Rising Signs and Physical Characteristics

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the whole eye charcterisics put to each rising sign i find hard to grasp full stop......i agree that you could say that signs have "magnetic" eyes, but look at the japanese race for example....there eye shape is very distinctive.....how would you tell with them, by looking at the eye shape....? obviously they are each as individual as us people with anglo saxon backgrounds, but to be able to use eye shapes as a sign of a rising sign......i think thats wishful thinking.....
This was purely theoretical speculation, and of course, certain traits are characteristic of certain racial and ethnic groups, but surely you will agree that there must be some correlation between one's rising sign and his or her physical characteristics?

There is no need for insults, by the way.

obviously they are each as individual as us people with anglo saxon backgrounds

Yes, of course; without going too much into a discussion of race, which I believe would be in bad taste, scientific studies have proven that there is more genetic variation in those of African American heritage, for example, than those of European heritage.

Unfortunately, I imagine that many of the characteristics typical of each sign were not developed with sensitivity or awareness of diversity in the system of western astrology that most of us currently use, but I imagine that it would be an interesting exercise to explore the physical characteristics indicated by other systems of astrology.

Yet this may prove difficult, especially with Vedic astrology because the signs of the tropical zodiac do not align with the signs of the sidereal zodiac.

Surely, each ancient culture had its own system of astrology, yet describing physical characteristics of those born under a certain sign may not have been a priority.

Arian Maverick
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Heart of a Scorpio said:
as for a arian rising.

Must say I was let down when it came to the eyebrows.

One thing, I DO NOT have. :(

Everything else seem to match up fine.

You definitely have a scorpio look too, nice pic btw!
Here are two pictures of me ... I'll leave it up to you to decide whether I look more like my Pisces Ascendant or my Sagittarius Sun (or any other sign for that matter :)). Let me know what you think!!!

*edit* Pics removed

PS: I hope it's OK if I remove those pics later on.
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Wow, is your hair naturally that straight? I'm jealous! :p

I believe there's an overall Piscean softness to your appearance, yet individual traits such as your face shape and construction are not aligning with the Pisces Ascendant image I have created in my mind. Of course, this image is always changing with the addition of new data, and it's certainly possible that some traits I associate with Pisces are more associated with other signs, but I tend to think of the face as being round and sort of fleshy.

There's a part of me that wants to say Taurus/Scorpio because of the artistic yet somewhat mysterious vibe of the first picture, but as I mentioned earlier, I'm not sure what any sign is supposed to look like anymore...

Arian Maverick
does it look aries like :D? i'm 5"7, wide shoulders, little over the ideal bmi, wear pony tails somewhat often ..

i had a guy once approach me and gues the ascendant in the first try. i think it was just luck :p
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I've never heard of large features being equated to Aries before; do you suppose this is the influence of the Ascendant being in the third decanante, the Sagittarius/Jupiter decanate of Aries, or perhaps the Sagittarius Sun?

Interestingly, the Sun forms a tight trine to the Ascendant...

Arian Maverick
Arian Maverick said:
I've never heard of large features being equated to Aries before; do you suppose this is the influence of the Ascendant being in the third decanante, the Sagittarius/Jupiter decanate of Aries, or perhaps the Sagittarius Sun?

Interestingly, the Sun forms a tight trine to the Ascendant...

Arian Maverick
Really? I will find where I have read this. I have pinpointed aries sun out before by:

Large Eyebrows(bushy)
Large Eyes
Large heads
Usually, the smile and teeth have something to do with large as well.
(either big smile or large teeth)

although, arian.. I think you could be correct in saying it could be the Sagittarius/Jupiter decanate of Aries
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Really? I will find where I have read this. I have pinpointed aries sun out before by:

Large Eyebrows(bushy)
Large Eyes
Large heads
Usually, the smile and teeth have something to do with large as well.
(either big smile or large teeth)

I think you may have a theory here, but you have to be careful when judging a girl's Ascendant or Sun Sign by the shape of her eyebrows--we tend to get them waxed if they're bushy! :p

I've found that Arians' eyebrows tend to be somewhat flat and lacking in shape, as well.

