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Re: Romney next US President?

The story continues :smile:

Re: Romney next US President?

This should be appalling to Democrats and Republicans, alike. I am astounded that more people are not incensed about this!
Re: Romney next US President?

This should be appalling to Democrats and Republicans, alike. I am astounded that more people are not incensed about this!
Probably no one has noticed! :smile:
Meanwhile Jeb Bush has raised loads of super PAC money
but it isn’t helping him with voters
as early state polls show that Bush’s campaign is completely bombing.
A new PPP poll of New Hampshire revealed that Jeb Bush has fallen into a tie for fourth
in the state that was supposed to be his firewall.
Bush trails Donald Trump 32%-7%.
He also trails Trump in a head to head match up 56%-33%
Re: Romney next US President?

I do hear this amount mentioned more on news programs, but you are correct; it is not being discussed much. To me it is just appalling. And do people realize that the barrage of TV ads they will be hit with will be obscene? I guess not. And of course there is the whole issue of what ALL of that campaign money could do if it were re-directed...I don't even want to think about that.

This is a fascinating campaign; unprecedented. My favorite is still our Regulus squared Algol guy. haha! Too bad more people aren't astrologers, it's such a great joke!!! I laugh every time I think of that! And did you see the interview Sarah Palin did with him? You can't make this stuff up! (I wonder what's happening with her mercury-it must be under great stress. I have never looked at her chart-maybe it's time-there may be great comedy awaiting there.

Of course I am still a Sanders supporter. He must be making contact with the US chart: that would explain his growing popularity. He is touching on the heart of the American people somehow-maybe by progression? I know the Sept. 13 new moon eclipse is conjunct his progressed north node. The September eclipses will affect her profoundly, I suspect. I did look at Debbie Wasserman Schultz's chart after the DNC escapade; and there definitely are some strong connections there with HRC that have yet to play out. One element that is fascinating is that voters are becoming aware of manipulations and power moves that have been going on in secret. Now that there is awareness, there is corresponding anger and push back: DWS facebook page is just slammed with criticism of her; petitions are flying everywhere to have her removed. hmmmmm...what will Obama do, if anything? I suspect he is just waiting on the sidelines on the whole issue.

I did see Bernie in person in Portland August 9, and I must say it WAS electrifying. The enthusiasm for him is palpable. 20,000 people inside the arena and another 8,000 waited outside watching monitors. And this seems to be the pattern: people that cannot get in still stick around; this happened in big numbers in LA, also. One aspect of his campaign that is really amazing is the number of posters from other countries that are enthusiastic about him! And of course, the number of people who say they have never voted before or contributed to a campaign before that are now faithful supporters.

I'm reluctant to come out as an astrologer on facebook threads, so I just follow along, noting events as they aspect on both Bernie's chart and HRC's chart. I'm sure curious how she will emerge after the September eclipses; cannot imagine that she won't be profoundly affected in some way. We shall see-I may be wrong-have been so many times before. I always remember Zip saying "the aspects may be there and nothing happens, but if something happens, then you look at the aspects." I still miss her insights. But now I have you! Thanks again, for your insights.
Re: Romney next US President?

There has been mention in the last 2 weeks or so of Biden entering the fray but, maybe more on topic ..... there have been hints that Romney might become so disheartened by what he is seeing in the crop of Republican candidates that he might decide to throw his hat in the ring again - this was supposedly from an aide in the inner circle according to the news item. I'll see if I can dig up the link to the article ....
Re: Romney next US President?

Marinka, I hadn't heard that about Romney. I'll be watching for a post from you on that. Wasn't his wife rather public about her distaste for campaigns last time around?

I don't think Biden will run, but we will see. His wife has signed up to teach a full schedule of classes-but of course the school could get a substitute. He's going to be considered "establishment", but maybe he thinks that is an asset. I just don't see how he could distinguish himself as an improvement over Bernie, but I am obviously biased. And then there is HRC's advantage...

See, this is why I don't watch soap operas-we have the news and talk shows!
Re: Romney next US President?

Not that I consider her a serious candidate-but after seeing the interview she did with Donald Trump, I just had to check out Sarah Palin's chart, and I must say I was surprised-she has 5 planets in Aquarius! I would have never guessed that! I was thinking maybe her merc is retro, or out of bounds, but nope, Sun, moon, merc, mars and Saturn in Aquar. 5 planets in any sign is a challenge-evidently one a bit overwhelming for Sarah who just seems to have trouble putting a decent sentence together.

And there is Donald Trump with Algol conj. his MC and Regulus conj. his ASC. What fun!
Re: Romney next US President?

Not that I consider her a serious candidate-but after seeing the interview she did with Donald Trump, I just had to check out Sarah Palin's chart, and I must say I was surprised-she has 5 planets in Aquarius! I would have never guessed that! I was thinking maybe her merc is retro, or out of bounds, but nope, Sun, moon, merc, mars and Saturn in Aquar. 5 planets in any sign is a challenge-evidently one a bit overwhelming for Sarah who just seems to have trouble putting a decent sentence together.

And there is Donald Trump with Algol conj. his MC and Regulus conj. his ASC. What fun!

Re: Romney next US President?

How funny! This election surely is bringing out some outrageous humor! Have you seen the photo bomb of Jeb Bush where 4 college kids (?) asked him for a photo, then while there were posing, opened their jackets to reveal "Republicans for Bernie Sanders" t shirts? LOVED that one. I hope Jeb has a sense of humor.
More illegals crossing since Trump said he'd close borders

Heard that in August illegal border crossings went up which is unusual in the summer when numbers usually drop. Illegals want to get their goodies while they still can, before the border closes. I wish!
Re: More illegals crossing since Trump said he'd close borders

Heard that in August illegal border crossings went up which is unusual in the summer when numbers usually drop.
Illegals want to get their goodies while they still can, before the border closes. I wish!
Perspective :smile:

Re: Romney next US President?

Jupasc, I couldn't open the image in your last post...

MaybeNow-I didn't know you are of Native American descent!
Re: Romney next US President?

Jupasc, I couldn't open the image in your last post...

MaybeNow-I didn't know you are of Native American descent!
hi claudette :smile:

the image is of Bernie Sanders stating :

"Today the United States is No. 1 in billionaires
No. 1 in corporate profits
No. 1 in CEO salaries
No. 1 in childhood poverty
No. 1 in income and wealth inequality in the industrialised world"
Trump ahead in polls since debate

Too bad more people don't actually watch the debates instead of just reading a mainstream so-called journalist's interpretation based on their own political agenda. You might be surprised at what you hear when you think for yourself.

I think the debate moderators should be of the opposite political party to the candidates for these debates. Chris Wallace should grill the Dems and George Stefanapoulos should grill the Reps. That way no special treatment. One of the Rep candidates actually called out the mainstream corporate media on their very different handling of the two political debates. The American people are finally waking up to these tactics.

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