Question about the Moon

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Jan 15, 2025
If I make a horar chart and to say yes I need aspect Moon - significator , and this aspect will appear as first for Moon and planet but orb is 10.5 degrees , the answer is yes or no?
Yes that it must be Moon's very next aspect. It must also be the other planet's very next aspect. If these both are true, then their being 10 degrees apart is okay.
Does this answer your questions?

Just in case you are interested, here is a good, easy to understand intro to horary that will answer your basic questions:

And here is information about orbs and Moon's orb. It's in about the middle of the article at 'Application' & the Development of Orbs':
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I think I know the answer, but I must ask. If I have two significators of me and another person , and there is no aspect between them, but there is aspect between the another person's significator and the Moon- does it mean the answer is yes?
I think I know the answer, but I must ask. If I have two significators of me and another person , and there is no aspect between them, but there is aspect between the another person's significator and the Moon- does it mean the answer is yes?
It depends upon what the question is.
It is much easier for us to answer questions like this if you put up a chart.

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