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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2005
Canadian in North Carolina, USA
I was just curious if anyone has any insight into rectangles in a chart.

I keep trying to put my chart up but when I check it - it has a different month...

So here's my chart:


It seems like everything's squared which can't be good...

Any ideas? Any insights would be appreciated!!

Hi Michelle,Those arent squares they are two trines connected to two sextiles, creating a rectangular shape. Dont sound so worried ! - it is a lovely chart. In fact, since squares frighten you so much, you should be happy to know that you have only one planet to planet square which is quite rare in my experience. :)
Mystic Rectangle and Gtrand Trine


The aspect pattern you are describing is called a "Mystic Rectangle". It focuses the energy of the chart along the four corners of the pattern. Since you also have Uranus (rebellion) opposite (energy is overexcited by) Mercury (thinking) conjunct (energy is combined with) Moon, you may also have a very nervous and excitable mind. However, you also have a grand Trine (three interconnected trine aspects) between you emotional hosues in your chart, indicating strong energy, which may be isolating. The strong focused energy of the Mystic Rectangle helps to overcome the isolating tendencies of the grand trine. The oppositions get you focused and motivated to go out and cause things to happen, rather than to sit around and expect things to happen.

Explaining aspect patterns,

Wow! Tim...

So I guess I am not just paranoid... I am intense! My mom and all my ex's would agree with there! Sometimes, I think I was born with exclamation point... :D

Thanks for the clarification!
Michelle I am enthused that you are interested in learning astrology because this chart is such a dynamic fascinating one I know you would benefit much by learning how to work with it. If I can suggest paying special attention to the meanings of moon opposition pluto , moon opposition uranus, mercury opposition pluto ,mercury opposition uranus you may find why you feel paranoia and learn to work on these energies.
Best wishes

Thank you for your comments! I really see that the oppositions are strong factors in my life. I think that's why I thought I had so many squares. Some days I feel like a superhero that can save the world and some days I am crippled with fear and want to hide under my bed.

All of these insights are really about growing. I appreciate the direction that astrology offers. It fits so well with my theory about God, our soul essence, and our choices. I believe that we are here to learn as much as we can in these currents bodies, circumstances, and opportunities.

The only control we have is our attitudes to these growing experiences. Astrology gives us a little peek into the class synopsis so to speak. I have Moon in oppostion to Pluto on my curriculum... and I can choose to skip the class and have to take it next time (maybe with a worse teacher!) or I can buckle down and take it this time. And I know if it's pretty harsh... I have probably skipped it a few too many times.

That's just my 2¢ for the day! Thanks, Kunga, for your suggestions! I will be looking at these lessons closely. No skipping this time!

Take care,
Learn basic astrological chart interpretation


If you are serious about learning about yourself it would be useful to learn the basics of astrological chart interpretation. My website can take you through the basics in six steps, after which you will have a much better idea of your life challenges and strengths:

Encouraging those new to astrology,
