Rising signs/eyebrows & eye shapes?

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Aug 31, 2010
Hello everyone,
It would be funny to compare eyebrows and eye shapes, through rising signs.
Say also what's your moon, it can be also very important.
Please, post some pics


(I don't have any pics just from my eyes alone, but you can have an idea through my profile picture...
Leo rising /Pisces moon 8th house)
Hello everyone,
It would be funny to compare eyebrows and eye shapes, through rising signs.
Say also what's your moon, it can be also very important.
Please, post some pics

I was going to post something on this in another Ascendant thread, but you beat me to it :). My son has Cancer rising with Moon in Cancer conjunct the Ascendant and a Scorpio Sun (conjunct Saturn and Mercury). As a toddler he was Moon-faced (and Moon-bodied), but as an adult he looks nothing like the typical case - he's tall and very thin, with long features (and I know the birth time is right, I was there!) But the eyebrows tell the story. They're almost perfectly crescent-Moon shaped, and he has round, dark eyes. Unfortunately, I have no recent close-up photos that show it.
Hi there.

I have both Sun and Moon in Aries (not in conjunction) and Virgo rising. I can post a pic of what I looked like as a young child and what I look like now as a comparison. I think my eyes and brows reflect the mixture of Aries and Virgo, but I will leave others to decide.

I get told by other astrologers that I look like a Virgo. My eyebrows do arch in the Aries way, but they aren't thick and bushy like a typical Aries.

I also have Pluto in Libra in the 1st house, but no other planets near the Ascendant. My Mercury is in Aries.


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This is an interesting topic.I've never heard of many comments on my eye brows,except for the fact that it is quite full (I've never done anything to it,except plucking it with a tweezer) and it's got a nice natural shape.

I have a Sun in Aries,Moon in Cancer and my rising is at 0'47 Capricorn.I have Venus and Mercury squaring my Rising,with Neptune and Uranus in the 1st House.
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Hi there.

I have both Sun and Moon in Aries (not in conjunction) and Virgo rising. I can post a pic of what I looked like as a young child and what I look like now as a comparison. I think my eyes and brows reflect the mixture of Aries and Virgo, but I will leave others to decide.

I get told by other astrologers that I look like a Virgo. My eyebrows do arch in the Aries way, but they aren't thick and bushy like a typical Aries.

I also have Pluto in Libra in the 1st house, but no other planets near the Ascendant. My Mercury is in Aries.

I'm really surprised, I thought Virgo rising would have smaller, defined features. You've generous-sized eyes, I would have said Cancer rising. Even your face is oval, I think.

I'm Aries Sun/Virgo Moon/Pisces Mercury, Venus but now ascendant is in question. 4 family members dispute the hospital time so it's either Cancer, Leo or Virgo rising. The other placements show fire, earth and water regardless. Can I ask others what they think if I put some pics up? I'll probably just put them up for today though :bandit: :whistling:

My body otherwise: always very slim, very very muscled legs, slim or defined elsewhere, totally resilient to weight-gain, quick metabolism.
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I have an Aries Asc, Pisces Moon, Leo Sun. The first house is rather big so a part of it is Taurus.

Very thick and arched eyebrows (black), brown eyes with long and curved eyelashes, also black (until they became smaller due to some waterproof mascara). Almond eyes. The rest of the hair (on the head) is brown. The eyes have something dreamy about them. Sometimes they're full of light.

I'm not going to post a picture:smile: but the eyes and eyebrows were the most beautiful part of the face. I've exaggerated with make-up and sleepless nights and they've lost a part of their beauty (not all).

At a point I had doubts whether I had an Aries Asc but after I've read it gives bushy eyebrows I realised it fits.

The rest of the body is quite hairy as well :w00t:
And what about face shape, do people fit the idea of:

cardinal - oval
fixed - tough jaw, square-ish
mutuable - high forehead, closes in to smaller jaw ?
I have black eyebrows and it a little bit brushy but nothing in Aries in my chart. And I have brown eyes, but it's a strange brown. Because sometimes friends say that I have red eyes..expecially in the summer I hear this a lot.

