Psychological interpertation of this state of mind please

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I've been following this thread and the recent one that popped up about mental problems but wasn't satisfied with the astrological explanations given until I came to the bit about the 12th house south node. How interesting! I strongly feel that mental problems are 12th house related but when I read threads on this forum about it, it doesn't often reflect that.

So I am happy with this explanation. I have South Node and Mercury in 12th house Pisces and have had mental problems, feelings of craziness and mental busy-ness that cause depression all my life.

Great advice Tee_jay66

Your south node is in the 12th house (surprise, surprise)....exactly where mine is., and the natural home of neptune...the great illusionist.

You probably have lived lives withdrawn or as a hermit, maybe even solitary confinement or in prayer and contemplation. In this life you need to develop your north node more which will help you escape from the confines of the 12th house expression, and yours is 6th house.

How do you feel when you are helping others in some way? Do you forget about yourself for awhile? How about being of service to other family members in small ways?

Also...Pets.......pets are great for this can bestow all your love on pets....also look after your health more and make your body into a temple by feeding it nourishing foods and becoming more in tune with it to ground yourself?

It is perhaps due to the habit of looking within too much and letting the mind drift off too much that the mind goes a bit too nutty. Sitting in a yoga pose, becoming aware of the body, grounding and the living in the physical life of the 6th house helps. My pets are my little rescuers and brings me back to the physical and away from too much mental journeying. Thanks for this thread.
I thought I had to develop my true node in Sagittarius. It pretty much describes everything I wish I was.

you do in 6th house and so your south node is in 12th house. In gemini.

You are still young - I really would encourage you to get a proper astrologically reading from a qualified astrologer, choosing carefully who you get this from.

if you do need help with medical matters you must seek help from a qualified professional. not on this forum. there is nothing wrong in getting counselling etc. to be honest I think it is something everyone could benefit from.

while the chart can show a tendancy towards mental strife and conflict - astrologers are not medics.

even with difficult aspects there is much that can be done ie in the way you live your life to improve things for yourself.
I've been following this thread and the recent one that popped up about mental problems but wasn't satisfied with the astrological explanations given until I came to the bit about the 12th house south node. How interesting! I strongly feel that mental problems are 12th house related but when I read threads on this forum about it, it doesn't often reflect that.

So I am happy with this explanation. I have South Node and Mercury in 12th house Pisces and have had mental problems, feelings of craziness and mental busy-ness that cause depression all my life.

Great advice Tee_jay66

It is perhaps due to the habit of looking within too much and letting the mind drift off too much that the mind goes a bit too nutty. Sitting in a yoga pose, becoming aware of the body, grounding and the living in the physical life of the 6th house helps. My pets are my little rescuers and brings me back to the physical and away from too much mental journeying. Thanks for this thread.

thanks flowergirl. Also having neptune conjunct southnode in the 12th house,
poses similar problems for myself.

I find giving attention to my northnode which is taurus in 6th house.....gardening, being of service to others, loving my precious cats and doing yoga and meditation certainly gives me grounding and prevents my mind from an inward spiral of panic and confusion .
you do in 6th house and so your south node is in 12th house. In gemini.

You are still young - I really would encourage you to get a proper astrologically reading from a qualified astrologer, choosing carefully who you get this from.

if you do need help with medical matters you must seek help from a qualified professional. not on this forum. there is nothing wrong in getting counselling etc. to be honest I think it is something everyone could benefit from.

while the chart can show a tendancy towards mental strife and conflict - astrologers are not medics.

even with difficult aspects there is much that can be done ie in the way you live your life to improve things for yourself.