Arian Maverick
Lol yes yes I can agree with you on that! This particular gentleman was in my training class at work. I took one look at him and said.. ARIES! Couple months down the line I seen an Aries tattoo on his foot. also confirmed through a friend of his. But yes, the eyebrows on this guy were just thrown on. No particular shape or method. not to say they looked like scrambled eggs on his face..
i also want to add. Since there seems to be a huge battle of pisces or aries rising. I dont think I've ever seen a pisces rising that doesn't have color to their eyes. I think I read somewhere Owen Wilson had a pisces rising.

anyways.. I always attach small features to one with Pisces Rising. Especially the eyes, I say this because even though I do not have a pisces rising I have a pisces moon which seems to have a connection with just about all planets (except sun and rising) in m ychart which is why I believe its a strong feature to m ybuild.
Arian Maverick said:
Wow, is your hair naturally that straight? I'm jealous! :p
Umm, yeah, unfortunately my hair really is that straight naturally. People always complement me on it, but I don't really like my hair being so awfully straight.

Arian Maverick said:
I believe there's an overall Piscean softness to your appearance, yet individual traits such as your face shape and construction are not aligning with the Pisces Ascendant image I have created in my mind. Of course, this image is always changing with the addition of new data, and it's certainly possible that some traits I associate with Pisces are more associated with other signs, but I tend to think of the face as being round and sort of fleshy.
Personally, I feel I look more like a Sag than a Pisces. I have a five planet stellium in Sag, which holds my Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. It's been my personal experience, however, that people don't just look like a combo of their Sun and Ascendant but also like the sign their ruling planet is in. To a lesser extent the Venus (for girls) and Mars (for guys) placements seem to matter as well. So, in my case, I have the aforementioned planets in Sag and Venus in Libra (I do have dimples when smiling ... I hear this is typically of Libra).

Arian Maverick said:
There's a part of me that wants to say Taurus/Scorpio because of the artistic yet somewhat mysterious vibe of the first picture, but as I mentioned earlier, I'm not sure what any sign is supposed to look like anymore...
My Sun is on the Scorpio/Sag cusp in the 8th house. Also, my Pluto in Scorpio is squaring my Moon and sextiling my chart ruler ... so maybe that's the Scorpio vibe you are seing.

memento mori said:
does it look aries like :D?
You definitely have certain features that I attribute to Aries rising. However, I can't help but also sense some Sagittarius/Jupiter vibe in your pictures. :)
I never plucked my eyebrows in my entire life. That much on Aries rising bushy eyebrows :D .. I hv a friend who is a double scorpio who has The bushiest eyebrows ever and a big head. he has moon in aries and mars on 00 aries. dunno maybe that had something to do with it...


@Girl from Jupiter: I would say you're a scorpio almost definitely. That charismatic dark look is something i definitely associate with scorpio. though you dont look as mean as most scorpios i know so that might be the gentle influence of pisces.

Sagitarius Ascendant
Neptune conjunct Ascendant
MArs in the first house, grrr

Ascendant ruler in Pisces in the 2nd/3rd.

With Jupiter there, people always think i sound happy, I think.

Me being a bit nutty! Maybe thats the Saggy Ascendant.

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memento mori said:
@Girl from Jupiter: I would say you're a scorpio almost definitely. That charismatic dark look is something i definitely associate with scorpio. though you dont look as mean as most scorpios i know so that might be the gentle influence of pisces.
You know, the funny thing is even though my Sun is technically at 2 degrees Sagittarius, I still feel kind of like a Scorpio sometimes (not in the mean Scorpionic way, though - no offense to the Scorpios out there :) ... it's just that I feel very deeply) ... I don't know ... maybe it's my Sun sitting in the 8th house or the Moon/Pluto square that keeps torturing me with those Scorpio traits :34:.

I just realized that my Pisces Ascendant is in the third decanate ... the decante ruled by Scorpio.

@Neptune Rising
I can definitely see the Sag rising with Neptune conjunct in your picture.
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Indigojade1 said:
OK Silverfloe...!! I am a Pisces rising Virgo sun Left handed yada yada.... ODDD

*que twilight zone music*
That makes three of us ... I am Pisces rising too AND I am too left-handed. Funny coincidence I guess :D