Hypocrisies? For me, maybe too simplistic and cynical.
- Wanting to help another person because you really care about them, and also having a belief that such behavior may be rewarded, is not hypocrisy.
- Wanting to help another person only because you expect to be rewarded for it IS hypocrisy.
Primary intent is everything.
I would love for you to elaborate on that. Why did it strike you?
The helpless one is a little kitten given to me - perhaps wrongly, considering my age - when my old cat buddy died (who was literally the very last family I had). She's loving, playful, vulnerable. I certainly expect no reward for caring for a kitten, nor for making sure that she is taken care of after I'm gone. It's just that I love her.
Pardon, but I have a mean Capricorn Moon stalking through my 12th House, insulting my other planets, so I've got to go...
Well, in my earlier post, when I said that ‘it isn’t out of the goodness out of heart’ that I try to be kind to people or do good deeds, because that would mean I am completely self-serving and selfish.
What I meant was, I don’t think I would be as empathetic as I am, had it not been for the hardship I have faced in life.
So I was a little bit irked when you summed up my spirituality as ‘karma 101,’ juts because I admitted a level of selfishness involved.
Put it this way, I was born with an innate sense of compassion, that I became a vegetarian at age 9, which is the age my mum gave up trying to force me to eat meat. That level of compassion from such a young age is a past life gift or something.
I’m not going to pretend that I do everything out of the goodness of my heart, I do it because pain has humbled me and I am aware of the consequences.
And I think it’s important to note that humans need a good ass-whooping to keep their ego in check.
I think spritual people have tough childhoods because the pain opens the door to compassion.
That’s what I meant and I think that level of honest does not make me a beginners stage or ‘karma 101.’
What did I mean when I said it struck me because you were worried to leave your loved ones behind when you die?
It struck at my heart strings I meant.
I’m relatively young, and I appreciate being around older people on this forum, because people are processing death here at a level that I normally would not get insight into.
Not that people openly discuss how they feel about the ‘final curtain call,’ but just knowing people are going through it, gives me pause for thought.
I also think it struck me because I lost a parent young, so I think maybe I can relate to it, but from the other side.
I assumed you meant a wife, but you meant a cat. It doesn’t change its poignancy for me. I have 3 cats. I hope to god they die before me.
Life is a tough world for animals.
I leave you with a video of a cat saving a toddler from two crocodiles. What’s funny is, one of the humans say something like, ‘wow, it’s almost like the cat is protective of the kid,’ which just shows how ignorant most humans are, to the depth of emotion that exists within animals.
It’s also impressive fighting skills for the cat —
Pet Cat saves Boy from two ‘gators