forthcoming moon's aspect to sun also is not very encouranging ..though your question is not will i do the business but should i do it? still it speaks about difficulties cause sun in his detriment and in this chart accidental sig for the 3rd communications, social media, promotion..etc but also 4th =your father, it might be relevant to the difficulty you face finding/communicating with- the proper manufacturer.and this sun prohibits the moon's aspect to jupiter as l7-l11.
So, to sum up, i wouldn't say that this idea of yours is bad, is just that it will be time and cost consuming and you as peregrine mercury soon about to enter his detriment and fall in pisces and of cource venus exaltation ( fashion), you'll be in extremely weak position.aldebaran also on your asc speaks about your need to make a fresh start, however i think that you should consider the pros and cons of this endeavor and have a more solid plan in order to initialize it.
i wish you all the best:smile:
waybread and AriaVenue, thank you so much for insights.

@AriaVenue, as you mentioned my parents is not in very much favor of this idea, but still trying to support, (also they feel I am so educated, had great career, why am I thinking of doing this) and at the same time he is not having much confidence in the idea. He is also helpless, as he also doesn't have any contacts or anything in this line, its very tedious thing. This thing is just stuck there for more than a month. This has really upset me now, and I don't know what to do in life. Its been 5 years, I have not earned a single penny. I have been asking this question for last four years - 'when will I get the job', every single time chart is negative and they advised me to look for something else. But I had this confidence that I will get job and kept on lingering for job, dint apply to lower positions or pay than my previous position, as for me job has always been about career and respect. I really feel down when I think I am not able to contribute anything financially into my marriage (though there is no money crisis and he is a gem), I am so well educated and was on high of career and earned so well before. This break has just hurt my respect, confidence and repute. I dint expect this to happen ever in life.

Many other senior members on this forum know that, I am 'Masters in Chemical Engg.(Science & Tceh), Gold medalist' from one of the 'well known institutions in world' and had a professional experience of 6 years as a 'Senior Scientist in reptued USA mnc'. I quit the job to take a break and change the company. And then was never able to get back in. Once I came here (my husband got opportunity here), I was very positive. And guess what, I am just getting rejected when they know I don't have work visa. I got fed up, started youtube (Tech Travel & Food STOP!) which is also not doing that well, as I thought. I have recently applied to my similar profile in USA(4-5 days back), I know they would want to appoint me, but I am confident of rejection due to visa issues. I stopped asking this q - when will I get back in job. Then recently this idea hit me with like an intense force but I am discouraged. I don't know what's next. So I am asking:

When will I start earning? And through which medium.


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I haven't studied timing in horary, Ananyaa, mostly because there are different methods that give different results. So what is the best way around your work visa problem? Do you need one to be self-employed?
No sir, don't need work visa to be self employed, but to get a job (as I mentioned earlier, I am Masters in Chem Engg. & worked as Scientist for 6 years). I always want to go back in job but visa is the issue and then the business chart did upset me. So I wanted to know that, when will I start earning money and through which medium, like job or something else and what is that something else (so that I can invest my efforts on those lines). I mean what's next.
But anyways I always wanted to know, will I get job in the near future.