Relationship in 2025 - or then, when?

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Dec 30, 2024
Hey people,

Yesterday I shared a similar question in the Thread Vedic Astrology, to hear what my Vedic chart says for 2025 and if there is chance for a healthy relationship.

And now I would like to hear your opinion about my western chart.

I'm all ears. My experiences in the love area have always been... scarce, and i'm quite in a phase that I seriously doubt if I will ever live something normal and healthy. Deep down I believe, but the fact that it's really just always me putting hopes in people that don't care about me year after year makes It hard to keep hopes on.

Last year I finished a chapter of my life in which I spent 6,5 years in a interaction full of unrequited love. Then, by the end of 2024, I thought finally things would improve when I met another person. But then again i'm apparently in the same trap. Another cold interaction, with emotionally inexpressive people that ask me to "don't wait for them" and never wanna compromise. To give an idea of how slow paced my love life is, my first kiss happened only in my 27 years (!), which I feel quite ashamed to assume since It never was a choice of mine, but due to the fact of me never finding "the one", really. I would always feel interested for people that were already engaged so I couldn't ever confess my love for them, or then older people, or then people that lived far away. Both the person I kept waiting for 6,5 years and the guy I recently met live far away, although the last one I at least managed to first meet in person. Any feedback would help.

Here is my natal chart:
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My software couldn't find "Lages" but I found something which changes the Ascendant only by 40 arc minutes or so.
I give my interpretations in Whole Sign houses since I'm learning astrology through the traditional lens.

Starting this coming July and stretching all the way to April 2028 is your 'Saturn return' period, and it's happening in your 7th house so we can expect relationships to come up, and it anyway sounds like this is something that is taking up a lot of your mind-space recently.

Saturn is in his fall in Aries and what you've written above certainly sounds like Saturn's depressing aspects. The opposition with your 1st house Venus seems to create a lot of distance between you and a potential partner. With your strong Libran energy I really feel for you, as I imagine you being very partnership oriented, ready to compromise, ready to be vulnerable and committed, but being hit with a form of "rejection".

I think a big part of your journey still is about individuation and finding your own voice. That 12th house Sun with the Moon in the 1st house speaks to me of someone who needs to let go of some rigid beliefs in their life. Maybe you can get very "stuck" on a certain outcome, a certain detail that "should" play out like you think it should. Maybe this could manifest through partnerships also, where some detail gets blown out of proportion and either you or your partner get stuck on it.

I don't see you as having self-worth issues per se, but there's still something with that 12th house Sun that speaks to you not necessarily shining your light as brightly as you could. Librans can be notorious for compromising too much and undermining themselves just in order to keep the peace.

Saturn is ruling your 5th house of fun, sex and romance, and he's in your 7th house, but he's in his fall, and Jupiter who is in your 5th house, wanting to enjoy and have fun, is squared by that Mars who is the ruler of Saturn. I think this creates a problematic dynamic when it comes to your love life:
You want to try all kinds of stuff with your partner/romantic interest, maybe some "unconventional" sexy ideas, some exciting intellectual games, broad and deep philosophical conversations. The Mars/Saturn dynamic however makes it so that partners end up being "hostile" or distant and out of reach.

This is why I think you should look forward to your coming Saturn return, as it can have the potential to dislodge some of these old karmic patterns. There's also a Venus retrograde coming up in your 7th house and that's another timeframe where new partnerships can appear. Also the solar eclipse in your 7th house on March 29th speaks to a new chapter possibly opening.

As the eclipses are moving now into your 12th-6th house axis, I think it's an excellent time to really look at past unconscious patterns of self-sabotage and try to look with that critical Virgo-eye at where you could've done things differently in the past; where you could've put your foot down and speak loudly and clearly about what you want, not about what they can or can not give you. It can be hard for Libras to see their own self-worth as they many times see their own worth in relation to how well their relationships are going. This can become self-destructive however, and remember that Libra is the exaltation of Saturn, so it's a sign that is very capable of seeing true justice and fairness; sometimes you have to clear everything of the scales so you can step by step build up something balanced, instead of retroactively trying to fix something that was built on a faulty foundation.

Just last November your progressed New Moon happened conjunct your natal 1st house Moon, so you've just barely opened the door on a new 30 year cycle. I think a lot of what I've said above speaks to the themes this is about for you; learning to put your foot down, demanding that you be treated with the same respect you extend to others and to not hide your light, both in partnerships and your professional endeavors.

Your Progressed Mercury moves into your 1st house this summer, I think this could symbolize you starting to find a more authentic voice, start thinking differently about yourself and re-arranging the internal pieces of your identity-puzzle.

Nov 2025 to Jan 2026 the progressed Moon passes your natal Venus and ascendant degree, I see this as a time where you will clearly start to see the outline of the person you are to become in the coming 30 years throughout this progressed lunation cycle. I think it will pertain to self-love first, but that will ultimately translate to love from the outside as well. I'm wondering if this is something quite significant for you, to be able to give yourself love first and not "need it" from the outside, and by relinquishing the "need" for it from the outside, you will find that it will flow naturally to you.

Hope this was helpful.