Rothschilds and the New World Oder

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The Rothschild family is slowly but surely having their Central banks established in every country of this world, giving them incredible amount of wealth and power.

In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:

North Korea

It is not a coincidence that these country, which are listed above were and are still being under attack by the western media, since one of the main reasons these countries have been under attack in the first place is because they do not have a Rothschild owned Central Bank yet. The first step in having a Central Bank establish in a country is to get them to accept an outrageous loans, which puts the country in debt of the Central Bank and under the control of the Rothschilds. If the country does not accept the loan, the leader of this particular country will be assassinated and a Rothschild aligned leader will be put into the position, and if the assassination does not work, the country will be invaded and have a Central Bank established with force all under the name of terrorism.

Rothschild owned Central Bank:

Central banks are illegally created private banks that are owned by the Rothschild banking family. The family has been around for more than 230 years and has slithered its way into each country on this planet, threatened every world leader and their governments and cabinets with physical and economic death and destruction, and then emplaced their own people in these central banks to control and manage each country’s pocketbook. Worse, the Rothschilds also control the machinations of each government at the macro level, not concerning themselves with the daily vicissitudes of our individual personal lives. Except when we get too far out of line.

The only countries left in 2003 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family were:

North Korea

The Attacks of September 11th were an inside job to invade Afghanistan and Iraq to then establish a Central Bank in those countries.

The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are:

North Korea

(it is no coincidence that the Rothschild fiefdom of isreal ,is now trying to destroy iran, and the Rothschild Jewish puppet Donald Drumpf is trying to wage war with north korea. cuba will not be invaded for the time being as it is used to launder the mossad/cia drug monies. after the entire world is immersed into economic and drug induced slavery this façade will not be needed anymore and cuba will finally be destroyed rahu)

After the instigated protests and riots in the Arab countries the Rothschild finally paved their way into establishing Central Banks, and getting rid of many leaders, which put them into more power.
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Central banks like standing armies are a constant threat to liberty as you never can be sure who controls them. The Jews do not control the the financial systems of Russia and its client states. These include North Korea, Cuba, Libya, Syria, Sudan and most likely Venezuela. The attacks of 11 September 2001 were a matter of revenge for the overthrow of the Soviet Union. It included an attack on Jewish interests in NYC plus an attempted coupin Washington. However, G.W. Bush slipped out of their trap. Both Iraq and Afghanistan were Russian client states and the US attack on those countries was retaliation against the Russians. The Jews still do not have a foothold in those countries. The Russians retaliated in 2008 by instigating a run on Jewish controlled banks in the US. This financial panic was one last strike at W. Also they did not want McCain to win the presidential election. As a result the election went in favor of Obama. 2016 is not the only time the Russians have interfered in US elections.
Central banks like standing armies are a constant threat to liberty as you never can be sure who controls them. The Jews do not control the the financial systems of Russia and its client states. These include North Korea, Cuba, Libya, Syria, Sudan and most likely Venezuela. The attacks of 11 September 2001 were a matter of revenge for the overthrow of the Soviet Union. It included an attack on Jewish interests in NYC plus an attempted coupin Washington. However, G.W. Bush slipped out of their trap. Both Iraq and Afghanistan were Russian client states and the US attack on those countries was retaliation against the Russians. The Jews still do not have a foothold in those countries. The Russians retaliated in 2008 by instigating a run on Jewish controlled banks in the US. This financial panic was one last strike at W. Also they did not want McCain to win the presidential election. As a result the election went in favor of Obama. 2016 is not the only time the Russians have interfered in US elections.

The Russians retaliated in 2008 by instigating a run on Jewish controlled banks in the US. This financial panic was one last strike at W.

this factual incorrect. it has been proven without a doubt the 2008 recession was cause by fraudulent derivatives.
frankly everything you wrote seems like CIA psy-op fake news

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Re: California Fires were Geo-Engineered

California Fires: Laser Beams From The Sky – Be Warned – They Are In Full Swing!
What are the chances that 3 of the largest avionics military laser companies are located in the same exact area as the Santa Rosa, CA fires occurred, yet none got torched?
L-3 technologies, Keysight, AEG Industries and Sonoma Design Group are all in Santa Rosa and are held by some of the largest weapons manufactures in the world!

iam reposting this link as it has already been deleted

Additionally, over two weeks now, and no official ‘story‘ about how so many fires self ignited all at once in the middle of the dark of night.

