Quake prediction

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This weekend's 6.4-magnitude earthquake in north-east Japan (Iwaka, 2011 July 31, 03.54 JDT) was coincident within less than half-a-degree with the New Moon.

Plate tectonics will determine where these events occur, gravitational effects from the Sun and Moon will very often trigger them. It's at this point that astronomy and astrology merge and both subsume to the laws of physics.
Congratulations, Amit Dave, and keep up the good work. Someone will take notice sooner or later. Have you sent your findings to the popular national media?

All the best.

Hi Amit,
I just experienced the 6.9 on Sept 18 while in Bhutan.
I hope that others scrutinize your calculations as they seem to be highly probable!
btw, all is fine where I am, though Sikkim didn't fare so will.
"How to predict major earthquake
(a) First-We need to find the month and date when major planets such as Jupiter and Saturn change their directions, or gain excessive speed. Venus and Mercury are also important in considering for quakes of less intensity (<6.5)
(b) Second- Find the dates 15 days before and after (a) above, when the moon acts as trigger by either joining ,opposing, or squaring the planets that are changing direction or the planet having excessive speed.
Also find the dates for full moon, new moon , low neap tide moon dates and the times immediately before and after (a) above.as the moon is the main trigger"

(From http://earthquakeprediction.webs.com/ by Amit Dave)

Hi, great website! Sorry I couldn't find this on your website, but I was wondering what your thoughts are about Dec. 10 - 11, 2011, when Uranus goes direct and there is a full moon? [Such as 11:35 PM 12/10/2011 local time Tokyo, Japan (full moon) to 11:35 PM 12/11/2011 local time (Moon square Uranus)]


Another interesting observation was made by Rushwing in the thread http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34642.

"Especially important is the number of planets that are in the same sign (like the chart is heavily weighted)"

I would modify that correlation by saying that the most recent big earthquakes (i.e., those that caused significant destruction or otherwise made news) all involved a stellium that occupied up to 30 degrees of the zodiac (whether the group of planets were in the same sign or straddled two adjacent signs):

Tokyo, Japan March 11, 2011
Valparaiso, Chile February 27, 2010
Port-au-Prince, Haiti January 12, 2010



See the following link for a great discussion of earthquake prediction:


This is from Celeste Teal:
1. Watch for eclipses in which many planets fall in Fixed signs, especially when there are afflicting aspects involving these, and in particular if other dire aspects form at the same time.

2. Run an Astrolocality map for this eclipse to see where problem spots lie on the globe.

3. Be alert for a potential increase of activity near the time of an eclipse, a Moon Wobble, or a Full Moon.

4. Watch for the transiting nodes to cross an earlier suspicious eclipse; within three degrees of the Sun/Moon.

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]5. Be alert for problematic aspects at this time, especially when these form among themselves AND tie in with the particular eclipse that suggested earthquakes.
I wonder if the magnitude 6.9 earthquake which occurred on September 18, 2011 at 12:40PM UTC at the India/Nepal border and the magnitude 5.8 earthquake in Guatemala (origin of Mayan civilization) on Sept. 19, 2011:


are related retrospectively in some way to today's full moon eclipse at 18Sag11:


Notice that on Sept. 18/19, the North Node was conjunct the degree of today's eclipse as well as the MC. ["Watch for the transiting nodes to cross an earlier suspicious eclipse; within three degrees of the Sun/Moon."]

Interesting also that Guatamala and Nepal are two places that have some of the most concentrated spiritual energy.
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Interestingly, both Guatemala and eastern Nepal are located on Saturn lines in the astrolocality chart for today's full moon eclipse!:

6.5 magnitude earthquake in Iguala, Mexico at 17:47 local time on 12/10/2011:


The only things notable in the eclipse chart of Iguala, Mexico (08:36 local time) are that the North Node is nearly exactly conjunct the 12th house cusp and Pluto in the 12th house is within 3 degrees conjunct the Ascendant:


This is the second earthquake this year that occurred on a day when Uranus went direct and/or entered the first degree of Aries.
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Brain fog, here? I don't understand the second, relocated chart.

The only other aspect I noticed was Uranus quintile the south node-not an aspect one would associate with earthquakes, is it?