Rothschilds and the New World Oder

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evil Rothschilds Exposed Thanks to Russian TV (Videos)

ne of the richest and most sinister elitist families in the world is being exposed by mainstream Russian television.

The infamous Rothschilds, known as one of the richest and most powerful families in the world are now being scrutinized by Russia, with the hope of revealing the corruption that has poisoned geopolitics, like a thriving cancer.

Rumors surrounding the Rothschild’s connection with the ‘New World Order’ have circulated for years and the fact that they are connected to so many different governments means their conflict of interests cannot be ignored.

The Rothschilds’ power in the world governments can also no longer be denied or dismissed as a conspiracy.

One such rumor is that Putin is said to be ‘readying’ his people to oppose the world order that has been set out by the Powers that Be, who control nearly all of the worlds government, banks, religion, education, and the majority of the world’s the media.

According to Putin, “If the powers that be today find some standard or norm to their advantage, they force everyone else to comply. But if tomorrow these same standards get in their way, they are swift to throw them in the bin, declare them obsolete, and set or try to set new rules.”

Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created NWO

A quote from Zero Hedge:

“Putin is readying his people to divorce from the international banking system altogether, and start over with a nationalistic platform, backed by thousands of tons of gold, and growing alliances with Europe, China and the BRICS nations, the Middle East and several emerging powers.”

Russia’s burning desire for independence from the rest of the world has emerged under the Putin regime and has manifested itself in several different ways.

Russian TV on the Rothschilds

It has been reported by a Russia Insider that Russians are even gearing up to set up a independent banking system that will give them complete freedom from the rest of the worlds banks, a bold and unusual move in today’s economy.

The Rothschild’s are famous for their ownership of banking systems and controlling the money in many different countries around the world.

It appears that the Russian are aiming to distance themselves from this corrupt system that has ruled the world’s money for far too many years

The Russian government shows signs of being far more advanced in their understanding of the New World Order than their global counterparts.

American presidents have even warned of the insidious dangers of secret governments.

President Theodore Roosevelt said that “behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government, owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”

President John Kennedy also warned of secret societies and many believe it cost him his life exposing the cloaked government and the entities that pull the strings.

JFK Secret Societies Speech (full version)

Should the rest of the world follow the Russian example and work towards becoming financially independent and break free of the hidden chains inflicted by these mancing forces?

the goal of the Rothschild's new world order is to break down national boundaries, cultural boundaries, religious boundaries,societal boundaries, family boundaries, sexual boundaries and psychological boundaries. the Rothschild want a population of humans that have no sense of identity to anything except the satanic purposes the new world order has in mind for them.
note how western Europe is being over run my middle eastern people. why? because the USA/Israel/Saudis have been waging a illegal war for over 17 years. no wonder all these immigrants are trying to get out of the middles east. it is very simple to stop this exodus.. stop the wars which means to supply each side with more weapons as has been done by the Rothschild for over 200 years.
instead the rothschilds have destroyed the cultural and national fabric of the middle east and they are destroying the national fabric of Europe and the usa by imposing alien legal and cultural standards are the western world.

A council in Britain is taking action to crack down on “Islamophobia” in response to some parents refusing to send their children on mosque visits arranged by schools.
After it emerged that some pupils were being prevented from going on school trips to mosques by their families, Staffordshire’s Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) produced a document claiming mosque visits are vital in preparing children for life in “diverse” Britain.
While families have the right to remove their children from school trips, SACRE said it was a “serious matter” that pupils have been withdrawn from mosque visits. Some parents have cited concerns over cost and safety in their requests, while others deplored a “political agenda” behind the activities, according to the Stoke Sentinel.
To counter this trend, SACRE is issuing schools with guidance on how to counter the trend, which includes a template letter to parents claiming that mosque visits play an important role in “helping to prepare and equip pupils for life and citizenship in today’s diverse and plural Britain”.
Trump is seriously unlaughable and the rest of us are paying the price. Wasting time on grand conspiracies, imho, doesn't really help the situation. But at the same time it's your thing, so no worries.
Trump is seriously unlaughable and the rest of us are paying the price. Wasting time on grand conspiracies, imho, doesn't really help the situation. But at the same time it's your thing, so no worries.