5G, Pacific Gas and Electric? Climate Change w/ Diablo Winds? Are all being talked about but none come close to explain the hell fires that occurred and torched metal, glass, rubber, granite, etc. to the ground in minutes, yet left trees and other buildings in tact.
The second video shows Debora Tavares’ interview with Jeff Rense in 2015 conclusively provides documented proof of premeditation of fire destruction of Sonoma and Mendocino Counties, in Northern California using microwave weaponry.
Additionally, RFID trackers are being used to locate victims in the vaporized rubble that is left of former residences.
Part II will cover the logging companies efforts to provide massive fuel for West Coast forest fires using the hackn’ squirt tree destroying methods of the Fischer Brothers, of Levi Strauss Jeans and GAP Stores fame.
This is all part of Agenda 21, which we will show is in full swing directly after the fires.

this video was published over 2years by Deborah Tavares .she confronts PGE and others.
she predicted the north cal fires fire exactly as they happen.
she has now disappeared and can not be fund.
must see..

interestingly PGE is in cahoots with the Rothschilds. they already have in place space based solar collectors that turn the sunlight into microwaves which are then transmitted to collectors on earth. and guess where these microwave collectors are....Sevastopol California... ground zero of the wild fires.
these micro wave canbe aimed anywhere and the microwaves can cause fires and human deaths where ever they are aimed.....again these are now operational they are functioning and in orbit. so it is clear the southern California fires are being created by the same way the notrthern California fires were.

in the aftermath of these fire,agenda 21 is being implemented by controlling the way the rebuilding can proceed.

Something Is Very Wrong With The Global Economy”: Richest 1% Made 82% Of Global Wealth In 2017

It is appropriate that as the world’s richest and most popular and influential celebrities, thought leaders, economists, pundits and politicians sit down in Davos this week to discuss such topics as wealth inequality and populism, that the global charity Oxfam released its latest annual study which found that global inequality is not only worsening, but 2017 may have been the worst year ever for the split between rich and poor.

There are now 2,043 billionaires worldwide, according to the report titled “Reward Work, Not Wealth.”
“The billionaire boom is not a sign of a thriving economy but a symptom of a failing economic system,” Oxfam executive director Winnie Byanyima said in a statement.
In addition to finding that the world’s richest 42 people own the same amount of wealth as the poorest 50% of people worldwide, a number that is fast approaching 4 billion, the report also showed that 2017 saw the biggest increase in the number of billionaires in history, with new ones created at a rate of one every two days. Their wealth has increased by 13% a year on average in the decade from 2006 to 2015.

In other words, in 2017 the world’s richest one % raked in 82% of the wealth created last year while the poorest half of the population received none, Oxfam said just hours before the world’s elite prepared to mingle at the World Economic Forum in Davos and pretend to care about the plight of the world’s poor.

Just as concerning – if only in theory – to the fake warriors for wealth and income equality in Davos, is that the three richest Americans have the same amount of wealth as the poorest half of the U.S. population. Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett are the three Americans whose combined wealth matches that of the poorest 160 million Americans — about $250 billion.
Only in #Davos you get a sign with “private car pick-up” direction alongside the “A day in the life of a refugee” exhibition. #Davos2018 #tonedeaf @tictoc #tictocnews
— Javier Blas (@JavierBlas2) January 22, 2018
Among the other findings: the wealth of the super-rich increased by $762 billion in just 12 months to March 2017 which is enough to end extreme poverty seven times over. Nine out of 10 of the world’s 2,043 billionaires were men.
Separately, chief executives of the top five global fashion brands made in just four days what garment workers in Bangladesh earn over a lifetime.
“The people who make our clothes, assemble our phones and grow our food are being exploited to ensure a steady supply of cheap goods, and swell the profits of corporations and billionaire investors,”said Byanyima.
Rahu, I take it you're aware that earning $35k USD per year puts you in the top 1%? It does.

