Are there any? Reading traditional material, it seems Saturn is nothing but a negative and restricting planet. would want to be hedonistic?
Sometimes restriction can be a good thing.
... frankly I am unsettled because Saturn is the dominant planet in my chart.
I'm not exactly seeing that, but I could be wrong because I'm doing this (calculating) in my head.
Does Saturn bring anything good?
Why don't you ask actor Sean Connery?
Like you, he has Retrograde Saturn rising in the Ascendant in Capricorn....and that's what makes Sean Connery the kind of sophisticated suave debonaire type.
You might learn something by comparing his chart to yours, or perhaps yours to his.
The three things you have in common is Retrograde Saturn in a Capricorn Ascendant, Jupiter looking at Saturn from the opposition (Cancer) and Mercury looking at Saturn from the trine (Virgo).
The differences are what is important.
<Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn>
That's the hierarchy of Planets. Intuitively, looking at the three Superiors, Mars is too close to Sun and so has an Hot nature, while is too far away and has a Cold nature, but Jupiter is juuuusssst right.
In a Day Chart --- with Sun Above Earth -- you always want Jupiter & Saturn with Sun, and you want Mars Below Earth away from Sun. In a Night -- Sun Below Earth -- you want Jupiter & Saturn with Sun, and Mars way up in the night sky Above Earth.
When Saturn is Diurnal, he is less Malefic; Nocturnal Mars is less Malefic; but Nocturnal Jupiter is less Benefic.
Whenever you look at a Planet or Sign/House, you want to know who's watching. A Malefic watching a Planet or Sign/House is not good. In Connery's chart, Nocturnal Mars is in Gemini and in aversion to Saturn (and also the Ascendant) but in your chart, Nocturnal Mars is watching Saturn from Taurus. Even though Mars is Nocturnal, he is not less Malefic because he is in Taurus, and because of the Moon.
You both have a Cancer Jupiter watching Retrograde Saturn from the opposition, and a Virgo Mercury watching Rx Saturn from the trine, but here's where more major differences crop up.
Connery has a Libra Venus smiling at Saturn from the square, and an Accidental Benefic Virgo Sun not only staring at Saturn from the trine, but in an applying trine aspect, which helps Saturn.
You also have an Accidental Benefic Sun, but it -- along with Venus -- are in Leo and in aversion to Rx Saturn (and your Ascendant).
The real problem in your chart is Cancer Moon who is in aspect with Rx Saturn -- but separating -- and then applying to Taurus Mars.
You never want a Planet going from a Malefic (or Mercury or Sun as Accidental Malefics) to another Malefic. That's bad. It's like constant sorrow.
You want a Planet going from a Malefic to a Benefic, or from a Benefic to a Benefic.
Since Moon is the faster Planet, and since there's no Reception, and since Saturn is Retrograde, the meaning of that is being compelled/forced/driven into constant conflicts of one nature or another, and on top of that, Moon is impeded.
Cancer Moon receives Taurus Mars, but the only thing Mars hates worse than Moon, Libra and Taurus is Cancer, and then Moon is impeded by Rx Saturn.
Also, there is no Grand Trine here.
Both Mercury and Mars have separated from Rx Saturn, so those trines are no longer operative. Likewise, Sun has separated from Mars, so there is no square. However, Mercury is still in an applying trine with Mars.
One last thing, is that Mars is within the 8° moiety orb of a sextile to Jupiter.
Unless Jupiter is going stationary and Mars is moving freaking fast, that sextile is never going to happen.....and that's sad, because, whatever Mars/Jupiter represents in your chart, is what you will constantly chase after but never find.
Anyway, Saturn is a Malefic, but in your chart, not especially Malefic. Saturn really wants to help you, but he doesn't have any help. Sun in a sextile or trine (by Sign) to Saturn would really help, and so would Venus in a sextile, square or trine (by Sign), but those two are in aversion to Saturn (and your Ascendant), and it would be better if Mars were in aversion to Saturn, but it isn't so.
Yes, Rx Saturn impedes Moon, but Saturn is not really the bad guy here.
My primary concern would be the Moon/Rx Saturn opposition, the Moon/Mars sextile, and then the Mars/Jupiter sextile that never perfects.