grand conspiracies ....the release of the kennedy papers certainly gave evidence that validated the multiple shooter the way the CIA coined the term" conspiracy theorist" to marginalize those who see thru the CIA lies about the Kennedy assassination .it is much easier to accept the lies than put the time ion to find the truth.
ignorance is truly bliss
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(in light of all the purges, assassination and false flag murders, one has to wonder if this crash was premeditated rahu)

Rothschild Manor Plane Crash! Four Dead as Plane and Helicopter Wreckage Lands (Video)

There is buzz as to whether one of the Rothschild were killed during this crash. But from what I see, there is no evidence of that. We will add more to this post if that is verified but so far this is the news from the Telegraph as follows.
Four people have been killed in a mid-air collision between a helicopter and light aircraft flying from an airfield where air traffic control had been shut due to “staff shortages”.
Wreckage from the aircraft tumbled from the sky and landed just over a mile from the former home of the Rothschild banking family at Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire, yesterday lunchtime.​
Members of the Rothschild reported hearing a “loud bang” and a plume of smoke could be seen above trees.
The Air Accidents Investigation Branch said the collision involved a helicopter and a two-seat Cessna 152 aircraft, each carrying two people, both of the craft had taken off from Wycombe Air Park, 23 miles away near High Wycombe.
A Notice to Airmen was previously issued to warn pilots the air field’s air traffic control services would be closed during three 30-minute periods on selected days between November 7-30 due to a “staff shortage”.
The crash occurred around half an hour after the latest closure was due to end.
Off-duty firefighter Mitch Missen witnessed the crash from his garden.
“I looked up and saw as both collided in mid-air, followed by a large bang and falling debris,” he said.
“I rushed in to get my car keys and en route called the emergency services, who I continued to give updates as to its whereabouts.
“Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to locate the actual crash site but directed police, fire and ambulance as best I could. Once they were on the scene, I returned home.”
At least seven fire appliances rushed to the scene at Upper Winchendon and a fire brigade drone was launched over the fallen wreckage to spot any survivors.
Staff from the Grade I listed Waddesdon Manor, which is managed by the Rothschild Foundation on behalf of the National Trust, helped direct emergency vehicles as police threw up an extensive cordon around the area.
A member of the Rothschild family said the collision missed her by five minutes.
The woman, who did not want her full name published, said she heard a loud bang while she was driving her car to a dog grooming event, near Waddesdon, in Buckinghamshire.
Just five minutes earlier she had been picking a plant in the Wilderness Woods, the scene of the crash site, on the Waddesdon Estate.
“I’m totally shocked,” she said. “I heard a loud bang, which I thought was a car crash.”


Rothschild Cabal have infiltrated your government, your media, your banking institutions. They are no longer content with committing atrocities in the middle east



“The Rothschild Cabal have infiltrated your government, your media, your banking institutions. They are no longer content with committing atrocities in the middle east.

“The Rothschild Cabal have infiltrated your government, your media, your banking institutions.

They are no longer content with committing atrocities in the middle east. They are now doing it on their own soil to complete their plan for a one world government, one world army, complete with a world central bank.” Vladimir Putin


President Putin has been warning the world of the corrupt new world order cabal for years. In spite of media black outs of any good the Russian president does, all is replaced with dumps of evil propaganda about evil Russia.

In the same manner they have dumped loads of lies and smear upon the Donald when running for office. In spite of all their evil media spirit cooking, President Trump won by a landslide and became the most popular man of the people.


Why attack these two men? Because they are not for a one world government order, they both love their country and have drive and desire to protect their people. They are both for international fair trade deals and sovereignty of nations. They both are against open borders and both had the cabal slam them with propaganda during their election processes.


The world watched the Donald as the cabal threw their arsenal at the US election. Yet all the smear, the fixed polls, election fraud, voter fraud, and down right corruption did not stop the will of the people to have him elected. They only accomplished the feat of skewing the popular vote numbers to prevent an accurate tally that would have shown he won by a landslide!

President Trump’s supporters know who they are and the same have a mighty power when they boycott something. If they were so few in numbers, that could never happen now could it?


In the same fashion as President Putin, the people in the world have grown a fondness for President Trump and applaud his attempts to warn the world of the cabal’s evil
diabolical plans.