Oxfam is such a scam. Far more concerned with turning the world marxist, wherein more people will starve, than in feeding the hungry.

sexual Chaos in Today’s Dating Scene



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Anna Freeman reveals what young girls are really like & what they really want.

Young women must demand courtship and commitment as a condition for sex

says 28-year-old Anna Freeman from the UK.

It’s what women want. It’s time they started to listen to their own instincts instead of the mendacious mass media and peer pressure.

by Anna Freeman
(posted on

LONDON — Recently, a friend looked at me in horror when I mentioned that mutual acquaintances had had a baby.

“They’ve had a baby?” She repeated hoarsely. “I can’t believe it…”

I was puzzled. “Why not? They’re married, they’re nearly thirty – what’s the problem?”

“Well,” She replied, distaste etched across her face. “I just thought they were more intelligent than that!”

Welcome to the 21st-century feminist dystopia – where having a baby provokes horror and a family is considered stupid.

Educated British women in their twenties and thirties, by and large, consider children and family to be an antiquated disease caused by ignorance, poverty and lack of birth control.

And why must intelligent women avoid this unspeakable illness at all costs?

So they can continue to have ‘fun’, of course. ‘Fun’ has become the single last bastion, the irreproachable emblem, of modern life.

All other values, all indicators of a civilized, sane society, are sacrificed and forgotten, considered ‘boring’ – whilst ‘fun’ rules with a ruthless and unchallenged supremacy.

‘Fun’, is a euphemism for sexual licentiousness; a term that’s taking on ever more onerous and Orwellian forms, as sexuality becomes an indefinable darkness, where everybody can do everything with everyone, with no commitment or consequence (or often, conversation) required.

Most women under 30 now consider themselves ‘bisexual’, priding themselves on eradicating the distinction between friends and lovers, whilst self-proclaimed gay men spend nights out kissing and groping their female friends because it’s ironic and ‘fun’.

Straight men know they can go out and sleep with countless women and need never contact them again, as it’s all just cool, no biggie, and ‘fun’.

But there’s a bit of a problem with all this fun – nobody is actually having any. Underneath the hyperbole, behind the Facebook photos, is an unadorned and ugly truth – that this is a shattered generation of wretched people.

Everyone is suffering the unremitting horror of being forced to twist their humanity into something else – something manufactured, programmed, and much less than human.


I should have fit into the engineered insanity perfectly, my background should have made me a poster-girl for it – with dad an atheist liberal and mum, a feisty feminist. My parents were divorced before I even knew how to spell it. I grew up with all the usual messages about the sexes – that men are inferior, marriage is monstrous, and fish don’t ride bicycles – but nevertheless, harbored all the same romantic fantasies and bashful modesty around boys that 13-year-old girls everywhere always have.

Teenage girls start off worshiping boys, finding everything about them infinitely fascinating and amazing (just look in any teen magazine – the level of personal detail included on each boyband member would shame the CIA).

Far from the fashionable media images of the emasculated male salivating after the empowered female, the reality is the opposite – girls are shy and awe-struck around boys. They admire and adore them. And the knight in shining armor fantasy is still very much a reality for them.

So the dating scene, when they finally enter it, can come as a rude awakening.

It certainly did for me. The casual ambiguity of it all, the lack of rules or restraint, the almost feral behavior, left me stunned and bewildered. I went through the motions, I did what I thought I was supposed to – but ended up increasingly confused, hurt, and angry, as relationships faltered and fell apart, with no real explanation.

The men were damaged and dysfunctional in all the usual modern ways, so the last thing I could envisage was creating any kind of family with them – even if I could guarantee they’d stick around. [And no-one is more ardent an advocate of parents staying together than those whose parents didn’t.]

I looked at my friends, and saw their personal lives were in equal, or worse, states of disrepair. I watched as female friends struggled through endless emotional breakdowns, desperate dashes for the morning after pill, and of course the inevitable abortions.

I looked on as the males treated women as interchangeable, just tottering arm ornaments for a good night out.


