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Last night I dreamed about a tornado. The details are hazy because the dream was interrupted by a puppy, a cat, and a crisis, but I remember that my first thought on waking was "oh, finally!"


I had my first tornado dream back in the mid 90's, and for about 4 years they were a regular occurance. At the same time, I also had a recurring dream of being in my home (it wasn't always a place I knew, just that in the dream I knew it was my home) and unexpectedly finding a door that I thought lead to a closet or bedroom, only to find that it lead to a whole other part of my house/apt/whatever, with room after room after room full of treasures and beautiful things, and I can distincly remember that I felt happy to know they were my rooms, and anxious beacuse there were always more rooms to see, and never enough time to thouroughly explore each one. I always understod that the rooms represented opportunity, but could never really get a handle on what the tornadoes were about. Everything I read suggest violent emotions or suppressed anger, and that didn't quite capture how I felt.


Looking back now, I see that the dreams first started at about the same time a solar eclipse occured within 1 degree of my natal Saturn in 8th house, and for the next several years my life went through some pretty major upheavals. I had the tornadoes telling me when something was about to change, and the rooms to explore to remind me that change means new opportunity. The dreams gradually tapered off as TJupiter moved through my 8th, and life started to stabalize, and I haven't had either one since about 2000.


What I find really interesting is that my life currently needs a radical overhaul, and my first tornado dream in twelve years comes as TMoon conjuncts TJupiter in my 8th. The dream cycle and changes began with an eclipse at 8* Taurus, and continued over a period of 3-4 years, ending with TJupiter in Taurus. Oddly, TJupiter is back in Taurus, and in the spring of 2014 there will be another solar eclipse at 8* Taurus.


If anyone has any thoughts on this, I would love to hear them. :smile:
