Progressed venus square natal neptune

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Oct 25, 2006
I noticed I am having progrssed venus squaring my natal neptune for the next year. Progressed venus is in the 11th house (aquarius) and natal neptune is in the seventh cusping the 8th (scorpio).
Any ideas on what to expect???:eek:
As with any Venus/Nep aspect, be cautious when entering new relationships. Be wary of the possibility of disillusionment, looking through rose colored glasses, deception. It's a very artistic influence; someone or something may inspire you. Relationships are all the rage and by all means indulge. BE. CAUTIOUS. Don't let yourself get too carried away without understanding the situation for what it -truly- is.

If Saturn and Pluto influences force you to see and undergo the reality and truth of things--Venus/Nep is just the opposite.

Good Luck,

I fully endorse Catatonia's post. Be particularly careful if you are starting a new relationship. Otherwise, if you are already in a relationship this aspect might mean that you will become disillusioned with the other person. Be cautios also in making investments, starting business partnerships, buing insurances, loans and so on,

Also take into account if you have the aspect in your natal chart, you will most likely feel this influence.

Consider transits surrounding this one. Any other long term transits will colour how you deal with this one.

I have a Venus/Neptune square in my natal chart. When transiting Neptune trined my Venus a few years ago, I began a new relationship that ended terribly but taught MANY important lessons. I grew a lot, because while the influence had lasted I was more or less blind and in love. I was deceived. When the main stages of the influence subsided (~6 mos.), Saturn and Pluto transits hit my chart and reality came crashing down on me. Again, it was beautiful while it lasted, even with the Trine.

These transits don't have to be the way my experience turned out, but I guess you should try to stay clear of idolizing someone and always leave enough room for some doubt. No one's perfect. Remember, it doesn't have to be negative.
I have Venus in Aq 1st house sq Neptune in Scorpio cj MC. I also just went through a Neptune transit cj my natal Venus!!!!!!!!!!!!! My advice to you; enjoy it for what it will bring you! I absolutely loved this transit. But, also realize that how your feeling at the moment won't's a once in a life time experience. Allow yourself to get carried away, whether it be a relationship or creative endevor. Allow yourself to feel the magic...I can't even begin to put words on how I was a good thing.

Know that the feeling won't sustain themselves. If you become involved in a new relationship, it may start out wonderful, pure bliss...but, eventually you'll come back down to earth and possible suffer from disillusionment, like I did. My heart was broken like never before, but it taught me so much. I have no regrets.

I don't know about always (the promise for disillusionment)...but then again, it wouldn't be Neptune if we didn't suffer pain and loss...there is meaning there and something to learn. It's a dity trick Neptune plays on us, but a necessary one. I would almost say for certain you will suffer in some way, shape, or much you suffer depends on how far you allow Neptune to carry you away to pure bliss. But, don't that frighten you...go where Neptune takes you, it has a lot to teach you...pure love, bliss, heaven like, pain, suffering, disillusionment, loss.

My big advice to you is be careful with you money...don't allow yourself to go broke for someone or something. People might take advantage of you. That didn't happen to me luckily, but looking back on it, I see there was the potental. When your in love, your willing to share all that you have with the other person. Just be cautious and careful this person is really worthy of your time and money. You never know what Neptune will bring you, it could be real saint of a person, or an eel. Don't get involved with people who have drinking or drug problems...thinking you can save them. Neptune has a lot to do with savior/victim relationships. good luck.
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Discover said:
So is there always a promise for dissolusionment with this aspect?:confused:

NO. The problem with this aspect natally, progressively, and transit-wise, is the fact that people get SO carried away. They become blind to the reality of things. You let stuff sort of fly right by know? The risk for disillusionment is high for this reason. Now, here's the other thing--

Progressions within the natal chart last longer than transits do. This is just like a natal aspect that you've acquired along the way, and it'll stay with you until Venus moves into the next sign--probs in about 30 years given or take a few ;)

I'm a firm believer in orbs AND whole sign aspects. I believe that the influence of this aspect will climax when Venus reaches the alotted orb without Neptune's range. Say, within an 8 degree orb or so (roughly). If you want to go tighter, say about 4 -5 degrees within orb, it'll be even stronger (and so forth). SOOO, here's the bottom line: it'll be there for the next couple of decades. It'll be most strong when within orb, and events will be activated with the appropriate transits.

If something negative happens, it won't always be this way because you'll most likely learn from the experience. It's a very creative, lighthearted influence. Appreciate it. You can't really put an accuracy on whether a positive influence will last or not. Everything arrives in patterns. The ups and downs of life are called ups and down for that reason. Reality doesn't have to be crashing down on you forever, being wholeheartedly unconditional doesn't last forever either. This is common sense. Dream big--but don't dream so big that your goals are out of reality's range.

I hope this has helped.
