Progressions: Saturn-Venus, Sun-Jupiter

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Night Sky

Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008

I currently have a couple of really interesting progressions. The first one is Sun progressed conjunct Jupiter progressed. Both on the verge of the natal IC.

Sun 21 5´ Sag
Jupiter 21 46' Sag
Natal IC 22 52´Sag

Both these planets have a degree or two before they reach the IC, but they are within one degree of each other already.

This is meant I´ve read to be a very useful progression. And I can see it beginning to have effect on my career. I´ve started teaching and hoping to get some professional qualifications very soon in August. I was wondering about its effects on the home life also...

The second progression is Venus progressed conjunct Natal Saturn. This will be within one degree orb in September. This progression takes place in Scorpio in natal 2nd house. Though the Natal Venus is in Libra and Angular and free from stressful aspects. Natal Saturn is 45 Ascendant exact, and 90 degrees Sun/Moon.
So the Venus progression to Saturn will be:

Progressed Venus 8 8´
Natal Saturn 9 22´

With Natal Saturn semi-square Natal Ascendant, and Square Sun/Moon, (midpoint).

What I can say about this progression at the moment is that I suffer through it. How should I be? How should I act? I don´t really know what it is that I am doing wrong, but I know that I do wrong. Should I be serious and cold...? To avoid being hurt...? I seem to be heading in that direction. It is as if to have feelings is a crime, I find myself contantly saying "I will control my feelings and not let them dictate what I know with my head." But on the other hand I know without a doubt that my feelings are right.

[thread is about progressions so moved to Progressions forum - Moderator]
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Hi NS,


As you know, the difficulty with responding to your threads is in coming up with something that you've not already seen and carefully considered yourself already........So, I'm gonna answer this as if you were new to progressions (in the hope that someone who is might benefit even if you don't)......knowing you'll not be offended by my seemingly condescending approach if it might help others.


I think both of these progressions are linked to the teaching theme in your natal chart............The first being the unfolding of the natal Jupiter (teaching career) in Sagittarius/3rd conjunct South Node opposing North Node.......And the second about developing the personal qualities required to teach/relate to others successfully........So, it's no surprise that the latter is prompting you to ask yourself "How should I be? How should I act? I don´t really know what it is that I am doing wrong, but I know that I do wrong..........."

Seems to me that the first progression reflects the completion of of the "natally-promised" journey to become a teacher..........with next years Sun/IC exact conjunction indicating the timing, whilst Jupiter continues towards it's progressed objective of "being at home" in a new career involving communications.

The second progression is perhaps less the natal configuration being triggered here is Venus semi-sextile Saturn, respectively in 8th and 24th harmonic aspect to Sun/Moon (which are qcx each other)......with the contact from progressed Venus telling us the focus now is upon learning how to use/combine the sun/moon/saturn qualities when relating to students (natally Venus rules 9th house of Higher Education).

The 24th harmonic Saturn to the Sun/Moon qcx indicates that you enjoy the struggle between a subsconscious desire to be open with others (Moon in Aries/8th) and a conscious reluctance to reveal too much (Sun in Scorpio/3rd)..........The 8th harmonic Venus to the Sun/moon qcx shows that persisting with this creates problems in relationships........And the progression is making you consider how that persistence might affect the teacher/student relationship.

Thus....."I will control my feelings and not let them dictate what I know with my head" may not be the right thing to do if you aim to be a passionate and motivating teacher..........Or it might be the right thing to do......And progressed Venus is asking you to decide.


Thanks EJ,

I´d like to say that you are spot on with what you said about a few things.

First though, I´m still not sure I will "make it", I like to start things and accomplish them in one quick effort. I got a job, but it is temporary, so there is insecurity there. I am still unqualified, on paper, and so I´m also afraid that when I go and do my course, they might tell me I´m no good, and the reason would be my personality, my speaking ability etc. I´ve had a fear of public speaking all my life. But it seems that I´m OK with 24 noisy kids.

That I

"enjoy the struggle between a subconscious desire to be open with others (Moon in Aries/8th) and a conscious reluctance to reveal too much"

is also correct. I think that there is a lot of "subconscious" stuff going on, between me and a female teacher that I´m working with. When I mentioned the Venus-Saturn progression I wasn´t really talking about career as such. It was about me and her. Professional boundaries. etc. etc. I sit in her classes and she sits in mine. We spend pretty much all morning every day together.

"personal qualities"

Yes, in fact that´s actually a BALANCING ACT. I started out way too nice. Way too lenient with the kids. One class is out of order and unlikely to co-operate now because I was weak with them. Another one is just about in place. I lost my temper in that class the other day, shouted and unleashed all that I had, I think that they are a lot more conscious of what is expected of them now. They must get their books out and listen at the beginning of my classes. To be truly angry for a thirty second burst, allows me to be Mr Nice for the rest of the months I´m with them. It think that´s Libra Venus... Balancing the energy of Mars and Jupiter. And also the Gemini MC, I have to be two people, I have to be Authoritarian and Liberal, it´s a language class, you have to feel at ease to be able to talk, and to want to be there. But you also need to be told to get out your stuff and pay attention too. Sounds obvious, but not so easy. You must be liked, but you must also be respected at the same time.

