Progressed Mercury goes Rx, what can I expect? + Mars Mercury square progressed

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Night Sky

Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
It seems like the world has been put on pause. More like I've paused and the world is simply going to roll away from me.

Since Mercury rules my 1st and 10th houses it probably means more.

It may be a saving grace, because my progressed Mercury is in a square with progressed Mars on the progressed ascendant. So Mercury going Rx signifies that it pulls back 2 degrees before it can perfect to this Mars square, effectively avoiding that car crash.

In the progressed chart:
ASC 18 Libra
Mars 19 Libra
Mercury Rx 16 Capricorn

In my life it feels like I've been on a high speed chase, with lots of tension. And this year the year of the progressed Rx Mercury all the tension is being pulled off and it seems like I can take the foot right off the gas completely.There is still tension there, but it seems like it is easing off.

I was in a job, which was stressful, now it is gone. There is still stress, from relatives. But their own lives have been turned upside down, so they can't complain so much any more.

I am wondering what others have experienced during the retrograde progressions? Especially if the planet in question rules the natal 1st and 10th houses?

I used to read quite a lot of books. But this year I haven't read a single book. I haven't found anything I wanted to. Or perhaps my taste has changed? I have a desire to read history for some reason. My progressed Mercury is in Capricorn.

I feel like I've just stopped the world completely and it is moving forward and I'm just sitting still and it is rolling off away from me. But since it is taking that Mars square, fingers crossed it is also going to signify more peaceful days with less stress and less arguments. Mars is my 3rd lord in the natal chart so these stresses were a lot to do with siblings. But also mental, and to with teaching, which is a 3rd house thing.

If I just sit still and let the aggressors carry on forward, this is surely a beneficial pausing of the action. Maybe someone can give some light on the Mars-Mercury square too. I don't have it in the natal chart at all, just as a progression and the last few years have been stressed to the maximum.
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