Quake prediction

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Sorry, I should have clarified: the first chart in the previous post relates to the time of the actual earthquake in Iguala, Mexico. The second chart is the time of the full moon eclipse on that same day in Iguala. The earthquake occurred 9 hours 11 minutes after the eclipse.

I thought it was interesting also that the location of this earthquake corresponds to the region of the Aztec empire, another locus of a spiritually advanced civilization. So, could the earthquakes that occurred in Nepal/India and Guatemala in September of this year be tied to the earthquake in Iguala/Mexico City by the eclipse on 12/10/2011? It's as if spiritual centers throughout the world are being churned awake in preparation for the changes coming in 2012. (Just a thought. :smile:)

The only other aspect I noticed was Uranus quintile the south node-not an aspect one would associate with earthquakes, is it?

Well, I don't know. In Vedic astrology, there is some association between spirituality and the South Node:

Vedic (Hindu) astrology sees the North Node (Rahu) of the Moon as representing the material world. It represents consuming desires that keep us entrapped in the world of matter.... On the other hand, Vedic astrology sees the South Node (Ketu) as more spiritual. It also represents the unconscious, darkness, fears, and in its higher form, spirituality itself.
(From http://www.stariel.com/the-planets/the-moons-nodes-myths-and-ancient-symbols/)

And regarding the quintile aspect:
When planets are quintile or bi-quintile this is an indication of uncommon creative energy and talent....Cosmic will seems to be at play here, so if creative things aren't happening, then look for destruction.
(From http://www.adze.com/Classroom/aspects.html)

So, if you accept the premise that the Iguala/Mexico City earthquake corresponds to a physical shake-up of a land site that once was inhabited by a deeply worshipful society, a place whose spiritual energies are still somehow enormous (if perhaps dormant 'til now), then maybe that's exactly what that aspect describes.
This is an overview of the astrological factors that correlate with the occurrence of major earthquakes throughout the world.

Sometimes earthquakes occur when one of the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) changes sign. One of the most notable recent examples is the earthquake that struck near Honshu, Japan on March 11, 2011, on the day when Uranus entered Aries. Earthquakes (or clusters of earthquakes) often arise within two or three days of the change in zodiac sign. For example, Jupiter entered Aries on January 22, 2011. A magnitude 7.2 earthquake occurred in Pakistan on January 18, and a magnitude 6.1 earthquake in Tajikistan on January 24. The following are further examples, this time demonstrated using the entry of Neptune into Pisces (which is especially important to note because Neptune’s passage into Pisces will reoccur this year on February 4, 2012):

April 4, 2011 – Neptune enters Pisces: earthquake on April 1 near Honshu, JAPAN [magnitude 6.0], April 1 near Dodecanese Island GREECE [6.1], April 2 in Tarapaca, CHILE [6.0], April 3 near Java INDONESIA [6.3], April 3 in Fiji Island region [6.4], April 6 near Sumatra INDONESIA [6.0], April 7 in Veracruz MEXICO [6.7], April 7 near Honshu, JAPAN [7.1].

August 4, 2011 – Neptune enters Aquarius: earthquake on July 31 in VANUATU [magnitude 6.2], July 31 in Wewak, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, August 4 in Kuril Islands [6.1], August 7 in Israel [4.2].

Very destructive or large magnitude earthquakes also are seen when a planet is stationary. The most noteworthy recent example of this correlation happened on January 12, 2010 when a powerful earthquake wreaked havoc in Leogane/Port-au-Prince HAITI, just one day prior to Saturn’s change from direct to retrograde motion. (Note that Saturn changes again from direct to retrograde on February 7, 2012.) Here are some other examples:

April 9, 2011 – Pluto is stationary: earthquake on April 7 near Honshu, JAPAN [magnitude 7.1], April 7 in Veracruz MEXICO [6.7], April 11 – 13 (multiple) near Honshu JAPAN.

June 12, 2011 – Saturn is stationary: earthquake on June 13 in Christchurch NEW ZEALAND [magnitude 6.3], June 13 in the Molucca Sea [6.3], June 16 in New Britain PAPUA NEW GUINEA [6.4]

July 9, 2011 – Uranus is stationary: earthquake on July 6 in Kermadec Islands, NEW ZEALAND [magnitude 7.6], July 9 northeast Japan [7.1], July 11 in Negros PHILLIPINES [6.4]

September 16, 2011 – Pluto is stationary: earthquake on September 15 in Ndoi Island, FIJI [7.3], September 18 at the India/Nepal border [6.9], September 19 in GUATEMALA [5.8]