I don't really need any medical help lol, been there done that and all they wanna do is prescribe you medication, so I'm not interested. And anyway, I highly doubt talking about my issues once a month with my therapist could help or improve anything. So I'm interested in how astrology and learning the hard aspects can help improve my life?
But now I am confused...See I thought my SN was in Pisces and my NN was in Virgo, which is who I need to thrive to be..
Wait, you mean I have to read the houses AND the sign the nodes are in?
SN is in 12th house Gemini and my NN is in 6th house Sagittarius...
So which sign do I learn to be more like, Virgo or Sagittarius?:unsure::unsure:
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I don't really need any medical help lol, been there done that and all they wanna do is prescribe you medication, so I'm not interested. And anyway, I highly doubt talking about my issues once a month with my therapist could help or improve anything. So I'm interested in how astrology and learning the hard aspects can help improve my life?
But now I am confused...See I thought my SN was in Pisces and my NN was in Virgo, which is who I need to thrive to be..
Wait, you mean I have to read the houses AND the sign the nodes are in?
SN is in 12th house Gemini and my NN is in 6th house Sagittarius...
So which sign do I learn to be more like, Virgo or Sagittarius?:unsure::unsure:

sorry to confuse you with North and South node. Both the house and sign is lets see if I can shed some light here for you.

In this lifetime it is very easy to fall upon south node tendencies as it is habit and deeply ingrained. Yours is in the 12th, so as I said previous, you will find it easy to escape from the reality of mundane life through escapist tendencies such as drugs, drink and other addictions. Also withdrawing from people and the world is very easy for you as you have done this in previous lives.

You want to learn the North node pathway in this lifetime as you will be able to progress spiritually and wont have to be reborn again having to learn the same lessons from the 12th house.

Your north node is in saggitarius....South node...Gemini/:-

In your past lives you would have had only little concentration and a short attention span leading you in this lifetime to change your mind often about everything. You live on a superficial level and can change yourself to fit in with whatever surroundings you are in.

You agree with others when it suits you, just to gauge if others will accept you. But you swing back and two with different opinions from one day to the next, but never totally committing yourself to one train of thought.

You probably didnt have direction in your early years and it would have been through a much older person where you find your course in life...this is usually after the age of your first saturn return...around 28-29 years old.

Your quest in this life is for higher knowledge and the truth by using your higher mind and listening to your own wisdom inside.

Turn your back on all gossip, and reach for what is 'real' and 'natural'..

Your higher knowledge will be found in the realms of the 6th house.........6th house deals with health of the body and by grounding the body. pets and small animals, being of service to others and work which involves using your hands and mind in a practical way.

I hope that has helped you. Your answers to your problems are within just have to find the key to unlocking your potential. The 6th house will help.

read up on 6th house. Good luck
I'm depressed, incredibly insecure. Could I even be crazy? What in my chart can represent insanity? I think my Mercury Square Saturn can cause some kind of mental problems but is there any deeper insight?
I always feel rejected and not accepted. I have no motivation for anything.
I'm wondering what makes me feel this way and what placements or aspects cause it.
I think my Venus square Saturn also never makes me motivated enough to pursue anyone even though I want to, because I'm insecure. I use certain substances to rid my feelings of emptiness.
Please read my chart if there's anything else you can add.
And I tend to withdraw from people and avoid situations or people.

there 'could be' lots of things, I think as mercury is practically unaspected and is afflicted by square to saturn, it tends towards serious gloomy matters, introspective, good for research and studying even. mercury is scorpio will always want deep and meaningful but is mentally fixed/stubborn.

t saturn has been conj your sun, which will affect your energy levels and vitality. t uranus has/is quincunxing your mercury, suggesting communications may have been more problematic and not knowing why. this is the cunudrum of quincunxs..

mars being angular with saturn aquarius quincunx can cause problems with how your take actions conj Asc can add extra energy, sporty or competative issues but also suffer in relationships and not understand why....

Sometimes these quincunxs are obvious and recognised in personality, other times it can take a lot of self examination to identify with the planets energies and of course they (like all aspects) don't operate 100% of the time, they are simply a facet of your personality. Some say they cause health issues that are unresolved, underlying, dormant waiting to be triggered.... some say you stay at one end, to the detriment of the other, OR end up see-sawing between the two until you learn balance, integration of two unlikely pairings.

