Rectification Tips - Verifying Ascendant/Descendant/MC/IC angles

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There are as many ideas on Chart Rectification as there are astrologers

and it is entirely reasonable for each astrologer to have their own opinions :smile:


I'm not talking "Opinions" here, I'm talking 'PROVEN RESULTS" ...I made this challenge, to those that disparage, or deny, the veracity of the Sabian Symbols and, or, the Rudhyarian techniques I employ, numerous times in many threads among many of the various sub-forums here at astrologweekly and not once has anyone given a demonstration. NOT ONCE!

.Talk is cheap and opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.:tongue::biggrin:
I'm not talking "Opinions" here, I'm talking 'PROVEN RESULTS" ...I made this challenge, to those that disparage, or deny, the veracity of the Sabian Symbols and, or, the Rudhyarian techniques I employ, numerous times in many threads among many of the various sub-forums here at astrologweekly and not once has anyone given a demonstration. NOT ONCE!

.Talk is cheap and opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.:tongue::biggrin:
Unsurprisingly, it is not unusual to be of the opinion that your own opinion is a 'proven result'.... but that's just an opinion

Animodar method of rectification is worth checking out - discussion "Rectification by Trutine of Hermes/Animodar" at
Thanks to venuschild for posting the following useful link on RECTIFICATION :smile:
at this thread discussion

Rectification never hurts!

Ouch, it certainly does as to when did one has certain accidents in life, or when did one tragically marries that demon lover found in the progressed chart?:pinched:

Within this sacred document put forth by the legendary Dorothy J. Kovach, owner and founder of Angelicus Merlin Forum, which a few view as moderated as if by the Kremlin, You'll find Lilly's CAIII with the 'How to on RECTIFICATION':

Essentially there is only one correct way of rectification,
and it is study of events in the history of the person.
Only this can properly determine the positions of the houses in the natal chart...
Essentially inevitably one discovers far more than one single astrological opinion on any astrological matter

for example with respect to RECTIFICATION:
Physical appearance indications are worth checking out as well
Rectification is not only essential for determining Asc. because they are important checks the position peaks all houses not only Asc.

And for this to be studied more types of events in the life of a person associated with multiple areas of life...
Rectification is not only essential for determining Asc. because they are important checks the position peaks all houses not only Asc.

And for this to be studied more types of events in the life of a person associated with multiple areas of life...
The multiple RECTIFICATION techniques which are linked to in this thread include
etailed instructions on precisely how to calculate the pre-natal Epoch Rectification Method which may be viewed FOR FREE at
all these techniques have the purpose of determining/establishing the Ascendant


The Ascendant demarcates the time of birth

via ruling sign and other considerations


'.....Life, vitality and health
as well as
Stature, colour, complexion, form and shape of body :smile:
Older sources note its influence upon the intellect, the way the mind works, and speech.

In general, the first house represents the focal point for the personality and manner of expression.
As well as describing the physical appearance,
the condition of this house and that of its planetary ruler
indicates the level of personal vitality and strength'....
Two excellent books that explain much about rectification in intense detail are:


And Henry Coley wrote:


Very in depth for the studious!
I need assistance figuring out

I am trying to rectify my natal chart and I would REALLY appreciate some help figuring out which one of these two possible charts is more accurate. Specifically I would really like your advice on relevant changes from one chart to the next. I do not expect an in depth reading, but I would appreciate a simple opinion about the difference between one chart and the other.

Relevant information:

Left natal country 09/1994

Was kept in Guantanamo naval base, in a refugee camp, from 09/1994 until 02/1995

Arrived at the U.S. 02/1995

Graduated High School 06/2000

Graduated College 05/2010

Started relevant relationship on 02/2010

Long trip to California on 07/2012

Long trip to California on 07/2014

Relationship ended 12/2014

I hope that info helps.


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Re: I need assistance figuring out

I am trying to rectify my natal chart and I would REALLY appreciate some help figuring out which one of these two possible charts is more accurate. Specifically I would really like your advice on relevant changes from one chart to the next. I do not expect an in depth reading, but I would appreciate a simple opinion about the difference between one chart and the other.

Relevant information:

Left natal country 09/1994

Was kept in Guantanamo naval base, in a refugee camp, from 09/1994 until 02/1995

Arrived at the U.S. 02/1995

Graduated High School 06/2000

Graduated College 05/2010

Started relevant relationship on 02/2010

Long trip to California on 07/2012

Long trip to California on 07/2014

Relationship ended 12/2014

I hope that info helps.
An astrological technique from antiquity generally known as the Prenatal Epoch :smile:

'....Ascendant, or its opposite, at birth, is Moon's position at conception.

....Known as "Trutine of Hermes," from Hermes Trismegistus who stated the law as follows:

"The place of the Moon at conception becomes the birth ascendant or its opposite point."

"But this proved to be but one-half of a very important law, for while the...

Ascendant at birth was the place of the Moon at a certain Epoch, the Ascendant or its opposite point at this Epoch was the place of the Moon at birth

....a very remarkable interchange of factors." E.H. Bailey
available on amazon

detailed instructions on precisely how to calculate the pre-natal Epoch Rectification Method
may be viewed FOR FREE at

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Thanks for that, I am not sure how accurate it would be in my case. I was born at 8 months.. it makes me doubt the results...

I actually found an old thread in which we had this conversation :) I actually made the calculation and it was indeed accurate. The formula is sound. However, the calculation leans towards the 9:14 am birth time, while a rising sign study of physical appearance leans towards 8:50 am birth time. Still working on this...

I actually found an old thread in which we had this conversation :)

I actually made the calculation and it was indeed accurate.

The formula is sound.

However, the calculation leans towards the 9:14 am birth time,
while a rising sign study of physical appearance leans towards 8:50 am birth time.
Still working on this
Thanks for the update jg1982 :smile:
'......Never take your rectification too seriously.
No matter how good it is.
No matter how compelling the evidence appears.
It is still speculative :smile:
And most of all, never attempt to pass off a rectified chart as a verified birth time.
This is one of the cardinal sins of astrology,
that astrologers would be excommunicated for
IF the astrological community was some sort of an organized religion
or cult
Astrologers frequently rely on AA-rated data,
but mathematical probability indicates they CAN NOT be correct
simply because
real birthtimes do not congregate precisely around 15 minute intervals of time

birthtimes in the AA-rated database
have far too many birthtimes at around 3:00, 3:15, 3:30, and 3:45
and not enough birthtimes at say 3:02, 3:17, 3:29
and it is clearly unlikely
that significantly more birthtimes center on these even times.
and so it is obvious the time was rounded :smile:
and therefore wrong

furthermore no one can determine for certain
which were rounded
and which were not
Esteemed astrologer Robert Hand offers a natal chart rectification service

and states clearly:

'....It is critical to have the time of birth :smile:

If you do not know the exact time of your birth
or it was not recorded

we can rectify the time for an additional fee

rectification methods
are not as accurate and reliable
as some may believe

Robert Hand
According to Richard Vetter :smile:

'.....Adjusting birth time by several hours
(not an unusual practice)
is an absurdity.
The thorough, imaginative rectifier
tends to construct adventurous theories about the process of certification.
Parents/relatives sometimes assist in producing such fantasies:
the longer the period of adjustment,
the more colorful are the myths
that get built around the circumstances of the birth....' Richard Vetter