I have not small eyes. The shape isn't round or amond. It's something between. My eyelashes are black and long and I'm happy with this because I don't need mascara.

A lot of people say that gemini woman are skinny and tall. I'm 1m64 and I weight 58kg (let us say that this is normal:joyful:)

No pictures of me, so use your imagination :biggrin:

I'm a Gemini, AS Virgo, Venus cancer, Mars leo, Mercury gemini, Jupiter Gemini, Gemini=MC, moon sagi, pluto scorpio. Uranus, Neptun, Saturn in Capr.
Chinee astrology:

Curiously enough chinese astrology also has its hours, or rising signs...

e.g. if you were born btw 8 and 10 pm BST (3 to 5 pm eastern summer time), you might exibit some of the following facial traits:

http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=52469 :cool:
Or, if you're female born between 6am - 8am British Summer Time (1am - 3am, Eastern Summer Time; 10pm - Midn., Pacific time), you would have a sheep rising - and might just have hair aspects like any of these:

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[SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hen[/FONT][/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]These are the times from wiki as per chinese time (you just need to take off 7h to convert them to British time):[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]23:00 – 00:59: 子 Rat[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]01:00 – 02:59: 丑 Ox[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]03:00 – 04:59: 寅 Tiger[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]05:00 – 06:59: 卯 Rabbit[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]07:00 – 08:59: 辰 Dragon[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]09:00 – 10:59: 巳 Snake[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]11:00 – 12:59: 午 Horse[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]13:00 – 14:59: 未 Goat[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]15:00 – 16:59: 申 Monkey[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]17:00 – 18:59: 酉 Rooster[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]19:00 – 20:59: 戌 Dog[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]21:00 – 22:59: 亥 Pig[/FONT][/SIZE]
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7 Libra Asc
0 Jupiter, 3 Saturn, 21 Pluto all in Libra 1st house

Asc conjunct Jupiter and Saturn
Pisces Moon

People overwhelming guess I'm Leo rising but I have no planets in Leo and an empty 5th house. A few have guessed Virgo, but probably because of my vintage glasses. I also have no planets in Virgo but my Moon is in 6th house.

I guess my eyes are almond shaped and I have a natural arch for my eybrows. I usually just have to clean it up once a week and I'm good to go. I'm not sure if it's a Libra thing? I'd like to get other people's opinions.


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My eyebrows are of a natural shape and I pluck the stray hairs.I don't have anything in Libra except for my MC.
just noticed that my eyebrows are of different shape (to each other).Does anyone else have this? :)
7 Libra Asc
0 Jupiter, 3 Saturn, 21 Pluto all in Libra 1st house

Asc conjunct Jupiter and Saturn
Pisces Moon

People overwhelming guess I'm Leo rising but I have no planets in Leo and an empty 5th house. A few have guessed Virgo, but probably because of my vintage glasses. I also have no planets in Virgo but my Moon is in 6th house.

I can see why people think Leo, you do look very sunny, but Libra would have been my next guess. Love your tatt btw.
Thanks! I have a few more. I always forget I have tattoos. The last time I got inked was 5 years ago. Whoa... that's a very long time!

Raquel, you have the face of what I call dreamy Pisces Moon face. I've noticed that with females who have Pisces moon. I have Pisces Moon too and I've noticed females with Pisces Moon have that sorta sleepy, dreamy, subtle facial expressions of being in a different world.
I think when it comes to looking at people's faces and eyes, the Moon sign should be taken into closer consideration because the Moon represent one's "inner soul," so-to-speak. I mean, people often say that the eyes are the windows to one's soul, right? Heh.
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I am a scorpio sun with pisces rising and a virgo moon. I have been told I have really pretty eye color they're green and have a golden halo. I don't really have a picture of my eyes and the only picture on my pc is one from a new years party and the shot of the eyes isn't very good at all but I'll put it on here anyway. I find it kinda funny that I always end up with my clothes off in every photo I have now that I looked through them so this is the best I could find.


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