Next look at the signs, then houses and then aspects. Now the *others aspects* from these Yods as they can act like escape routes, that can help or hinder the expressions. A chart with lots of Yods (Finger of God) will always be *searching* for the divine answers to the meaning of life, to find synthesis

If someone has the ‘generational Pluto sextile neptune’ (born after 1940) then there is always a possibility of creating a temporary Yod with quicker moving planets, progressions, solar arcs even and difficult situations where you could be forced into making decisions and worrying that you have made the wrong one. Saturn, Uranus are generational to and unless these two fall in first quadrant (the most personal) the may not even be felt if they create a temporary Yod…this could be *transformation through suffering* type aspect

Thread by R4ven on Yods
Some of what you may feel/experience are:
  • things which happen out of the blue, and these things affect us, but are not created by us.
  • being faced with impossible choices, but where we are forced into choose something
  • a feeling of having been wronged in some way, and that we `don't deserve this' to be happening to us.
  • feeling like we're on a continual search for something in our lives, although we don't know what this `something' is.
  • well-made plans being interrupted, or even hijacked totally
  • difficulty in coping within formal education systems - eg. as in being given limited time frames in which to complete tasks (this can create high stress levels in anyone with a yod)
  • the yod itself does not provide any clear direction in life.
  • those with unaspected planets will have difficulty in using it effectively when put under pressure.
  • walking a different path, feeling `different' from others can lead to deep feelings of insecurity, and perhaps even believing themselves to have been `born into the wrong family'. (This one freaked me out a bit, since I spent much of my childhood believing this...)
  • with an unaspected planet, in childhood the over-developed effects of the planet may be suppressed in some way by parents. (eg. my brother has an unaspected `duet' between Mars and Jupiter. As a child he `bounced off the walls' and was a real handful. My mother took him to the Dr and he was put on some kind of sedative to calm him down. Eventually he became a successful athlete, and so this became a channel for his excessive energy.)
  • unconsciously developing towards future activities - perhaps over a period of years - without being aware of this.
  • a sense that one is a Spiritual Warrior, as you find that what seems to satisfy others in life in no way is satisfactory for you - that you are searching for `something more'. &postcount=21
There is *something* about taking action (mars) that is at odds with saturn. But I think with the quincunx there is less *conscious awareness* of these two energies and how they act, that's why their lack of understand comes in. They act in a certain way and dont' understand why they 'get back' the reactions that they do, if that makes sense?

I think with the mainstream, hard aspects there IS more conscious awareness of the energies and how the act and 'have to' blend but with the quincunx it seems like it's harder to see/recognise and blend.

Mars Quincunx (Inconjunct) Saturn

“Your sense that only you can do something right is lodged in your imbalanced self picture. Too much work and too little spectrum of relating leaves you feeling slightly victimized by life. You create your own limits. Slowing down and quieting down helps you see this. You need a better sense of time, then you achieve better results with less effort. You can do this as soon as you are more balanced in your outlook and your judgment works in a less comparative mode.”
when t saturn was conj your sun it also formed a square to natal neptune and this is 'classic depression' type aspects...