December 10, 2011 – Uranus is stationary: earthquake on December 10 near Iguala, MEXICO [6.5], December 14 near Lae PAPUA NEW GUINEA [7.1]

A stellium in an astrological chart frequently accompanies earthquakes. A stellium is seen in the astrological charts of the following earthquakes:

July 28, 1976 in Tangshan CHINA [magnitude 7.8]
January 17, 1994 in Los Angeles USA [6.7]
February 27, 2010 in Valparaiso CHILE [8.8]
October 25, 2010 in Bengkulu INDONESIA [7.7]
February 22, 2011 in Christchurch NEW ZEALAND [6.3]
March 11, 2011 near Honshu JAPAN [9.0]
March 24, 2011 in Lashio BURMA [6.8]

Another common pattern noted in the event charts of earthquakes is having a planet or asteroid opposite the fixed stars Spica or Regulus . One sees this on December 26, 2004 when a 9.1-magnitude earthquake occurred near Banda Aceh INDONESIA. Uranus was opposite Regulus. Other examples include the following:

December 4, 1957 – Ulaanbaatar MONGOLIA [magnitude 8.1] – Pallas opposite Spica
March 28, 2005 near Sibolga INDONESIA [8.6] – North Node opposite Spica
January 17, 1994 in Los Angeles USA [6.7] – Saturn opposite Regulus, Lillith opposite Spica
June 3, 1994 in Surabaya INDONESIA [7.5] – Pallas opposite Spica


An interesting relationship is found between earthquakes and solar and lunar eclipses. There are typically three to six eclipses a year. Any one eclipse in a particular year belongs to a family of related eclipses that span approximately 1200 to 1400 years. Consecutive eclipses belonging to a particular family (known as a Saros series) occur 18 years apart. See Eclipses and the Saros Cycle (http://members.bitstream.net/bunlion/bpi/EclSaros.html) and The Saros Cycle – Eclipses Come In Families (http://www.bernadettebrady.com/Pdfs/SarosCycles.pdf) for more details. When the North Node coincides with the zodiac degree of an eclipse, an earthquake is often found to occur. Other eclipses in the same Saros series will be associated with an earthquake when the North Node coincides with their respective eclipse degrees within about six months of when those eclipses occur. For example:

In 1994 a lunar eclipse occurred on May 25. It belongs to the lunar Saros 140 series. The eclipse occurred at 3 degrees 41 minutes of Gemini/Sagittarius. On January 17, 1994, the day of the massive Northridge earthquake, the North Node is found at 1 degree 15 minutes of Sagittarius, a difference of only 2 degrees 26 minutes from the eclipse point.

In 1976 another eclipse of the lunar Saros 140 series took place on May 13. It happened at 23 degrees 9 minutes of Taurus/Scorpio. On November 29, 1975, when a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck Kalapana HAWAII, the North Node was at 21 degrees 46 minutes of Scorpio. This is only 1 degree 23 minutes from the eclipse degree.

In 1958 a lunar Saros 140 series eclipse occurred on May 3 at 12 degrees 35 minutes of Taurus/Scorpio. About five months previously, on December 4, 1957, a magnitude 8.1 earthquake took place in Ulaanbaatar MONGOLIA. On this day the North Node was at 10 degrees 20 minutes of Scorpio, which is only 2 degrees 15 minutes away from the 1958 eclipse degree.

(Of note, there will be another lunar Saros 140 eclipse in 2012 on June 4. It will be at 14 degrees 11 minutes of Gemini/Sagittarius. And on February 7, 2012 the North Node will be at 11 degrees 58 minutes of Sagittarius, only 2 degrees 13 minutes from this year’s lunar Saros 140 eclipse.)

At the time of an earthquake the corresponding astrological chart may contain an abundance of squares, inconjuncts and oppositions. Just to give one example, at the time of the Sibolga INDONESIA earthquake on March 28, 2005, Pluto was inconjunct Lillith and Saturn, Neptune was inconjunct Saturn and Varuna, and Jupiter was inconjunct Pars Fortuna. In addition, Pluto was square both the Vertex and Juno, Neptune was square Pars Fortuna, and Jupiter was square Varuna. In all, there were nine major challenging aspects.

When we use the correlations discussed above to look for particular days this year when a significant earthquake might occur, the days February 3 – February 8 warrant some attention. As already mentioned, in this period of time an outer planet changes signs (Neptune enters Pisces on February 4), a major planet goes stationary (Saturn stations on February 7), a stellium* is present (in Aquarius/Pisces and Pisces/Aries), and a planet is found in opposition to a fixed star that is considered one of the most fortunate (Neptune opposes Regulus). But most significantly, during these few days the North Node is only about two degrees away from the eclipse point associated with the lunar Saros 140 eclipse of 2012, an eclipse whose family history is strongly associated with major earthquakes.

