Rectification Tips - Verifying Ascendant/Descendant/MC/IC angles

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An accurate birth time is important.
Chart Rectification is a complex process
where the birth chart is “” using significant life events as markers :)
to determine Ascendant - also known as Rising Sign.
Rectification is the process by which a chart is moved mathematically
in order to correspond to an accurate time of use
it can be thought of as reverse-engineering your birth chart down to the second.

A detailed introduction to birth chart rectification
which is used to find your birth time & Ascendant when it is otherwise unknown or uncertain. :)
Many techniques in astrology require an accurate birth time

this is why rectification can be crucial
or even necessary
for people who don't know what time they were born. :)

This video provides a pretty detailed introduction to the subject
- outlines our specific approach
which emphasizes how to find the correct rising sign

by using whole sign houses and some related techniques.

btw this link provides more details regarding the whys and wherefores of "The Equation of Time"

The following 100 word Extract focuses on the nub of the matter :smile:

"'Equation' is here used in a somewhat archaic sense, meaning "correction". Prior to invention of pendulum-controlled mechanical clocks, sundials were the only reliable timepieces, and were generally considered to tell the right time. Right time was essentially defined as that which was shown by a sundial. When good clocks were introduced, they usually disagreed with sundials, so the equation of time was used to "correct" their readings to obtain sundial time. Some clocks, called equation clocks, included an internal mechanism to perform this correction. Later, as clocks became the dominant good timepieces, uncorrected clock time was accepted as being accurate"
I think I'll use a corrected clock when I have a kid, because I want to know the real ASC of them and to easier understand them...
If you have a range of time, you need to check the Sabian Symbols inside the time range of the birth time, then carefully examine it and rectify it to the exact ASC degree...

OP of this thread states thread FOCUS IS ON THE SEVEN VISIBLE PLANETS :)

According to Richard Vetter :smile:

'.....Adjusting birth time by several hours
(not an unusual practice)
is an absurdity.
The thorough, imaginative rectifier
tends to construct adventurous theories about the process of certification.
Parents/relatives sometimes assist in producing such fantasies:
the longer the period of adjustment,
the more colorful are the myths
that get built around the circumstances of the birth....' Richard Vetter

Esteemed astrologer Robert Hand offers a natal chart rectification service

and states clearly:

'....It is critical to have the time of birth :)

If you do not know the exact time of your birth
or it was not recorded

we can rectify the time for an additional fee

rectification methods
are not as accurate and reliable

as some may believe.....'

Robert Hand



The Prenatal Epoch
The primary principle of the Prenatal Epoch
has been stated by Max Heindel in The Message of the Stars
where he says that the body is the product of lunar forces
and that the position of the Ascendant, or its opposite, at birth
is the Moon's position at conception.

The keyword of the Moon is fecundation or fertility
We thus see that the Moon has primary influence
over the formation of the physical body
and that the Ascendant represents
merely the transference of the Moon's position from conception to birth.

While my mother has long since passed on and I can't get any confirmation of when I was conceived I have found that exactly 9 months prior to my birth, I.e. August 6, 1952, born May 6, 1953, that the moon was possibly conj. natal Moon which was at 24* Aquar, 02'. Mercury was exactly, and Venus almost exactly, conj. natal M.C. which is at 24* Leo 17' [definitely as to Mercury, and Venus one degree beyond, give or take a few minutes of a degree] and Mars exactly conj. my natal Asc. which is at 17* Scorpio 07'. The S. Node was within one degree of natal Pluto.
While my mother has long since passed on and I can't get any confirmation of when I was conceived I have found that exactly 9 months prior to my birth, I.e. August 6, 1952, born May 6, 1953, that the moon was possibly conj. natal Moon which was at 24* Aquar, 02'. Mercury was exactly, and Venus almost exactly, conj. natal M.C. which is at 24* Leo 17' [definitely as to Mercury, and Venus one degree beyond, give or take a few minutes of a degree] and Mars exactly conj. my natal Asc. which is at 17* Scorpio 07'. The S. Node was within one degree of natal Pluto.
While my mother has long since passed on and I can't get any confirmation of when I was conceived I have found that exactly 9 months prior to my birth, I.e. August 6, 1952, born May 6, 1953, that the moon was possibly conj. natal Moon which was at 24* Aquar, 02'. Mercury was exactly, and Venus almost exactly, conj. natal M.C. which is at 24* Leo 17' [definitely as to Mercury, and Venus one degree beyond, give or take a few minutes of a degree] and Mars exactly conj. my natal Asc. which is at 17* Scorpio 07'. The S. Node was within one degree of natal Pluto.
Trutis oh Hermes docet.
Hi Jupiterasc,
I do not even remember how I came to look into POF's. Isaac or Jason were possibly discussing some sort of progressions relating to pregnancy but they were sort of time consuming. Juliet/Virgo Matrix, whom I really appreciated, was contributing a lot on the subjet. But rectification of TOB by the minute was still unattainable.
When I fell into it, I found it extraordinary to see on the two charts under scrutiny two objects, one on each chart, so close in degree and minute, only needing a few minutes adjustment and in certain cases even less than one minute.

Although I omitted it, it goes without saying that the matching object must be one amongst additional objecst, which move extremely fast.
The Prenatal Epoch
The primary principle of the Prenatal Epoch :)
has been stated by Max Heindel in The Message of the Stars
where he says that the body is the product of lunar forces
and that the position of the Ascendant, or its opposite, at birth
is the Moon's position at conception.

The keyword of the Moon is fecundation or fertility
We thus see that the Moon has primary influence
over the formation of the physical body
and that the Ascendant represents
merely the transference of the Moon's position from conception to birth.
Hello, trying some considerations after a long time I am out of it - since Forum was close. I was very active in this particular subject matter but it will take time for me to recover my notes. Still, rather than going round and round the garden I's suggest studying the person's chart. One point I found useful is the Trutine of Hermes to establish epoch time. Also, the mother's radix Moon; her radix/relevant Antiscia.

I have just retrieved a page from archives, on the web:
Lots to add, in time. ciao da viola

Hi all. I would just add that checking midpoints and antiscia has proven most helpful.
Please note that in time I have extended the study over the rest of my family members: nine altogether, adding more who could provide mother's certified TOB.

In more than one occasion I could forecast TOB. I remember the very first time this occurred: a friend of one of my daughters had started labouring at home and my daughter herself was frantic. She had rung me up asking...
I had the girl's data on my record and had already made calculations, so I said: don't worry. Time enough to reach the hospital. She won't deliver before h17m10... and guess what...
And this is not the only prediction I hit. Enjoy.

P.S.: Matching POF mother's new born and viceversa is a method I deviced myself for TOB rectification. It works.

BTW, I mean matching relevant POF at the very degree/minute with one of the other's natal chart object.