I eventually decided this was not for me anymore. So, at age 27, I simply opted out – no relationships, no ‘dating’, no men in anything other than a platonic capacity. I’ve always liked men, and they make great friends – but, without radical social transformation, I couldn’t see them doing much else.

More and more people are coming to this conclusion – that the opposite sex just isn’t worth the hassle. It’s easier, simpler, saner, to just be on your own.

The fact that people feel like this is a stunning indictment of just how sick our society has become. Human beings are not designed for isolation or individualism – they’re designed for strong, meaningful relationships; for mutual commitment, marriage and children.

But the only way to restore these things is to restore the standards of modesty, decency, and respect that used to promote them. And this can only happen if women insist that no commitment and no love, equals no sex.

Women believe they can’t insist on these standards anymore, because, if they do, men will simply pass them over for others who are ‘easier’ – which is exactly why women need to join together: to support each other in having the strength to maintain dignity and standards in the face of all the modern pressures and perversity. In the end, it’s these women men really respect and will commit to.

It’s what most men want too. Men might seem to enjoy the casual sex culture, but it merely plays to their baser instincts. It doesn’t fulfill them as thinking, feeling, human beings. Men just as enslaved and oppressed as women.

It is women who have the key to restoring real values and restructuring society into one founded on decency and respect, by refusing to collaborate in their own destruction.

This is possible, it really could happen – if only the true female pioneers would step forward and say it’s what they want. At the moment, it seems they’re too jaded, too embarrassed, or simply too intimidated by the might of the mass media, to speak up. I hope they find a voice soon. Perhaps this is a start.”

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WATCH: German Women Launch Campaign Highlighting Increased Violence Against Women as a Result of Mass Migration
The group, which calls itself 120 Decibels after the frequency of rape alarms, launched a video this week in which several members list the names of recent victims of violence committed by asylum seekers.
The women in the video reference the recent case of a young girl called Mia, who was stabbed to death by her former asylum seeker boyfriend in the German city of Kandel, as well as Maria Ladenburger, who was raped and killed allegedly by migrant who lied about being underage, and 11-year-old Ebba Akerlund, who was torn in half after being struck by a lorry during the Stockholm terror attack last year.
“They could be me and I could be them,” the women go on to say.”The offenders are everywhere. While jogging in the park, when we come home after work, while we wait for the bus, we are not secure because you are not securing us.”
Read more
California’s War on Off-Grid Independent Homes – Residents Made Homeless by Rogue Government
( I posted this here because the Rothschild corporations using their fraudulently acquired monies from the engineered 2008 market crash, have pretty much bought every business in California , including the farms in the central a consequence the New World Oder is in complete control of Kalifornia through their puppet governor Brown and will continue to be in control politically as lieutenant governor Newsome is being groomed to replace brown. rahu)


California has been at it again, proving to everyone in the country that the state most loudly proclaiming to be the leader against CO2, the disproven boogeyman of “Climate Change,” is really not interested in the environment at all, but the element of control Climate Change policies provide. There really isn’t any other explanation for what is happening in the Antelope Valley where local government has been taking individuals who live off the grid in the middle of nowhere off of their land by force of law.
In a video shot by Reason TV, several stories are told by the residents of Antelope Valley, most of them living in unique style homes built by their own hands, others living off the electric and water grids doing nothing but living their lives and minding their own business. Many of these residents have received a knock on their doors only to find armed men with guns drawn over municipal and county codes.

