Rate / Tell me if my Natal Chart is Good or Bad

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Feb 16, 2020
Quick note: I know natal charts are neither good or bad, but based on what you guys think, is this a good chart.



Sun- Cancer
Moon- Taurus
Mercury- Gemini
Venus- Leo
Mars- Cancer
Jupiter- Cancer
Saturn- Gemini
Uranus- Aquarius
Neptune- Aquarius
Pluto- Sagittarius
Lilith- Aries
N Node- Gemini

I ASC - Cancer
II - Cancer
III - Leo
IV - Virgo
V - Libra
VI - Scorpio
VII - Capricorn
VIII - Capricorn
IX - Aquarius
X - Pisces
XI - Aries
XII - Taurus
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Rate / Tell me if my Natal Chart is Good or Bad

Quick note: I know natal charts are neither good or bad, but based on what you guys think, is this a good chart.


And the bad is -here is no visible chart in. Only a useless list of descriptions.

And the bad is -here is no visible chart in. Only a useless list of descriptions.

Hi, sorry about that and the vagueness. I’m fairly new to astrology, but I edited the thread and put a link to my chart since I cannot upload photos.
I'm not very versed in this site
...I hope it's alright to post my natal chart here.
I'm wondering if I'm doomed, based on my chart? Or if I'll ever have a reprieve from my intensely crushing transits...

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I'm not very versed in this site
...I hope it's alright to post my natal chart here.
I'm wondering if I'm doomed, based on my chart? Or if I'll ever have a reprieve from my intensely crushing transits...


You're not doomed; you will move through your transits, your life, like we all do. Best to just live the transits and not think too much about them. They turn out the same whether you think about them or not :).

Wishing you the best!
It's a wonderful chart, filled with challenges and possibilities. Like life. Your life!

do you care to go into detail? it’s fine if you don’t want to but i’m interested in what you mean by wonderful, like is it above avg etc, like what’s challenges and possibilities etc.
Quick note: I know natal charts are neither good or bad, but based on what you guys think, is this a good chart.

Hello htwrld,

a chart is always without rating or judgement - as it shows all the energy potential you have available for you and your personal development in this life and you can choose to use - or refuse to use - always still remaining under your own free will as soon as you are an adult.

Transits on your natal planets activate certain matters and house subjects in your chart - to learn more.



  • Gghjg  chart male.png
    Gghjg chart male.png
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It's a wonderful chart, filled with challenges and possibilities. Like life. Your life!

do you care to go into detail? it’s fine if you don’t want to but i’m interested in what you mean by wonderful, like is it above avg etc, like what’s challenges and possibilities etc.

Wonderful means full of wonder. It doesn't have much to do with averages or statistics.
Challenges would be reflected by the hard aspects, the squares, in your chart. Opportunities, possibilities, would be reflected by the sextiles and trines.
It's filled with challenges and opportunities. Like life. Your life.

What challenge and what opportunity catches your eye in your chart?

No one can do this but you. And you can do this. :wink:

And ain't it wonderful?