I believe that together the new alliances in the world between the U.S., Russia, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and all the Asian nations will usher in a most remarkable landscape for nation sovereignty… and a complete maelstrom take down for the Cabal.
Last July Putin said, “As European nations mourn their dead and prepare for the next wave of “imminent” terror attacks, the New World Order is in the final stages of their “70 year master plan for Europe“, and the process will only speed up from here.
“’The New World Order’s plan to fill western nations with radical Islamic immigrants, against the will of the people of these countries, and then “unleash hell on earth” by poking them has been achieved.”


At the Kremlin, to a group taking a tour, President Putin said, “The New World Order put hornet nests in your countries, and now they are poking them.”
Putin, like President Trump, believes that open border policies forced on nations by the globalist United Nations must be rejected if there is to be any chance of national sovereignty and safety for citizens in their home lands.

So watch and wait as the storm hits land and hopefully rides itself out.
It is now very evident that the biggest fear of the Cabal is to have a Russia President Putin and USA President Trump alliance for obvious reasons, which do not include the “unleashed hell on earth”plans for all humanity.

For years President Putin has been hitting the New World Order where it hurts, exposing them and their games in KGB style, outgunning, outflanking and out-maneuvering the cabal on the world chess board.

And then came Trump….another master chess player who turned their house of cards inside out, “exposing their evil, calling them out at every turn. Trump had and still has them running scared, which is why they continue to be ratcheted up in “red alert” propaganda mode.

What wild card do the cabal have left? Perhaps, since their hands are tied with the new alliances they will have to thwart their next world war and go straight into crashing the world economy. History always repeats itself and there is nothing new under the sun… watch and guard against the next stock market crash and run on the banks – after all nation banks are freezing the cabal’s monetary assets and the Rothschild’s do not like all their green notes of air being held out of the game.

They just may pull another 1905 run on the banks and market crash to call in all their notes and try and collect on world assets that they think they own. It worked then to usher in the Federal Reserve Act.

Know this – the Cabal has been working overtime for a long while to revamp the world monetary system with great cunning and deceit. Now, with nowhere to go but down, a loose cannon Cabal will definitely look at their one last weapon. Will they be able to use it? If they do … will there be a world- wide Iceland rattling of pots and pans?

Always follow the money.


Meanwhile, there has been a helicopter and plane collision near the Rothschild estate in Buckinghamshire this week. The wreckage from the aircraft is believed to have fallen from the sky following reports from locals who said they heard a loud bang after midday. Some are speculating that Jacob Rothschild died in the crash. Main stream media has been silent on the issue.

Not sure when or if they will talk about this….therefore this is real and not a planned event.

So stay tuned. Click to read about Rothschild crash here.


Grab the popcorn….and if you have a nest egg – make sure all your assets are paid off in full and put whatever is left into something solid.

after the successful French revolution, napoleon opened the Jewish ghettos in eastern Europe .napoleon thought the jewish money would reestablish the French economy but the money was used to buy the bankrupt villages across france and instuited a new ecomnomic opprerssion of the peasants of france. in addition the new money was loaned at such high usury rates , that naplolean had the jewish financier call a meeting of the Sanhedrin which had not met in over 200 years to address the high usury loans. but to no avail.

On June 18th, 74,000 French troops led by Napoleon, sizing up to meet 67,000 British and other European Troops 200 miles NE of Paris.
Nathan Rothschild knowing that information is power stationed his trusted agent named Rothworth near the battlefield. As soon as the battle was over Rothworth quickly returned to London, delivering the news to Rothschild 24 hours ahead of Wellington's courier. A victory by Napoleon would have devastated Britain's financial system. Nathan stationed himself in his usual place next to an ancient pillar in the stock market. Knowing he would be observed he hung his head and began openly to sell huge numbers of British Government Bonds. Believing this to mean that Napoleon must have won, everyone started to sell their British Bonds as well. The bottom fell out of the market. Rothschild had his agents buying up all the hugely devalued bonds.
from this point on in history, the rpthschild controlled the British empire, and hence the world economy because they had bought up the debt of England for schillings on the pound.
since the battle of waterloo, the rothschilds have financed both sides of every major European and world wars making money, no matter who won.

the Rothschild funded every American robber baron from j.p.morgan, to Andrew Carnegie . the rothschil have ruled th eworld economy since the battle of waterloo in 1815


