God’s Light
Hello everyone .
I’m new in this Astrology forum.
These’re my Indian Sidereal Birth Charts below (Lagna and Navamsha charts) has inserted in this post. My birth informations are as the following:
Birth date: 29th of February 2000AD.
Birth hour and minutes: 10:10AM.
Birth location: Makkah (or Mecca), Saudi Arabia .
Is there a possibility for me to be a psychic? Between 2022-2023AD, I suddenly start to have visions from other dimensions; I start to see strange entities, strange things, strange people, and many prophetic sleeping dreams; as well as I start to receive symbolic messages (from the universe?). It was the most strange thing that happened in my life; but it suddenly stop happening to me and I don’t know why.
Is there a possibility for me to be able to return these experiences? Can I be a psychic?
Thanks to you all . God’s Light.
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