signs of depression

North Node is in Saggi in 6th house of daily routines, co-workers, service. so broadminded Saggi traits need developing. south node in Gemini tends to scatter energies, knows a little about a lot but nothing in great depth. In 12th house, could suggest incarnations of isolation, meditation and merging with spirit. this time around you have to come away from the need for privacy, isolation and trivia and become more independent, broad minded, philosophical, and to be of service to others..
I'm depressed, incredibly insecure. Could I even be crazy? What in my chart can represent insanity? I think my Mercury Square Saturn can cause some kind of mental problems but is there any deeper insight?
I always feel rejected and not accepted. I have no motivation for anything.
I'm wondering what makes me feel this way and what placements or aspects cause it.
I think my Venus square Saturn also never makes me motivated enough to pursue anyone even though I want to, because I'm insecure. I use certain substances to rid my feelings of emptiness.
Please read my chart if there's anything else you can add.
And I tend to withdraw from people and avoid situations or people.
The first thing I thought when I saw your use of the word “depressed” was repressed anger….depression is often the face anger wears when it is not or cannot be expressed. The Mars so close to your ascendant HAS to be expressed, otherwise it folds back on itself & does become depression. I think the idea someone else suggested for yoga is great, but “hot” yoga (bikram) might be a good option, or some kind of martial art. It expresses the martian energy in a safe way. The cancer ascendant really needs to take care of itself before it can take care of others…, use that Mars - run, exercise, cycle - every day. (this will also satisfy the Sag on 6th house…everyday health).
I was interested to see the 3 water houses so significantly posited, and I think it gives some clues to perhaps why you feel so out of your depth at times.
The 12th house contains your south node….it is where you feel at home. I think the problem with using substances is that it lures you back into that familiar space of the 12th ie the feeling of being “beyond self, ego”…but….as you probably know, induced by substances, it’s a false state. Retreating to the 12th house & its familiarity is ok, just try to do it in healthier ways: meditate, lie in the bush, swim…..or maybe journal, keep a diary, do free association writing. When you can face the light again, dip your toe in the 6th house - find a mentor, be a mentor, get healthy, volunteer to teach a language (just something that engages that Sag need to dispense your wisdom…..cause, believe it or not, you have got wisdom!!)
Then the 4th house contains your Libran sun - this tells you that you will feel most YOU when your support system is harmonious; if the home is not peaceful, try at least to create a space that is….think colours, scents, favourite pieces of furniture/art etc.
The 8th house contains Saturn - wherever Saturn is, is where we need to really commit to the work involved with that house. The processes of the 8th house ultimately mature us - like it or not!….some people run from it; you have to commit to it. Relationships will possibly be painful - but they will teach you how to be truly autonomous. By this I mean, that some people cling, & some people run when things get tough (you have both options……& you will also attract these types) while you are learning about your own needs. I wouldn’t take anyone seriously who didn’t take your needs in a relationship seriously. This is further highlighted with that Venus Pluto Conj - you have real depth, treat yourself accordingly. You are no lightweight when it comes to matters of the heart.
At times, we not only need the psychological gloom and doom of our day to day activities but without it, we would "all be men most miserable". Whenever Saturn and Mercury have a go at it, the bowling lanes are full with strikes. The ability to stay in the moment and NOT repeat old histories take considerable time and patience, not to mention an overwhelming sense of humor to be able to laugh at the absurdity of it all...MODE of Cosmic Therapy
For a psychological change you have to commit your being to it because you're going against your biology in a way. I'd say that self discover is your gift and curse to bare bro not to be rude but there's not a narrow straight forward solution to most problems especially psychological ones.
Your sun and moon are in 2 very harmonic signs which probably indicated that you sacrifice your will for external peace. But I hope you understand the introspective world is more important then the external world unless you have people you're responsible for. Your moon is in pisces I see so try you best not to feel sorry for yourself after realizing a fact because the moment you go into self pity mode you'll probably miss out on some great insight before getting depressed. Libra have hard time expressing anger which is quite common in our self domesticated society, try to get to the root of your anger and confront him or her in a calm manner with tact your specialty if they can't handle you being direct then they aren't your friend. Pisces moon doesn't discriminate well, coming from a virgo I believe that harmony and order are the opposite imo. People will go to war to protect order but not harmony, harmony is fluent, order is foundation and harmony is life. Try to create boundaries to protect the bit of inner harmony you have left. But when it comes down to it the burden of self-awareness is yours and yours only to bare. I've seen a confident libra and pisces so don't worry it'll come with time. Commit yourself to forgiveness of other and self, gratitude, a philosophy of acceptance the world/emotions/memories/others/yourself, separating from your ego, knowing yourself, being honest with yourself, eliminating the clutter in your life, and seeking the truth/wisdom. No one really rejects you but yourself so self-confidence is basically self acceptance.
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