*Notably, the stellium becomes more prominent several weeks afterwards on February 20, suggesting that further earthquakes will be seen beginning in late February.
A Destructive Earthquake Strikes on Feb. 6

An earthquake struck the Philippines on Feb. 6, within the Feb. 3 – 8 period predicted:

6.8 quake in Philippines kills 13, buries homes

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake destroyed buildings and triggered landslides that buried dozens of houses, trapping residents, Monday in the central Philippines. At least 13 people were killed and 29 were missing.
The 6.8-magnitude quake, in a narrow strait just off Negros Island, caused a landslide in Guihulngan, a city of about 180,000 people in Negros Oriental province. As many as 30 houses were buried and at least 29 people were missing, Mayor Ernesto Reyes said.

The quake, which hit at 11:49 a.m. (0349 GMT), triggered another landslide in the mountain village of Solongon in La Libertad town, also in Negros Oriental. An unknown number of people were trapped, said La Libertad police chief inspector Eric Arrol Besario.

(From http://news.yahoo.com/6-8-quake-philippines-kills-13-buries-homes-090600155.html )
Lilith and the Solar Saros 128 Eclipse

(Please note that all references to Lilith are to the commonly used lunar apogee Lilith, and not to asteroid Lilith, unless otherwise indicated.)

The following data demonstrate the close association between significant earthquakes and the conjunction of Lilith with the Saros 128 solar eclipse degree:

Solar Saros 128 on May 10 at 19Tau48
Earthquake on Oct. 4 with Lilith at 19Tau54 (difference of 0deg 6min, separating aspect)

A magnitude 8.1 earthquake occurred in the southern Kurils and on northern Hokkaido on Tuesday, October 5, 1994, (October 4 at 13:23 GMT). It was a sudden event, without any short- term precursors or foreshocks. The earthquake epicenter was located 80 km east southeast of Shikotan Island. At Kuzhno-Kurilsk, Kunsashir Island, tsunami heights ranged from 2.5-3.0 m.
(From http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/hazardimages/event/show/20)

Solar Saros 128 on April 29 at 9Tau13
Earthquake on Oct. 25 with Lilith at 9Tau57 (diff 0deg 44min, separating)

The most powerful recorded earthquake in Estonia, measuring 4.7 magnitudes in Richter scale, occurred on 25 October 1976 near Osmussaar and is known as the Osmussaar earthquake. The earthquake caused the collapse of some sections of the cliff on the island’s northeast coast and damaged some buildings on the island.
(From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osmussaar)

Solar Saros 128 on April 19 at 28Ari34
Earthquake on Nov. 6/7 with Lilith at 28Ari52 (diff 0deg 18min, separating)

Kuril Islands – 1958 November 06 UTC – Magnitude 8.3
Destructive earthquake (intensity IX) on the island of Iturup (Kuriles)

(From http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/world/events/1958_11_06.php)

Solar Saros 128 on April 7 at 17Ari51
Earthquake on Nov. 18 with Lilith at 17Ari46 (diff 0deg 05min, applying)

Japan [no further details found]
(From http://www.mri-jma.go.jp/Publish/Papers/DATA/VOL_23/23_001.pdf)

Solar Saros 128 on March 28 at 7Ari04
Earthquake on Dec. 8 with Lilith at 7Ari25 (diff 0deg 21min, separating)

Earthquakes on the Shimabara Peninsula (December 8, 1922, M 6.9, M 6.5) …occurred in succession in less than 10 hours. The first was at 1:50 a.m. (M 6.9), and the second was at 11:02 a.m. (M 6.5)….The first earthquake caused extensive damage in the southern Shimabara Peninsula, particularly Kitaarima. The second earthquake caused substantial damage near Obama in the western part of Shimabara Peninsula. Combined, these two earthquakes resulted in 26 fatalities, 39 people injured, and the complete collapse of some houses.
(From http://www.hp1039.jishin.go.jp/eqchreng/9-2-4.htm)

The above earthquakes, although substantial in magnitude, were not, however, as devastating as some others in the last century. Nevertheless, if we were to look for when the next earthquake is to occur that will be related to Lilith’s conjunction with the eclipse degree of this year’s Saros 128 eclipse (i.e., 00Gem20), then we would select the days Sept. 15 – 22, when Lilith transits from 00Gem15 to 01Gem04.