Psychic visions

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Feb 3, 2013
Anyone on here get psychic visions? I know ashria does :).

Far out I've been getting psychic dreams and visions that have become more frequent with increasing intensity and clarity. I can't believe the events I'm seeing in the world. I'm shocked with the number of ppl involved in secret controversial/rebellious acts. Like so many ppl affiliated in a large group. Or simply the secret life of anyone. It pops into my head and then I'm freaked out to see the unconventional acts.
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Do you have Moon trine Neptune in natal? Though I have not had any apart from one strange one I distinctly remember about an incarnation of the lord almighty destroying dark entities, I would love to watch this thread. An interesting topic indeed.
Do you have Moon trine Neptune in natal? Though I have not had any apart from one strange one I distinctly remember about an incarnation of the lord almighty destroying dark entities, I would love to watch this thread. An interesting topic indeed.

Hi. No I don't have moon trine Neptune. I take it its my asc ruler in 12th sextile 12th ruler and trine Neptune. Even though I like being able to have visions I find the events uncomfortable. I can feel the emotions of the moment and often its disgusting.
That's quite possible to as Neptune is dreams/visions. Are you an empath/clairsentient?

Oddly enough I don't think I can read ppl very well. I have to totally rely on dreams coming to me to understand what's going on. Without the dreams, I'm clueless.
What kind of psychic dreams do you have? Ones of someone's potential future? I curious about this as often I hear/see in YouTube people talking about their experience of 'timelines' some of which collapse.

Hmmm... What are timelines?

The first dream I payed attention to was that of the mass immigration to Germany a few years ago. I dreamt it two months before it happened but most of the time my dreams occur as the event is in motion. But because it is my dream, I'm usually in the dream. So the ship of immigrants turned up to the shore where I live. And the ppl looked Indian with colourful scarves and outfits. They went straight into the food courts like nothing had happened. I had another two dreams that exposed secret undertakings. Then some expose what family members are doing. But my latest one was of the after party at the golden globes. That one really shocked me!!
There was also a dream I had last year where ppl were being selectively killed (bus bombings or shot secretly) by men who posed to be protecting us (wearing outfits the FBI were). But it was a private organisation. They were asking questions relating to genetics eg: blood type and then secretly killing those who didn't fit their requirement, but then covering it up saying they're protecting us. Why do I believe this dream? Cos all my otherdreams camea true.
Hmmm... What are timelines?

The first dream I payed attention to was that of the mass immigration to Germany a few years ago. I dreamt it two months before it happened but most of the time my dreams occur as the event is in motion. But because it is my dream, I'm usually in the dream. So the ship of immigrants turned up to the shore where I live. And the ppl looked Indian with colourful scarves and outfits. They went straight into the food courts like nothing had happened. I had another two dreams that exposed secret undertakings. Then some expose what family members are doing. But my latest one was of the after party at the golden globes. That one really shocked me!!

Think of timelines are the 5th Dimension. As far as I am aware, the 5th Dimension is the gateway to what could have been and/or what could be. There is no fixed acceleration of time in the 5th Dimension. So there are 'timelines' which are constantly being created, whilst others are collapsing simultaneously. Light workers, shamans (I think), twin flames, kundalini activated people, others alike, tend to have access to these it's been suggested. So pasts, presents, and futures can all be see by them.

Judging by what you say, it sounds as if you have an active Ajna chakra (3rd eye chakra) for divine sight. Do you practice any form of yoga or do you channel from angels?
Hi. No I don't have moon trine Neptune. I take it its my asc ruler in 12th sextile 12th ruler and trine Neptune. Even though I like being able to have visions I find the events uncomfortable. I can feel the emotions of the moment and often its disgusting.

I have moon trine neptune. Yes I can sense and see through people intention. Sometimes doesn't even need to physically met them can sense even through writing if they themselves.
Think of timelines are the 5th Dimension. As far as I am aware, the 5th Dimension is the gateway to what could have been and/or what could be. There is no fixed acceleration of time in the 5th Dimension. So there are 'timelines' which are constantly being created, whilst others are collapsing simultaneously. Light workers, shamans (I think), twin flames, kundalini activated people, others alike, tend to have access to these it's been suggested. So pasts, presents, and futures can all be see by them.

Judging by what you say, it sounds as if you have an active Ajna chakra (3rd eye chakra) for divine sight. Do you practice any form of yoga or do you channel from angels?

Well I wish I could see my own future...

I have done yoga before. I find it rather boring. I would love to be able to do relaxation more often but currently never get the opportunity.
I have moon trine neptune. Yes I can sense and see through people intention. Sometimes doesn't even need to physically met them can sense even through writing if they themselves.

That's a great talent.
Hmmm, interesting. My HB has moon conjunct Neptune. He is deluded and can't read ppl at all lol.
Yes I do too, I try to block it out as much as possible. Also, I am weirdly connected to online and usually have dreams someone reaches out before they do. It could also just be subconscious perception from picking up on patterns and body language when I am awake. Lol at above post.
That's a great talent.
Hmmm, interesting. My HB has moon conjunct Neptune. He is deluded and can't read ppl at all lol.

Lol,I don't know what influence how people can sense others. I am most of the time accurate
Moon trine Neptune especially if one or the other is deposited in the 12th, I feel, seems to be a common natal placement for those who are naturally intuitive. Wish I was born with this.

Yes 12th
I also have hades moon and other aspects support that intuitive nature
I forgot to mention, to also look at the harmonic charts. They may reveal why one may have intuitive gifts/abilities. I'm currently studying about harmonics and I'm not sure which one in particular does refer to this. However, I'd say it's best to study the harmonic charts, up to the 9th harmonic. Pay particular attention to the 4th, 5th, 7th and 9th charts as these tend to be the most important of them all. Not sure why these ones in particular.
The luminaries (depending on your own practice), generally tend to have a 10º orb allowance. So your aspect should still give you a sense at the very least of things that others don't notice.

Ok I have Neptune trine moon as well. Wider orbs allowed. I don’t find literature on this being a psychic aspect.