NEO – America Beaten, Down for the Count

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor -

November 28, 2017 4

The seven golden domes of St. Petersburg [ Editor’s Note: We had a recent Gordon Duff NEO article published that had some hair on it for being critical of Israeli policy, which we don’t view as an ethnic or even a religious construct, but a geopolitical and national security one. And it is becoming understood that Israel has to be closely looked at, all the time.
The recent revelations that Israel has had “relations” with a dozen Arab nations that did not recognize it show that not only were the respective Arab State citizens played by their rulers, but the entire world public is shown a Potemkin village that is presented to us so we are easier lead around by the nose.
We are beginning to see attitudes change on the universal fear of critical reviews of what Israel has been doing and why, which was traditionally a “no go” area for those interested in a comfortable career.
The hardest nut to crack has been our security organizations who depend on politicians to fund their budgets; but the politicians have been compromised by the Zionists to the extent that calling them dancing bears is not an exaggeration. Any cursory review of the video of Netanyahu addressing a Joint Session of Congress will show the dance.
Bibi gets more standing ovations than any American president VT has always been on the front lines of this fight, the big one, and will remain so. But as 2017 comes to a close, we see a revelation developing like never before that things can not get better until Israeli meddling is dealt with.
As to how best to do that is a work in progress, as the Zionists are “layered up” with cannon fodder buffers that have to be dealt with before they begin to sweat. The next hurdle will be to make it an election issue, which it never has been.
Trying to run for office without having to pledge allegiance to Israel is the key breakthrough to turning things around politically. But from a security perspective, until we see some major Israeli espionage networks taken down on Capitol Hill, the cork will remain in the bottle.
Can this be done when the Trump circus is in town? Probably not. The Justice Department and the FBI have their plates full now. But there is still a lot of work that can be done, like passing Gordon’s article around to those who need to read it, whether they want to or not.
At the end of the day, the public either supports making changes, or it remains compromised. But we will at least give them a chance. We will have a lot of work to doJim W. Dean ]

