Remarking of University assignment

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Feb 25, 2010
I strongly believe I've been wronged in one of my university assignments.

The lecturer reduced my assignment to one section where I performed poorly and ignored the other sections of the assignment. This is what appeared to have happened since the lecturer questioned me if I wrote the rest of the assignment or someone else as it looked too good compared to the section where I messed up. :annoyed:

I am applying for a remark and I would like to know if the outcome will be positive for me.

I am Sun situated in the 9th of higher education (funny...same as natal) which seems a good indication, however Saturn opposes the Sun what tells me the answer is no and remarking my assignment won't do any good to me... :sad:

Please, any feedback is appreciated.

Thanks a ton.



  • assignment_remark.jpg
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Strange chart.

Both your signifcator and their significator are equal.

The Moon is void but, readable.

I'd say this is at a stalemate....I'm not sure what to make of this one....

What is a "remark", anyway? And, don't they have to prove that you cheated? They can't punish you on an assumption nowadays, can they?
Strange chart.

Both your signifcator and their significator are equal.

The Moon is void but, readable.

I'd say this is at a stalemate....I'm not sure what to make of this one....

What is a "remark", anyway? And, don't they have to prove that you cheated? They can't punish you on an assumption nowadays, can they?

The prof can reevaluate the original mark given, or if it is marked by their TA, the prof can look at it personally. You can also complain to the Dean. They have the right to send you for examination if the Prof suspected you plagiarized, I heard it happen over incorrect quoting! :( I hate when they make us change quote style! Best of luck.
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Strange chart.

Both your signifcator and their significator are equal.

The Moon is void but, readable.

I'd say this is at a stalemate....I'm not sure what to make of this one....

What is a "remark", anyway? And, don't they have to prove that you cheated? They can't punish you on an assumption nowadays, can they?

I didn't cheat. I am an honest person and I would not do such thing. That's why I am asking for them to mark again my assignment, because I have been wronged and I have nothing to hide/loose.
The lecturer questioned if I was the author of the essay because it was very well written while in another question my English was not the best (the subject is English). In addition, there were other questions the lecturer did not seem to have marked and those are correct answers.

I am admitted for examination. I am starting this fight because I have been prejudiced and I cannot ignore it, plus the assignment mark counts for the final mark.

I am extremely stressed with this, but let's see what happens. So far, I haven't got any reply from the lecturer regarding my request.

Thanks for your replies. :)

Edit: I just would like to add that I am studying through a correspondence University, so the lecturer who marked my assignment is not the same one responsible for the subject and we don't have classes to attend as a result they "don't know" me.
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The professor responsible for the module emailed me back and asked me to send him my assignment so he can look into it.

I just sent my assignment. Phew I feel much better now.

Let's see what he says.


Good luck. I was reluctant to reply because I cannot help with horary, but I had the same problem a few months ago.

I really wish you all the best, time to turn the tides! :rightful:
Good luck. I was reluctant to reply because I cannot help with horary, but I had the same problem a few months ago.

I really wish you all the best, time to turn the tides! :rightful:

Thanks byjove. It is much appreciated :smile:. I have been super anxious because of this situation... This is my second degree but it's the first time such thing happens to me.

I will post the outcome as soon as I know my results.


Thanks byjove. It is much appreciated :smile:. I have been super anxious because of this situation... This is my second degree but it's the first time such thing happens to me.

I will post the outcome as soon as I know my results.


Seriously I would be flippingggggggggggggggg, get some student lawyers lol (the come cheap) ahahah omg You will be fine! I know it! I had a friend who had an issue with a teacher giving her an extention then "taking it back" and threatening to fail her. I helped her scan the doctor notes and find the evidence to email to her department. She ended up getting an A! Sometimes confusing things happen but they usually work out.. I like to think the truth is the strongest force, which will always end up coming out! In one class the prof hated my weekly submissions, like it is messing up my grade cuz it was a big deal, in another class I was getting A+ in the 'journals' so..... also some times I write a paper and I do well then get lazy near the end so... finding a good editor to help you out is a good idea too!
Seriously I would be flippingggggggggggggggg, get some student lawyers lol (the come cheap) ahahah omg You will be fine! I know it! I had a friend who had an issue with a teacher giving her an extention then "taking it back" and threatening to fail her. I helped her scan the doctor notes and find the evidence to email to her department. She ended up getting an A! Sometimes confusing things happen but they usually work out.. I like to think the truth is the strongest force, which will always end up coming out! In one class the prof hated my weekly submissions, like it is messing up my grade cuz it was a big deal, in another class I was getting A+ in the 'journals' so..... also some times I write a paper and I do well then get lazy near the end so... finding a good editor to help you out is a good idea too!

Hahaha, I guess some teachers usually wake up on the wrong side of the bed!

Thanks for the positive thoughts too. :)
You know what's funny? There are more complaints... I am now wondering if it was the same lecturer marking our assignments!

It's ridiculous because the lecturer didn't even bother marking all my answers, plus if I sum all the ones he/she apparently marked, the total gives me a higher mark than the one I got! :w00t:
Hahaha, I guess some teachers usually wake up on the wrong side of the bed!

Thanks for the positive thoughts too. :)
You know what's funny? There are more complaints... I am now wondering if it was the same lecturer marking our assignments!

It's ridiculous because the lecturer didn't even bother marking all my answers, plus if I sum all the ones he/she apparently marked, the total gives me a higher mark than the one I got! :w00t:

Omg, well there you go! That is the good thing about school, when there is something 'wacked' with the marks and grading other students usually see it too and can back you up! Like in some of my classes we got the prof to give us extensions, if everyone would ask for them and stuff like this! I had a prof who was like, if you dispute my TA's marking I will regrade your assignments but harder! She was harsh, she got 'mad' cuz after an oral I left some of my hair on her podium rofl gr anyways xooxo
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Omg, well there you go! That is the good thing about school, when there is something 'wacked' with the marks and grading other students usually see it too and can back you up! Like in some of my classes we got the prof to give us extensions, if everyone would ask for them and stuff like this! I had a prof who was like, if you dispute my TA's marking I will regrade your assignments but harder! She was harsh, she got 'mad' cuz after an oral I left some of my hair on her podium rofl gr anyways xooxo

Hahaha! Yea, I know that type of profs... I took a risk in applying for remark, the other profs could not like my "confrontation" and they could make my life harder. But so far so good! I could not ignore and pretend nothing happened... Oh hell no. :lol:

Have a great weekend! xooxo
hahaha! Yea, i know that type of profs... I took a risk in applying for remark, the other profs could not like my "confrontation" and they could make my life harder. But so far so good! I could not ignore and pretend nothing happened... Oh hell no. :lol:

Have a great weekend! Xooxo

fight the powerrrrrrrrr!

YOu too, :D keep me posted xoxo