I would post the chart but I don't have a computer at present. My question pertains to planetary dignities. I am saturn in the 10th in Scorpio conjoined the north node. I have accidental dignity. The quesited is the moon in cancer on the 7th house cusp (but in the 6th). We are applying by a 3 degree trine. There is no interference. But we are in each others detriment. Is it possible that the matter will perfect despite the detriment?
The relationship is experiencing some tension of which I am mostly reaponsible. However I am doing personal healing work to actively resolve my issue.
The question is: Is it likely that we will resolve the current relationship tension and find a deeper level of clear commitment and harmony in our relationship?
The trine would indicate a yes answer but I'm unsure about the detriment. Maybe it reflects the current state but the trine indicates working through it? Especially as I am not well received by the querent who is in his dignity. However my accidental dignity and north node conjunction indicate a bit of a boost or support so to speak? Also saturn (me) is conjoined my natal moon which is mostly reaponsible for the issue!
Thanks for any feedback or insight.
I would post the chart but I don't have a computer at present. My question pertains to planetary dignities. I am saturn in the 10th in Scorpio conjoined the north node. I have accidental dignity. The quesited is the moon in cancer on the 7th house cusp (but in the 6th). We are applying by a 3 degree trine. There is no interference. But we are in each others detriment. Is it possible that the matter will perfect despite the detriment?
The relationship is experiencing some tension of which I am mostly reaponsible. However I am doing personal healing work to actively resolve my issue.
The question is: Is it likely that we will resolve the current relationship tension and find a deeper level of clear commitment and harmony in our relationship?
The trine would indicate a yes answer but I'm unsure about the detriment. Maybe it reflects the current state but the trine indicates working through it? Especially as I am not well received by the querent who is in his dignity. However my accidental dignity and north node conjunction indicate a bit of a boost or support so to speak? Also saturn (me) is conjoined my natal moon which is mostly reaponsible for the issue!
Thanks for any feedback or insight.