That’s right, a virtual armed raid over codes that most people, if viewed objectively, would find onerous and ridiculous to begin with. Nevertheless, residents have found themselves charged with numerous misdemeanors, excessive fines, extortion, and jail over “code enforcement” that is allegedly designed to “protect the public.” These people are then forced off their land in an area that has admitted “homeless problem.”
The issue in Antelope Valley is not new. In fact, it goes all the way back to 2011 when Mars Melincoff wrote an article about the situation for LA Weekly entitled, “LA County’s Private Property War,” where she wrote,
In Llano, in the middle of the Southern California high desert, a bewhiskered Jacques Dupuis stands in front of what was once his home. His laid-back second wife, Marcelle, her long, silver hair blowing in the breeze, takes a drag on her Marlboro Red as they walk inside and, in thick French Canadian accents, recount the day in 2007 when the government came calling. “That’s the seat I have to offer you,” she tells a visitor, motioning to the exposed, dusty wooden floor planks in what was once a cozy cabin where Jacques spent much of his life, raising his daughter with his first wife.
On Oct. 17, 2007, Marcelle opened the door to a loud knock. Her heart jumped when she found a man backed by two armed county agents in bulletproof vests. She was alone in the cabin, a dot in the vast open space of the Antelope Valley, without a neighbor for more than half a mile. She feared that something had happened to her daughter, who was visiting from Montreal.
The men demanded her driver’s license, telling her, “This building is not permitted — everything must go.” Normally sassy, Marcelle handed over her ID — even her green card, just in case. Stepping out, she realized that her 1,000-square-foot cabin was surrounded by men with drawn guns. “You have no right to be here,” one informed her. Baffled and shaking with fear, she called her daughter — please come right away.
As her ordeal wore on, she heard one agent, looking inside their comfortable cabin, say to another: “This one’s a real shame — this is a real nice one.”
A “shame” because the authorities eventually would enact some of the most powerful rules imaginable against rural residents: the order to bring the home up to current codes or dismantle the 26-year-old cabin, leaving only bare ground.
“They wouldn’t let me grandfather in the water tank,” Jacques Dupuis says. “It is so heart-wrenching because there was a way to salvage this, but they wouldn’t work with me. It was, ‘Tear it down. Period.’ ”
In order to clear the title on their land, the Dupuises are spending what would have been peaceful retirement days dismantling every board and nail of their home — by hand — because they can’t afford to hire a crew.
Tough code enforcement has been ramped up in these unincorporated areas of L.A. County, leaving the iconoclasts who chose to live in distant sectors of the Antelope Valley frightened, confused and livid. They point the finger at the Board of Supervisors’ Nuisance Abatement Teams, known as NAT, instituted in 2006 by Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich in his sprawling Fifth District. The teams’ mission: “to abate the more difficult code violations and public nuisance conditions on private property.”
L.A. Weekly found in a six-week investigation that county inspectors and armed DA investigators also are pursuing victimless misdemeanors and code violations, with sometimes tragic results. The government can define land on which residents have lived for years as “vacant” if their cabins, homes and mobile homes are on parcels where the land use hasn’t been legally established. Some have been jailed for defying the officials in downtown Los Angeles, while others have lost their savings and belongings trying to meet the county’s “final zoning enforcement orders.” Los Angeles County has left some residents, who appeared to be doing no harm, homeless.
Some top county officials insist that nothing new is unfolding. Michael Noyes, deputy in charge of code enforcement for Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley, says, “We’ve had a unit in the office through the ’70s and ’80s.” But key members of the county NAT team say that “definitely, yes,” a major focus on unincorporated areas was launched in 2006. Cooley declined to comment through his media spokesman.
Many residents insist a clearing-out is under way in these 2,200 square miles of arid land an hour north of L.A., a mountain-ringed valley at the western tip of the Mojave Desert named for elegant pronghorn herds that were all but wiped out by an 1884-94 drought. Their anxiety has prompted conspiracy theories about whether the county has its own plans for their land.
The crackdown has the strong backing of Antonovich, whose spokesman, Tony Bell, says of its critics, “I’ve probably ruined your story because you want to say it’s a horrible thing going on. … We have gotten a very, very positive response from the community.”
While Melincoff unfortunately uses the pejorative “conspiracy theory” term to describe what residents see is behind the move, it should be noted that, by the admission of the NAT itself, “a major focus on unincorporated areas was launched in 2006.” It is not a “conspiracy theory” to suggest that an admitted act is taking place nor is it a conspiracy theory to suggest that more than one individual or interest is at work behind the act taking place. While some may tend to the think the world is a place of constant accident, “coincidence theory” is simply an easy but inaccurate way to describe the social, political, and natural world. Things happen and, more often than not, they happen because something or someone made them happen.

