Random Thoughts, Astrological Only

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david starling

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Apr 23, 2015
This is for anything astrological that happens to come to mind, with no particular topic necessary.

Astrology charts are permitted, but no memes or overly large text please.
It occurs to me how little respect astrology gets in political circles. The news media, both left and right, ignore it completely.

And, when Ronald Reagan was President, and it was discovered that his wife, Nancy Reagan, was consulting an astrologer, they ridiculed her for it.
I read somewhere that of the astrologers who predicted the 2020 election results, about half were correct and half were wrong. Although from what I saw, at least some of those who predicted Trump would get a 2nd term, did predict that legal battles would occur before it could happen, and there were plenty of those.
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No question that the Romans considered lead to be Saturn's metal.

No question that the Republicans in general are enamored with guns that shoot lead bullets, which cause deaths.

Saturn became known as the "Grim Reaper" during the "Black Plague"; and, is also the planet of old age which ends in death.

Is the Republican Party Saturnian-influenced, when it comes to assault rifles and the death penalty?
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The Democrat party is just Venus gone haywire

They love abortions, premarital s3x, drUgz, c0caine, and dyeing their hair with noxious chemicals that probably seep into their brains making their mind deeply disturbed and unstable. Also they get piercings and have sex like 300x a day and then go to planned parenthood afterwards like its a grocery store for abortion drugZ. Men behave like women and women behave like men, and they get 50 piercings and look like some nasty alien. WOmen hate themselves and men are just predators YUCK. A disgusting and debilitated Venus :sick:

The Republican Party is ruled by the Sun. It is glorious and fond of honors, social ranking, and acknowledges the natural hierarchy in society. They crave strong authority which is reflected by their values of government, personality, family, and manhood. The Sun also causes the Moon to glow, creating a beautiful interplay of masculine/feminine that manifests from the highest to the most mundane expressions such as relationships for example. Masculine and Feminine are both exalted, not blurred and not disrespected. Femininity is considered important and is/can be an expression of freedom and creativity.

Think Neptune major playa in the Democrat chart. They believe they are the party of compassion but they actually live in a fantasy world where they think money grows on trees, people don't need to work or earn a living...just get everything handed to them....no discipline.

If the Democrats ran the country, we'd get what we have now.

Complete chaos & disorder. Neptune illusions. The 'Green Deal' ain't nothing more than child's play.

Lack of accountability in the bills they sign & no leadership to be found. Just a bunch of fishes swimming round & round in circles!
OH, and with Neptune deception & illusions, acting. I mentioned a year ago that JO'Bama could never win with Neptune conjunct IC in his transits & I was right. Trump won in a landslide, around 80 M & the Neptune lies took Trump's win & 'gave' it to the Dems.

Traitor Joe's Neptune transit is all about retirement, being locked up at home, delusions.

Anyone seen James Woods Twitter lately?

Just asking for a friend.
The Sun is "neutral" when it comes to politics.

And I said the Republican Party may be "Saturnian-influenced when it comes to firearms and lead bullets and the death penalty. I wasn't saying it was the Party of Saturn.

The Democratic Party is also Saturn-influenced in some ways. Many Democrats are in favor of the death penalty, and of unregulated gun ownership. Just less so than the Republicans.
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A typical day for democrats, using the recent Full Moon as an example

Moon Enters Libra: An invitation to wear hoochie earrings and pr0stitUte makeup.
Moon oppose Sun: Rebel against their hard working father who support and nurture them only to go outside and break all the rules for NO reason at all
Moon oppose Venus: Have an argument with their moms (WHO BY THE WAY IS A HARD WORKING LAWYER AND SUPPORTS THE FAMILY) and steals all of her makeup and clothes to go outside night clubbing with a fake I.D.
Moon Square Saturn: Go outside and meet with an older man they found on Omegle and brag about how they have a sugar daddy even though they are well aware of how inappropriate this relationship is.
Moon square Mars: Cheat on their 3 high school boyfriends. Boyfriend 1 is a football player who she gave gonorrhea and he doesn't know it yet because men typically dont show symptoms. Boyfriend 2 is their gr0ss old history teacher that she fools around with to get a passing grade. Boyfriend 3 is a computer science major she keeps around to help her set up her streaming set up for her Twitch streams. :sick:
Moon Trine Mercury: SHe'll probably go on tinder and talk with 50 guys and get them all to send her donations and use them for dinner.
Moon Trine Jupiter: SHe'll make up some lie on instagram about how destitute she is (she steals $100 bills from the Mom all the time!!), to get more donations she uses to fund her Wish shopping app, Sephora, Anthropologie,, Zaful & SHEIN addiction.

Any questions??? :joyful::joyful::joyful:
What do y'all think of the trend where politicians are doing grassroots journalism? Do you think it's related to the recent Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius or the upcoming ingress of Pluto in the sign? Notable examples being Ted Cruz and Nigel Farage.
I recently met someone one on one for work for the first time (virtually of course). He represents a company in a very Martian field. Interestingly, this fellow has a retro Mars in Libra and six natal retros total, including the outers. Ri-dic-ulously competent.

What's your theory on how his hyper-competence manifests through his natal placements?
We were on a discussion thread with a Sagittarius Sun who identified as an introverted intellectual, and I mentioned that fire quirk, although I won't claim to be the originator of the insight.
Anecdotally, I notice that the Libra/Scorpio combo excel in a corporate environment. There is also a tendency toward aspiring (and achieving) traditional career success in conventional yet lucrative fields. Wonder if anyone notices anything different.
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Anecdotally, I notice that the Libra/Scorpio combo excel in a corporate environment. There is also a tendency toward aspiring (and achieving) traditional career success in conventional yet lucrative fields. Wonder if anyone notices anything different.

Hmm. We've got one guy at the brokerage like that. He's the charming, never say die type. Does really well, thanks to that drive and with his extremely sociable attitude, he wins people over more times than not.

From memory, he's got a Libra Sun/Venus/Mercury with a Mars/Pluto in Scorpio.
Hmm. We've got one guy at the brokerage like that. He's the charming, never say die type. Does really well, thanks to that drive and with his extremely sociable attitude, he wins people over more times than not.

From memory, he's got a Libra Sun/Venus/Mercury with a Mars/Pluto in Scorpio.

Judge Judy is very aggressive Libra and still clawed her way to the top. check her chart out x
Folks, I think it's a combination that is actually pretty adroit at playing politics and using bureaucracies to their advantage. Both are strategic and both understand subtely and nuance. Both are also good at delaying their responses/keeping their cards close to the chess. That's my thinking anyhow.
The Great Depression. Does anyone have the chart for the 1929 one? I'm curious to see if, at all, there are some similar signifiers today.