Thanks again for answering my question EJ. Much appreciated.

I currently have a couple of really interesting progressions. The first one is Sun progressed conjunct Jupiter progressed. Both on the verge of the natal IC.

Sun 21 5´ Sag
Jupiter 21 46' Sag
Natal IC 22 52´Sag

Both these planets have a degree or two before they reach the IC, but they are within one degree of each other already.

This is meant I´ve read to be a very useful progression. And I can see it beginning to have effect on my career. I´ve started teaching and hoping to get some professional qualifications very soon in August. I was wondering about its effects on the home life also...

The second progression is Venus progressed conjunct Natal Saturn. This will be within one degree orb in September. This progression takes place in Scorpio in natal 2nd house. Though the Natal Venus is in Libra and Angular and free from stressful aspects. Natal Saturn is 45 Ascendant exact, and 90 degrees Sun/Moon.
So the Venus progression to Saturn will be:

Progressed Venus 8 8´
Natal Saturn 9 22´

With Natal Saturn semi-square Natal Ascendant, and Square Sun/Moon, (midpoint).

What I can say about this progression at the moment is that I suffer through it. How should I be? How should I act? I don´t really know what it is that I am doing wrong, but I know that I do wrong. Should I be serious and cold...? To avoid being hurt...? I seem to be heading in that direction. It is as if to have feelings is a crime, I find myself contantly saying "I will control my feelings and not let them dictate what I know with my head." But on the other hand I know without a doubt that my feelings are right.


[thread is about progressions so moved to Progressions forum - Moderator]

The Sun/Jupiter to the natal IC is fabulous imo. That represents you coming into your own, and you growing up into the benevolent philosopher that you always thought you might be, deep down inside. :bandit::cool:
Ebertins book on midpoints says about Sun/Jupiter=IC;
" Aspiring health, wealth and possessions. A happy, harmonious and wealthy person. Good luck in ones own enterprises."

So this progression seems very beneficial overall. You may have to work against being to benevolent or kind however, as your IC may become emotionally connected, and give others the benefit of the doubt, even if they do not deserve it.
In terms of the home life, take care not to overspend just now. :pinched:
You may luck into some nice circumstances, but do not sign anything that compels you to overspend.

As for your second progression, Venus to Saturn, that is a bit more difficult.
Saturn is in a stressful place, being semisquare the asc, and square your luminary midpoint. That might indicate that you feel compelled to test yourself, and to push yourself, past your comfort zone. That is a good thing overall. But now your nicely aspected Venus in Libra is progressing into meeting up with your difficult saturn. You may find yourself attracted to someone outside your comfort zone now. :love::cool::whistling:
You can't fight it forever, so you may have to give it a go at some point.
But this person or relationship will see you clearly, and may uncover some of your hidden faults. :ninja::annoyed:
It may feel awkward, but compelling none the less. But Saturn represents obstacles, and there may be other people and rules/restrictions in the way of fulfillment, But isnt that part of Saturns lesson in your chart? You cannot always get what you want, but you do get what you NEED!:andy:

The Saturn challenging your asc and sun/moon indicates that venus is going to make it OK for you to be Saturnian from here on out. You may have avoided being controlling or authoritative in the past, as it challenged who you thought you were. But Venus is going to show you HOW to take control in a way that does not betray the real you, but still gets the job done. :bandit:
Hi Katydid,

Thanks for the wonderful reply you have written to my question. I´ve taken those things in, but I´ve also while thinking about it and looking at the midpoint realised that I am destined for misery.:crying:

Saturn is at 9 22 Scorpio

Sun/Moon = 10 01 Aqua

Ascendant/Midheaven = 8 43 Leo

So Saturn is square to both of the most important midpoints. I´ve realised why I am the way I am now. Whatever Saturn means, it´s made me unable to be with people. I am very cold with people. Serious to the point of absurd.
I typed in Venus and Saturn and progression and I found the thread that I started some time ago.

I'm still interested in this progression.

I can comment though, that since I began this thread in June, I have gained the qualifications and found some part time work teaching English in Higher Education.

To me this speaks of Jupiter and Sun in Sagittarius. I have become an "Enthusiastic teacher". Someone with energy and optimism, someone who jokes in class. Life has many paths, and I may well take other paths in the future, but this progression right now has brought me an inner confidence and happiness based on my self in a career where I am teacher.

The Venus Saturn part of the equation, I don't readily see. Venus applies to Natal Saturn, and also to natal S/M midpoint, which Saturn is 90 degrees in aspect to.

Venus is the planet that most are interested in because she brings love as a benific.

I will comment that Saturn is a hard task master. But it wouldn't be others that are hard.

I will update this thread, maybe in another 9 months or a year.
Thank you EJ, I am pretty pleased anyway.

The progressions are kind to me.

The natal stars are kind to me also. I am grateful towards fate.