Recommended Reading on Spiritual Astrology

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Sep 15, 2013
I am rejuvenating my old interest in astrology after quite a few years and trying to get up to speed again. I like to read and study and prefer books with depth and insight, and I do prefer a bend to the spiritual. Past lives and karma aren't my focus, but rather the here and now and dealing with what is on my plate.

Some books I have on my reading list include Arroyo's book on elements, a few books by Liz Greene (Fate and Neptune), Alan Oken, and Dane Rudhyar. I have a few books on astrosophy (which doesn't seem too popular here) and may check into those books as well as I have read Steiner and like his approach to life (and death.)

I'm a Scorpio Rising (conj. Venus) with a ninth house Pluto squaring my ASC which I interpret as I want deep stuff to read and study. I started reorienting myself to astrology thinking with a cookbook word approach and it really wasn't working for me, but when I started reading more esoteric stuff, things are starting to come back into focus.

Hi Welcome to the forum

You might enjoy John Sandbach, he did study on Vedic and Kabbalah astrology. I want to find out more about Kabbalah myself. Martin Schulman is also very famous for his Karmic astrology series. Moon nodes are key to past life study, many books available on the market and in the forum few members have done threads for Moon nodes. Also the Vedic's D60 as well as the modern Western 60th Harmonic.
My recommendations include Steven Forrest and Tom Jacobs. Both have many book titles published. Steven runs an apprenticeship program, mainly in the States but also in China, Italy and Australia. Tom has taken this program and developed Steven's ideas with a few twists of his own. I've found both extremely insightful about the purpose of existence and the way an astrological chart can illuminate our paths.
I am still a student in astrology and so I may need sometime in understanding the rudiments and of astrological coneptions and perceptions .
I am still a student in astrology and so I may need sometime in understanding the rudiments and of astrological coneptions and perceptions .

we are all students - I'm no expert :)


I am still a student in astrology and so I may need sometime in understanding the rudiments and of astrological concepts and perceptions .
I can help you in astrology, even when you're in old age! I'm hooking on spiritual astrology right now, and it probably will stuck with you forever, because of your spiritual nature! (I'm a student too, like you, so don't worry about my inexperencement/greenhornness, because astrology is also a kind of art to a wide extentive meaning of art).