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What do we really have left from what they gave us? And who really is responsible for what we have lost?
– First published … November 28, 2017
The world knows America is done for. Trump isn’t making America great, he is dancing on the corpse. We could give dates, 9/11; or back in 1913 when America took on an illegal Rothschild central bank. Perhaps it really is 1913; and the America of today is the result of bleeding that began then.
US Treasury Department It is always about debt. When nations take on a central bank, and all central banks are foreign owned, all controlled by the Rothschild family, their institutions crumble, the family, religion, their government, the courts, their media, all are targeted.
We have seen this time and time again. The reason 9/11 is critical has nothing to do with the endless war sweeping the world that it began, proxy armies, phony terror groups and teeming millions of refugees.
For America it announced the largest robbery in history, $10 trillion in assets, enough to buy the entirety of Europe, simply “disappeared.” Only days before 9/11 it was learned that $2.4 trillion was missing from the US military budget alone, according to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
What few know is that the group investigating, in their entirety, were killed on 9/11 during the incident at the Pentagon. We call it an incident because calling it a terror attack or even an airline crash is unsupportable without throwing away any reason whatsoever.
Then we ask, who does such a thing, who would take down America, destroy their government, collapse their economy as in 2008, and allow a nation to be led by a leader known to be clinically insane? Why do we never name the culprits, who are the “usual suspects?”
Let’s look at what happened in America while the world watched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, two wars America has technically lost, beyond lost, each alone makes the debacle of Vietnam stand out as a beacon of reason.
Mountains of cash just disappeared By the end of 2007, America’s 5 leading investment banks were bankrupt, having “misplaced” trillions in assets. Most major corporations were the same, broke, hopelessly, to the extent that the Down Jones Industrial Average had to be reconfigured as the leading companies in America were no longer viable.
If you track such things as credit card debt or home values, you see a different story. Between 2008 and 2010, unemployment in America rose to over 10%. Personal savings collapsed and personal debt rose to unimaginable levels while key industries like arms, oil and pharmaceuticals, informally known to have immense power over government, made record profits.
With interest rates dropped to almost nothing by Bush 43, millions of America families sought to protect assets through buying homes that would otherwise be unwise, overlarge, unaffordable, sold on the idea of a ballooning real estate market by media pundits.
By 2008 those homes stood empty. Many million dollar homes had the walls and wiring torn out, plumbing destroyed as angry homeowners packed up and moved in with relatives or simply joined the millions of homeless.
Most homes lost 60% of value across America and those forced to sell took on a lifetime of debt. Similarly, retirement savings typically lost 72%. A million dollar 401k that would return $5000 a month for life based on Clinton era rates and market performance was now only worth a little over $200,000 with an income potential of $200 a month. America’s middle class would work into their mid to late 70’s, with skilled and management retirees sentenced to a decade of menial labor on behalf of the banks that organized the crash.
This, of course pushed the younger generation into military service. With available jobs, and there were few of those, paying well under poverty level, military pay was the highest around with a guarantee of deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan year after year.
Was this a plan? Was it known that America’s military would exhaust itself, losing its NCO corps, it best officers, it equipment failings exposed to the Cold War era Soviet weapons America herself spent billions on that now are in the hands of terrorists around the world?
Worse still, is the idea of betrayal. When the Syrian War came into focus, something amazing happened. Washington was forced to accept that not only were the terror groups al Qaeda and ISIS being supported by Saudi Arabia and Turkey, but that Israel may have been behind it all.
Worse still, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel, assumed to be a “hate/hate” confrontation, now came into focus as well. Saudi Arabia and Israel, it seems, had been cooperating, not since the 1980s but as early as 1970.
Thus, when Saudi Arabia coordinated the OPEC oil embargo on the US, pushing oil price to stratospheric levels, all based on US aid to Israel during the 1973 War, might this well have been coordinated too?
More recently, it has become known that Saudi Arabia had a major role in 9/11. If they have been close to Israel all along, and were one to review issues of 9/11, such as who benefits, it become clear that everything since that day has not only benefitted Saudi Arabia but Israel as well.
In fact it has become clear that almost all world terrorism, the Paris attacks, Boko Haram in Africa, certainly ISIS, all of it, has benefited Israel and Saudi Arabia as well. Then might well a hypothesis that interests attributed to the Israeli state more benefit the Rothschild family than Israel itself?
If results are an indicator, Israel faces a unified Syria, Iraq and Iran with powerful Pakistan, Turkey and near-Superpower again, Russia, moving rapidly toward forming a regional power alliance?
Israel is far from secure, everything but, however what does exist is endless trillions in debt, the promise of war for another decade or more, chaos, distrust, balkanization around the world, poverty and disease, the signs are clear. This is the business model of the world’s banking system. This is what is meant by “globalism.”
Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”
the Balfour declaration was issue in 1917 by the British government. It was the first document to suggest the establishment of a Jewish state alongside a Palestinian state. The Balfour family had been surrogates for the Rothschilds since the time of napoleon. Israel was conceived of by the Rothschild s and the first Zionist convention was held in Geneva Switzerland because the Jewish establishment in Germany/Austria wanted nothing to do with the instigation of a Jewish state. Israel from it’s early conception was to be a Rothschild fiefdom. The Rothschild provide the financial backing for the first Zionist congress and provided the financial backing for all the fundamental intuitions and services of the Israel in 1948.
Israel has never been a homeland for the Jews, it has always been a Rothschild fiefdom. This was understood from the first Zionist convention, which is why the Jews of Germany did not want to immigrate to Israel. It was only the Russian persecution of Jews in the 1920’s that lead to the first wave of Jewish emigrants. Even to this day, Netanyahu has pleaded with the world wide Jewish population to come top Israel. But world wide , it makes no sense to leave hundreds of years of prosperity and move to Israel where Rothschild corruption is endemic to the modern way of life in Israel.
Israel is not a state for the average Jew, but a fascist state kept in line by the mossad, to establish a political base to further the Rothschild urge of world domination and the imposition of economic slavery on the worlds remaining peoples.
Israel has never been a democracy as advertised. the rothschilds and the mossad have placed the likud party in power through the assassination of yitzhak rabin in 1994. Netanyahu and likud have publicly made known that they want a monarchy ruling Israel in the mold of the immoral, autocratic and genocidal of king david. And the Rothschild would be the royal family of this tyranny
David De Rothschild Indictment: Rothschild Bank Under Criminal Investigation

David de Rothschild was indicted by the French government after he was accused of fraud in a scheme that allegedly embezzled large sums of money from British pensioners.

It has taken many years to bring this case against Rothschild and his company the Rothschild Financial Services Group, which trapped hundreds of pensioners in a bogus loan scheme between the years of 2005 and 2008.


One by one the pensioners lost their money and pressed charges against the notorious banker, beginning a case that would take many years to get even an indictment.