Regardless, Melincoff continues with the story of another resident in Antelope Valley. She writes,
Oscar Castaneda, pastor of Lancaster’s historic adobe Sanctuary Seventh-day Adventist Church, built in 1934 and featured in Kill Bill, recalls the day he says he was ordered to “freeze” in front of his mobile home on isolated land where his only neighbors are rattlesnakes. Decades ago, Castaneda says the county gave him verbal approval to live there in a mobile home. He told the NAT team, which began photographing his spread: “Listen, I’ve been living over here for 22 years. And nobody has come over here to bother me.”
He says a county team member replied, “Well, we’re 22 years late.”
The article then turns to the NAT members who are responsible for the violent raids. It reads,
Tim Grover, who leads NAT as supervisor of the property rehabilitation section of L.A. County’s Building and Safety Division within the Public Works Department, says desert dwellers are not being treated overly harshly and the teams have a duty to seek out public safety, health and zoning violations.
“We don’t just storm people’s property and do things without permission,” Grover says, but, he adds, “If it’s ‘vacant’ land or ‘vacant’ property, then there’s no expectation of privacy.”
Welcome to the mind of a bureaucrat. You may not find much common sense, empathy, or compassion but you will find a mass of data and jumbled legal jargon collated to such a degree that the NSA’s supercomputers would be jealous. Indeed, combined with the ever present “rules is rules” fanaticism, the bureaucrat resembles AI more than anything naturally existing in the human habitat.
Melincoff continues,
Powerful county officials seem eager to downplay the unfolding drama in the desert. Antonovich’s communications deputy, Bell, told the Weekly: “NAT teams are used when there is toxic waste … environmental crises … potentially a parolee who has escaped. Maybe methamphetamine labs, or maybe illegal dog breeding. Very, very serious violations. … I remember one time, folks were attacked with half a dozen wild boars so big they go up to your chest.”
But that’s not the case in Antelope Valley. While Bell waxes poetic about chest high boars and meth, the reality is that peaceful people are being kicked out of their homes and off their property.
Melincoff writes,
The battle in the desert attracted national attention two weeks ago when Alan Kimbel “Kim” Fahey lost a Los Angeles Superior Court criminal case over his whimsical, soaring Phonehenge compound in the Mojave Desert, built from 108 telephone poles — but without sufficient permits. A hero to many for taking on the county, he now must work out a plan for tearing down his colorful, barn-style home; big rainbow-painted “tree house” on stilts; cabin designed to look like a railroad car; 70-foot tower of stained-glass windows; interconnecting labyrinth of bridges; and pre-existing old buildings.
Fahey, a Santa Claus look-alike with a love for Harley Davidsons and denim overalls, is still upbeat, saying of his government foes: “They are just county blobs, they don’t care about people.” Save
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Deborah Tavares on Kill Cities and what the Rothschilds are up to regarding them. Here is a little background on here before you watch the video.As a step in fighting back, Tavares recommended that people log onto the Refuse Smart Meters website that contained the relevant articles of interest as and and how to get the articles and items to prevent the meters being installed on people’s property
In an article in the New York Times, New Electricity Meters Stir Fears in Jan 2011, it said that she along with other protestors were arrested that month for blocking a driveway of a center for meter installation trucks in Rohnert Park, south of Santa Rosa. She said that it wasn’t about saving money, it was about control.
Bohemian Grove
In July 2011, Tavares was in a car approaching Bohemian Grove and was nearly killed when a speeding car slammed in to the car she was in. Activist / film maker Alex Jones had managed to sneak into Bohemian Grove and what he witnessed was the subject of his 2000 documentary Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove and the Order of Death. Anthony J. Hilder was reportedly working on a film about it as well.

You need only read some of the UN agendas and will soon realise what has been planned by the enemies of humanity ! Weather wars are the major weapon of choice at the present to corral folks into certain cities and force them to live in tiny apts. They literally tell us their plans and folks are side tracked with trying to get by and side tracked by materialism and celebrity worship and consumerism ! It’s not looking good for the common folk right now and nothing less than unity will beat them. Peace.

everyone must fight this all the way, please get creative on ways to stop this and save humanity and the web of life on earth that they plan to kill, everyone must get involved and resist and do not consent to anything and expose/ fight/ educate/ resist.

has begun! The European Union goons are finally starting to show their true colors! Amid the migrant crisis that is currently striking the country the EU globalists are preparing to “force” Central European nations to accept mandated migrant quotas and open borders. Considering that over 2 million persons have applied for asylum in Europe in 2015 and 2016 alone, this will cause a major upset in the entire system.

