Anyone on here get psychic visions? I know ashria does
Far out I've been getting psychic dreams and visions that have become more frequent with increasing intensity and clarity. I can't believe the events I'm seeing in the world. I'm shocked with the number of ppl involved in secret controversial/rebellious acts. Like so many ppl affiliated in a large group. Or simply the secret life of anyone. It pops into my head and then I'm freaked out to see the unconventional acts.
Far out I've been getting psychic dreams and visions that have become more frequent with increasing intensity and clarity. I can't believe the events I'm seeing in the world. I'm shocked with the number of ppl involved in secret controversial/rebellious acts. Like so many ppl affiliated in a large group. Or simply the secret life of anyone. It pops into my head and then I'm freaked out to see the unconventional acts.
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