In June, Paris-based liaison judge Javier Gómez Bermudez ruled that Rothschild must face a trial for his crimes, and ordered local police to seek him out in his various mansions that are spread throughout the country.

“It is a good step in the right direction. The courts are now in agreement with us that there is enough evidence to interrogate Baron Rothschild. The first thing they will have to do is find him. Once they have done that they can begin to question him. It is a real breakthrough moment for everyone involved,” lawyer Antonio Flores of Lawbird told the Olive Press after the ruling.

“In short, independently of what happened to the investment, Rothschild advertised a loan aimed at reducing inheritance tax, which is a breach of tax law,” he added.

While news of a single Rothschild being indicted is certainly noteworthy, a particularly important announcement was made this Friday.

The French government announced that it has launched an investigation into the entire Swiss branch of the Rothschild’s banking empire.

According to Bloomberg,

The Swiss unit of Edmond de Rothschild said it’s the subject of a French probe regarding a former business relationship managed by a former employee.

“Edmond de Rothschild (Suisse) SA is actively participating in the criminal investigation under way,” the Geneva-based bank said in an e-mailed statement on Friday. “The bank denies all the allegations that have been made against it.”

Edmond de Rothschild, a private banking and asset management firm established in Paris in 1953, oversees about 150 billion euros ($164 billion) and is led today by Baron Benjamin de Rothschild and his wife Ariane. The Swiss unit traces its roots to the acquisition of Banque Privee in Geneva in 1965.

The company has no further comment at this time, according to the statement. Officials in Geneva weren’t immediately available to respond to a telephone call from Bloomberg News on Friday.
The “Kosher Nostra,” sometimes known as the partnership between the Rothschild banking system, and the Israeli led mobs that run Ukraine and much of Russia, have long partnered with anti-Zionist or neo-Nazi organizations of their own creation. Stormfront and Andrew Anglin, have been by our estimation, Israeli controlled.
We believe this organization was created by the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League, which we long identified as part of spy organizations working against the US, to smear enemies of the Kosher Nostra, a powerful and secretive crime organization now capable of running governments and orchestrating wars.
This is the simple truth, deal with it. The CNN story below and depicted in the video is a very dangerous one. Yes, it involves something sinister and poisonous at the heart of America.
How can supporters of Donald Trump, many of whom are Jew haters, racists, and criminal trash, utterly back a president whose advisors and cabinet, his friends, make up not only many American Jews but in actuality, the worst of the worst of financial criminals and mobsters who just happen to be Jewish.
Few Jews voted for Trump and fewer still support his politics. Now for some backstory:
Years ago, Veterans Today made its policies clear.

  • VT supports international law in all forms including opposing the illegal settlements on the West Bank and the apartheid policies of the Tel Aviv government which are in direct controvention with the 4th Geneva Convention.
  • VT supports US policy that has pressured, until now, Israel to comply with International Law.
  • VT also recognizes, as a publication led by intelligence personnel, that Israel has been at odds with the US over security issues in the following ways;
  • a. Israel, under Pollard and others, sold nuclear secrets to the Soviets in exchange for Jewish Russians allowed to immigrate by the hundreds of thousands to Palestine.
  • b. The Israel lobby actively uses coercion, blackmail and bribery to influence American policy toward war on nations that financially compete with Israel.
  • c. Israel, or Israeli led organized crime, which includes what is misnomered the Russian mafia, have orchestrated financial disasters such as the one in 2008, which cost the US $10 trillion dollars.
  • d. Israel and its secret partner for over 60 years, have staged terror acts including 9/11, the 7/7 London bombings, the Paris Hebdo attacks and endless others to manipulate public opinion and American legislators to support policies favorable to Israeli backed organized crime.
  • We have seen universities controlled, their curriculum turned into pure propaganda, free speech killed not only under political correctness but total censorship and fact blackouts.
  • The current sex scandals, which are rightly cleaning out a very few monsters who have mostly exploited millionaire starlets or others much less vulnerable than those who really need protection, is now being used to silence opponents and cover up the sex blackmail ring of Trump/Epstein that ran an espionage operation on behalf of Russian Mobs for years.
To forward this agenda, elections have been rigged and Russia, most recently, blamed for it. Moreover, the media, now recognized as totally fake, has created a phony narrative blaming Islam for everything.