If the EU leaders understand the migrant crisis they are having, then why force all their countries to accept them in mass? Is there another agenda at play? All that and more below…
Rahu, I take it you're aware that earning $35k USD per year puts you in the top 1%? It does.

Oxfam is such a scam. Far more concerned with turning the world marxist, wherein more people will starve, than in feeding the hungry.

That's just a convenient way of looking at things. One gets more realistic picture when ranking by wealth is used:

The threshold is significantly higher if you look at the top percentile by wealth instead of income. To reach that status, you’d have to possess $770,000 in net worth, which includes everything from the equity in your home to the value of your investments. That’s equal to roughly:

720,000 Euros
49.8 million Indian rupees or
5.3 million Chinese yuan

Americans rank extremely high in terms of household wages – sixth worldwide, according to a 2013 Gallup survey – but not as high when it comes to median wealth. In fact, the 2017 Credit Suisse Wealth Report ranks the U.S. just 26th by this measure.

There are a number of reasons for this disparity. One is that U.S. consumers tend to rely on credit more than their counterparts in, say, Europe. Credit card debt diminishes net wealth. The typical U.S. household carries a whopping $134,643 in debt, according to the most recent Census Bureau data.

Even so, many middle-class Americans who have spent years paying down their mortgages and saving for retirement belong to the upper echelon of the world's wealthy.

Also, I have lived in so-called "marxist country" (Yugoslavia) where nobody starved and nobody was homeless. It's just a matter of overall industrial development.

You seem to forget that much of the West's wealth is due to imperialism and that it was built on what was extracted elsewhere and the control of the rest of the world (and in that regard nothing changed in our modern times). Today, instead of colonialism there is IMF that serves that same function. For instance, some African countries are spending 1/3 to 1/2 of their budgets on just the interest from foreign debt, keeping them essentially in debt forever.

Also, modern trade mark of imperialism, many former and current socialist countries had to cope with economic and trade sanctions imposed by the West (for no other reason, just for being socialist). If USA had economic sanctions imposed on them it would collapse in no time, despite the belief in superiority of capitalist system.

Sergei Lavrov: New World Order Is “Mass Psychosis”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is known for being quite frank. He was recently asked, “What happened to the American partners?” He responded that “mass psychosis has swept them clean of any rationality.”

Lavrov and obviously Russian officials are having a good laugh over fraudulent reports which come out almost every month perpetuating that Russia is responsible for virtually every bad forecast that happens in the United States or Britain. When asked about the so-called Kremlin Report, Lavrov was again to the point:

“To tell you the truth, I don’t care about the situation around the Kremlin Report or any other goings-on in Washington that are associated with the so-called Russia Dossier. The report and the lists you have mentioned are simply ridiculous. They could be compiled within 30 minutes.

“I agree with the former US Ambassador to Moscow, Michael McFaul, who has said that his research assistant could have done it in less than an hour, copying the names from the Russian Government and the Presidential Executive Office phone books, as well as from the Forbes magazine.

“When it all began, I had a very bad feeling. I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears, considering that I am personally acquainted with many officials from the Washington administration and the Congress. They are serious, smart and reasonable people. Therefore, I was shocked to see this mass psychosis sweeping them clean of rationality. But as this trend continued, and it has been for over a year now, I gradually lost any interest in it.”

Lavrov moved on to flesh out a consistent policy just in case the US chooses to militarily provoke Russia. The question again was: “Is it possible that they are provoking us into responding? How should we react?” Lavrov:

“I believe they would be glad to see a situation in which Russia will take some nervous or dramatic measures. But our policies, formulated by the President, aren’t based on such improvisation or impromptu actions.

“We have a consistent line which we advance regardless of the global landscape. Some people would certainly like to provoke us into taking actions that would allow them to increase the sanctions pressure on us and to take other coercive measures Although, they continue to increase pressure on us, which is another reason for wondering about the abilities of those who continue to mindlessly buildup the sanctions.

