Progressed Moon Changing Houses

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Jun 21, 2006
My progressed moon is about to change houses in a couple of weeks. I feel a lot of pressure building up inside of me. I was trying to see if there might be an astrological explanation for my tension and that is when I started thinking about my progressed moon changing houses and how the recent lunar eclipse in capricorn might be a reflection of the tensions I'm feeling. I want to add that I beleive that the stars are a reflection of my feelings not the other way around. I don't feel the way I do because of the stars- but instead the stars reflect my inner state. This perspective helps me take ownership of my feelings instead of blaming it on the stars.

I looked back at the point when the progressed moon last changed houses for me and I felt a lot of frustration and angst at that time. It feels a little different this time. It's more like minor tension. Last time when my progressed moon moved into the 4th house, I decided I need new living arrangements. This time I feel a little fed up with some of my peers.

My question is this: have you personally expierenced tension or heightened emotions when the progressed moon changed houses for you? I guess I'm looking for confirmation that I'm not the only one who feels a lot of angst when the moon changes houses, but I'm open to the idea that I might be in the minority on this one. Oh, and if you don't mind, let's keep the progressed moon changing signs as a seperate thread.

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Hi Lillybelle! I dont really notice changes like that but will have a good look next time. On the 11th of September my Progr. Moon will enter my 4th house, so lets see if that will bring a change of circumstances. My natal Moon rules my 9th house and is in the 12th. I will make a note and report back if there is anything unusual happening then.

I know u said u'd rather keep signs and houses as separate threads but my houses match up quite closely with the corresponding signs. The 2 times I remember feeling angst and heightened emotions when the moon changed house/sign was when it entered the 4th and cancer, and the 6th and Virgo. When it entered the 4th I cried at the drop of a hat for about 2 months, which is not like me at all and when it entered the 6th I suffered from anxiety attacks. But those 2 houses would tend to reflect those kind of feelings anyway so in future I'll watch for what u describe when it enters the other houses and report back!
Thank you for the feedback! I also felt a lot of tension when the progressed moon moved into the 4th house. I guess it makes sense being an angular water house.
I don't feel you can 'just' look at progressed moon in houses, cos you are only getting half the picture, then what is the progressed moon doing by 'aspect'

When you say tension just before it changes, that's prob cos it's 29' which is a critical degree in any sign and of course doubly so if your house cusp is 29'

I personally don't look at house without looking at the sign and aspects
I don't use the whole house system, so my 5th house cusp is 5' capricorn. The aspect that I am looking at is the progressed moon being within a half degree of conjuncting the cusp of my 5th house. My biggest consideration here is that the progressed moon is moving into a different arena of my life.
I understand that you use an equal house system, so my take on the progressed moon changing houses probally wouldn't hold much validity with you, but I'm glad you shared your view on the topic.
I don't use the whole house system, so my 5th house cusp is 5' capricorn. The aspect that I am looking at is the progressed moon being within a half degree of conjuncting the cusp of my 5th house. My biggest consideration here is that the progressed moon is moving into a different arena of my life.
I understand that you use an equal house system, so my take on the progressed moon changing houses probally wouldn't hold much validity with you, but I'm glad you shared your view on the topic.

You have probably already noticed that transiting Pluto is lurking your 5th house cusp now. :alien::cool::andy:
That ought to make this particular pr Moon really unforgettable. :cool: My natal moon is right there too so I am with you.
Yes, I'm actually pretty curious about what pluto moving into the 5th is going to be like. I hope it brings the birth of my first child and a renewed interest in some old, neglected hobbies. It will be interesting- pluto, the north node and my progressed moon are all going to be rolling through my 5th house at the same time.
Yes, I'm actually pretty curious about what pluto moving into the 5th is going to be like. I hope it brings the birth of my first child and a renewed interest in some old, neglected hobbies. It will be interesting- pluto, the north node and my progressed moon are all going to be rolling through my 5th house at the same time.

That certainly sounds like it could mean childbirth, and renewed interest in past hobbies.
Also geneaology and ancestry related pursuits and antiques and restoration of old items as well.
The geneaolgy and ancestral connection part fits really well, as I'll be moving back to my place of orgin about 2 months before pluto enters my 5th. I'm finally going home after having been gone for 6 years.
I know I'm gettig us way off topic here, but could you explain why genealogy is associated with pluto in the 5th? This is an association I wasn't aware of- though I know sometimes associations can't really be explained.
Also geneaology and ancestry related pursuits and antiques and restoration of old items as well.

Lillybelle, I think Catydid meant this Pluto in 5 as hobbies related to these things.
Is that right Caty?

Pluto is often also seen as the planet representing the Mother (in my horoscope very much so!!) as well as the Moon of course. Now, if you have those two AND the NN transiting your 5th, yes, great likelyhood of becoming pregnant during this period.
i think katydid is absolutely right concerning the importance of this progression moving hand in hand with the pluto transit, i feel an urge to settle down a home, not a house, but a home with everything this word implies, i have dreams about renovating an old building, i need to be creative in all possible ways, make a home, make a family

I'm feeling almost exactly what you are descibing. I want to go home so bad. I feel like there is a homing device in me telling me to go home now. I'm finally at peace with my place of orgin. It took me leaving for 6 years to realize how good my home is. I want to go home now and buy a home- my forever home- preferablly an older home from the 1920s or so. I'm graduating from school in December and then I'm packing my bags and going home. It's funny how these feelings have been getting stronger and stronger for me as pluto has been edging his way out of my 4th house. I think pluto in the 4th taught me where home is at.
I've heard before that just before a planet leaves a house, a significant event in relation to that house can be expected, like its making a final push to secure change in that area, so that may be why both of you are feeling the tug of home right now.
I've heard before that just before a planet leaves a house, a significant event in relation to that house can be expected, like its making a final push to secure change in that area, so that may be why both of you are feeling the tug of home right now.

I think you hit the nail on the head.
Ok, - end of 12th: decided to change career.. which i managed, a couple of months later... the new career had nothing to do with my studies (self-undoing?)

- end of 1st: grandfather died [he had been like a father to me: 1st stands among other things for early childhood conditioning, right?]... decided to live abroad (and never come back :tongue:)

This is really interesting! My moon has just returned and now it is conjunct my ascendant. Once my moon started to conjunct the ascendant I changed jobs faster than you would believe. I was working in McDonalds, which I hated, and I had been there for over 8 months. I interviewed for the position that I'm in now, and had all of two business days notice before I had to start here.

Once this job finishes in the next twelve months, I'll be travelling to Ireland, and I'll take int eh rest of Europe while I'm gone, and I don't know if I'll come back or not. But we'll see. I have EU citizenship, so if I like it, I probably won't come back.

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