I guess what I mean to say is, does/can my chart highlight spiritual gifts and abilities? Even from a young age?
After decluttering a lot of trauma in therapy it has made me more…sensitive to earth bound spirits here. They communicate to me almost nightly. I am a tarot reader and wanting to learn more about astrology and thinking about making it a career.
Hi Astrogirl,
spiritual and psychic gifts one is born with enabling to look behind the curtain into the invisible world and to see coming future - are energies coming out of 4th quarter of a chart - as the higher energies - which can tell us more - as these energies are placed in 11th house and 12th house floor - the most highest outlook in a chart - one can have and achieve- if one has planets in there - connected with the personal quarters if a chart.
And can also come out of 8th house - genetic inheritage of family members and the ability for an instinctive knowing and noticing about things and energies -working invisibly under the surface.
Your mercury as part of your birth axis and DC-ruler and as your work house 6th house ruler is in your spiritual 12th house - ruled by jupiter - is the most highest outlook to perceive information and to see coming future - to have fine and highsensitive antennas and to be connected with the invisible world. Intensified with jupiter ruling your 12th house in a mercury ruled spiritual 9th house - house of teachers - sextiling your mercury in 12th house.
Your moon main rules your 8th house - with moon/pluto correspondence energy - looking for deep transformation experience - an intense energy. 8th house is genetic inheritance from family members, is about death and near to death experience in own life, shock and trauma experience- access to the otherworld, magic and shamanism.
Your moon as female receptive principle and energy is in aries in your 4th house - house of emotions and house of soul and income from a previous life - and squares your neptune as a higher energy in intercepted cap in your 1st house - neptune as your personal perception antenna energy and ruler of your 3rd house.
And your moon as well squares your natal uranus in intercepted cap in 1st house - co-ruling your 2nd house and ruling intercepted aquarius in 2nd house- skills and gifts one is born with - able to feel outer influence even with own body and reacting with own body on.
And as uranus kinda makes permeable - one can't shut own doors completely - with a tendency to get overwhelmed and overloaded from outer influence and to feel yourself responsible for all - with saturn in aquarius in 2nd house - not always being able to sort out - what is yours and what is from outside and doesn't belong to you.
Sun co rules your 8th house with intercepted leo in 8th - an intense persisting energy and strong iron will - doubled and intensified with sun in scorpio in a pluto ruled 11th house - 11th house floor outlook ability and with a strong placed pluto in 11th as ruler of 11th in own sign and own house - you are aware of a lot of outer influence and about what issues outside in public and society are dealing with - and have an instinctive knowing and empathic understanding for their injuries - with pluto squaring your chiron - your own weakness and wound - but also your own (self) healing potential - you can help other people with.
And venus ruling your 5th house - your creativity potential and house of self-independancy and is also ruling your midheaven and 10th house - career and life path- is in 12th house,too conj. your northnode - looking like a fated spiritual task written in your life-path and your way of self-evolving - trining your leo chiron in 8th house. 8th house is also house of interest for psychology.
This is in fact a strong energy and gift potential -you have available.