Question about perfection and planetary dignities/debilities

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Aug 28, 2012

I would post the chart but I don't have a computer at present. My question pertains to planetary dignities. I am saturn in the 10th in Scorpio conjoined the north node. I have accidental dignity. The quesited is the moon in cancer on the 7th house cusp (but in the 6th). We are applying by a 3 degree trine. There is no interference. But we are in each others detriment. Is it possible that the matter will perfect despite the detriment?

The relationship is experiencing some tension of which I am mostly reaponsible. However I am doing personal healing work to actively resolve my issue.

The question is: Is it likely that we will resolve the current relationship tension and find a deeper level of clear commitment and harmony in our relationship?

The trine would indicate a yes answer but I'm unsure about the detriment. Maybe it reflects the current state but the trine indicates working through it? Especially as I am not well received by the querent who is in his dignity. However my accidental dignity and north node conjunction indicate a bit of a boost or support so to speak? Also saturn (me) is conjoined my natal moon which is mostly reaponsible for the issue!

Thanks for any feedback or insight.
I am saturn in the 10th in Scorpio conjoined the north node. I have accidental dignity. The quesited is the moon in cancer on the 7th house cusp (but in the 6th). We are applying by a 3 degree trine. There is no interference. But we are in each others detriment. Is it possible that the matter will perfect despite the detriment?

Not likely. If 7th is Cancer then 1st is Capricorn, meaning Scorpio is the 11th Sign, and not the 10th Sign. Saturn placed near the MC gives Saturn more power to act, but doesn't change Saturn's condition, which is Peregrine being in Scorpio. Head/North Node increases, so Benefics become more benefic, and Malefics become more malefic. Tail/South Node decreases, so Benefics are less benefic, but then Malefics are less malefic, too.

Beneficence equates to ease, while Maleficence poses hardships and difficulties.

Saturn's condition here would indicate you're struggling.

Moon is your Co-significator, not your co-ruler. The condition and placement of Moon shows the astrologer the Querent's state-of-mind (not what they are feeling). As I understand what you have described, Moon is in Cancer, but physically in your 6th House. While the 8th House is an House of Fear --- up to and including Phobias, the 6th House is an House of Lesser Fear --- which any person with a brain would interpret as "concern" or perhaps "fearful concern" (but not at the extreme level the 8th House is).

According to Lilly, in matters relating to relationships, the Querent's Significator or Co-Significator in the 7th Sign/House indicates the Querent is very keen or loving of the Quesited. Likewise, the Signficator or Co-significator of the Quesited in the 1st House/Sign indicates the same thing (and a man's Co-significator in relationship questions is Sun).

Now we are done delineating Moon as your Co-significator.

Moon as his Primary Significator being in the 7th Sign/House indicates that he is really into himself....that he is his own priority.

The relationship is experiencing some tension of which I am mostly reaponsible. However I am doing personal healing work to actively resolve my issue.

The question is: Is it likely that we will resolve the current relationship tension and find a deeper level of clear commitment and harmony in our relationship?

The trine would indicate a yes answer but I'm unsure about the detriment. Maybe it reflects the current state but the trine indicates working through it? Especially as I am not well received by the querent who is in his dignity.

The tension is due to the fact that Saturn hates Cancer -- because it is his exile --- and Moon hates Scorpio -- because it is her Fall.

The perfection of any Matter requires aspects of friendship and very strong Reception. There's no Reception here, but there is a trine, showing that this tension as you call it flows very easily in your relationship, meaning it will probably always be so.

Seeing how he's Cancer Moon applying to Scorpio Saturn, he's selfish, and seeing how Scorpio Saturn is the 11th Sign but with the MC, that suggests that the tension in your relationship is caused by the issues the 10th/11th Houses/Signs indicate, and those are important to you, seeing how Saturn rules your Ascendant.

If you sacrificed everything to be his slave (while he gave up nothing) and catered to his every need, your relationship might actually work....for him. It won't do much for your health though...and it would create even more tension.

Your 6th Sign is Gemini, and Mercury is escaping from Combustion, so you should be getting stronger.

