The winged monkeys from OZ are spreading Monkey Pox in their poo!
The winged monkeys from OZ are spreading Monkey Pox in their poo!
And apparently some yahoo that works in public health Spain says that pre-symptomatic spread is a thing.
It's not. But some reddit subs are positively ablaze over the news. Social distancing! N95s! Yes!
(Not again...)
Don't tempt Australia, man. Who knows what flying animal might come outta there.
Flying kangaroos with bat wings! .
Flying Emu's with laser eyes and shark teeth.
Flying, fire breathing crocodiles!
Taurus Mooon today. Coffee and milk - pretty boring, but it hit the spot. Venus is unhappy in Aries though, for shame.
Mars conj Jupiter in Aries
Do something to impress yourself!
But, be careful--Chiron is lurking in Aries
Chiron? Thing is close to my natal Mars, huh. What's it do?
Warns about possible Injuries, health problems, and accidents.
Moving time is coming up. Slightly excited. Have to watch my mind as it keeps trying to drift off into wonderment, pesky thing.
Random thought: Jupiter moves faster than Mars. Interesting.
Jupiter faster than mars in very interesting
When I wrote that, I forgot that Jupiter was already in Aries before Mars. My mistake, Jupiter is the slower of the two. He's extra fat is why, heh.