I would post the chart but I don't have a computer at present. My question pertains to planetary dignities. I am saturn in the 10th in Scorpio conjoined the north node. I have accidental dignity. The quesited is the moon in cancer on the 7th house cusp (but in the 6th). We are applying by a 3 degree trine. There is no interference. But we are in each others detriment. Is it possible that the matter will perfect despite the detriment?

The relationship is experiencing some tension of which I am mostly reaponsible. However I am doing personal healing work to actively resolve my issue.

The question is: Is it likely that we will resolve the current relationship tension and find a deeper level of clear commitment and harmony in our relationship?

The trine would indicate a yes answer but I'm unsure about the detriment. Maybe it reflects the current state but the trine indicates working through it? Especially as I am not well received by the querent who is in his dignity. However my accidental dignity and north node conjunction indicate a bit of a boost or support so to speak? Also saturn (me) is conjoined my natal moon which is mostly reaponsible for the issue!

Thanks for any feedback or insight.

Dear Alitina22

Im surprised that I found this thread just now. I also made a question today and I got the same. And i am glad I found BobZemco's interpretation here.
I am Saturn in Scorpio in the 10th/11th, and my bf is Moon in Cancer but he conjuncts the descendant (his 1st house).
I made the question if we will propose in the future. I got the trine in 2 degrees, but there is the "mutual rejection".
Yes we have been facing problems, in my case is about age difference. He hasn't been married before, and me neither, but he is much older than me. So being the Moon in Cancer in his 1st, just remarked me that he is very selfish, and everything its about himself. He is also a Cancer, so it describes him.
Me, being Saturn in Scorpio, also describes me, I have strong pluto and saturn in my chart. And this ruler being in the 10th/11th, tells I am concerned about what others (society and friends) say about my relationship, which is not the best.
So yes, what BZ says its true, I'll have to sacrifice my self to make it work with my bf, but we are each other in the comfort zone, making it difficult.

So maybe its also a NO for me. Don't feel bad, I understand you.

I mean: Both lifestyles are not compatible.

Question for you: Does he has an attitude like: You have to wait for me, you have to kiss me, you have to etc etc to me. And when you expect the same in return he just do it when he wants and no when you expect him to do it? I ask you because that's whet I am facing and i got pretty the same chart.
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Hey thanks for your responses. I would like to reply to both of you but I want to wait until I have computer access. It's a little burdensome to respond on my phone as my ability is so limited. Thanks again!
Hi BobZemco

I understand what you are speaking to, but it doesn't exactly mirror my situation. First, Saturn in Scorpio conjunct the MC in the tenth house (as it is in the horary chart) is very representative of me as a person. Both Pluto and Saturn are prominent in my natal chart. I have moon in Scorpio in the 10th house conjunct the MC with transiting Saturn currently over my moon. So my position in the chart makes sense to me and is an accurate reflection. However, I don't see myself as weak or malefic. In fact I feel empowered as this issue that triggered the horary chart has been something I have struggled with for many years and finally it's healing. My current relationship has played a big part in the healing process.

You are right that some of the tension is related to 11th house issues. However, my bf is not selfish with me, (perhaps self involved or in self denial about some of his own baggage which is a big concern for him right now, so the moon in the 7th makes sense.) He is flexible, accommodating and affectionate towards me. He is thoughtful and sweet. We are compatible and have nice synastry and get on well together. My own baggage has placed a strain on the relationship, hence the mutual negative reception in the chart. I've noticed that my emotional state is a big determining factor for the stability of the relationship. However, recently there has been a shift for me and as a result we have become closer. So, I guess I will see what happens in the coming months as regards perfection of the matter. I do feel already that resolution and a greater sense of harmony in the relationship is occurring. That was my question, not as to whether or not the relationship would be a "serious" commitment. The jury is still out on that. Only time will tell.

Thanks again,
Question for you: Does he has an attitude like: You have to wait for me, you have to kiss me, you have to etc etc to me. And when you expect the same in return he just do it when he wants and no when you expect him to do it? I ask you because that's whet I am facing and i got pretty the same chart.[/QUOTE]

Hi Virgo18,

This is not the case for me. Good luck! Thanks for your responses.