“I believe that those who know at least something about international affairs, or life, for that matter, should have long seen that no sanctions will force us to change our policy. We are always ready to discuss our partners’ questions regarding their legitimate interests. But as Americans say, it takes two to tango, which is also applicable to negotiations. It takes two to negotiate.”

Finally, Lavrov dropped the atomic bomb: he told us all why New World Order agents have hated Russia for so long.

“In the 2000s, Russia started to mostly rely on its traditions, on its place in history, started to realize that our people felt this history inside them, were proud of it, willing to live and build the country based on its history, it was shocking for those who were trammeled by illusions about lawlessness toward Russia. And I guess they still can’t get it together after that shock.

“When they realized that their attempts to hold us on a leash failed, all the current attacks and interference started. It started with the Magnitsky Act, when nobody wanted to figure out what had really happened, and an absolutely inadequate reaction to what happened with Edward Snowden when Obama canceled his visit to Moscow. More sanctions followed.

“Then Ukraine was another pretext to put even more pressure on us. And now it’s the interference in the elections. Not a single fact or evidence for speculations was found during the year-long investigation. It’s impossible. If there were any facts, they’d have leaked long ago. I know how this system works in the US. It leaks immediately when such an amount of people are involved in the hearings, the investigation and so on.”

The plot thickens. Here again Lavrov has proved himself to be a political realist. The questions are simply these: will New World Order agents start being serious? Will they at least understand Russia’s position and respond rationally? Will they begin to present serious evidence for their incessant and spurious allegations? Or will they continue to tread on a path that leads to moral and political chaos and destruction? The choice is theirs.

We’re Being Invaded! Americas End IS The New World Order—World Summit Targets Americans

“The sixth edition of the World Government Summit (WGS 2018) ended in Dubai with invigorating talks highlighting the seismic and inevitable changes innovation will bring, and a plea for institutions to realign with the new world order.”​
“The expectations we have from governments have remained in place for 200 years. The challenges facing governments are changing in the modern world. Shifts in expectations need governments to develop progressive policies that can accommodate the global transition towards a knowledge-based economy.” WTO Chief Malcolm Gladwell stated ta the WGS Summit
If that isn’t a move into a leftist, progressive New World Order, then I don’t know what is! Sadly, many of our world leaders are pushing ahead into a global partnership, claiming that once this unification is complete we will have our long awaited “world peace”. But if truth be told there will be no peace, only a false peace that will arise for a time, and out of that all hell, tyranny, and chaos will abound on a scale never before witnessed in the history of mankind.
While anti-globalists like Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, and Nigel Farage stand in their way, their agenda is still being conducted just at a slower pace.
In the video below I expose the 2018 World Government Summit that was held this February and some of the bombshell radical agendas they plan on implementing. I HIGHLY, HIGHLY urge you to watch this video in its entirety…​

What Is Agenda 21? The UN’s Diabolical Plan To Kill You
Agenda 21 policies date back to the 70’s but it got its real start in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro when President Bush signed onto it. President Clinton took office the following year and created the President’s Council on Sustainable Development to implement it in the United States. Made up of federal agencies, corporations, and non-profit groups, the President’s Council on Sustainable Development moved quickly to ensure that all federal agencies would change their policies to comply with UN Agenda 21. A non-governmental organization called the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives, ICLEI, is tasked with carrying out the goals of Agenda 21 worldwide. Remember: UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is a global plan that is implemented locally. Over 600 cities in the U.S. are members; our town joined in 2007. The costs are paid by taxpayers.
It’s time that people educate themselves and read the document and related commentary. After that, get a copy of your city or county’s General Plan and read it. You will find all sorts of policies that are nearly identical to those in U.N. Agenda 21. Unfortunately, their policies have advanced largely unnoticed and we are now in the end game. People need to identify their elected officials who are promoting the U.N.’s policies and hold them accountable for their actions. Only when we’ve identified who the people are and what they are trying to do will we be able to evaluate whether or not we approve of the policies they are putting forward. Some people may think it’s appropriate for agencies outside the United States to set our policies and some people will not. The question is, aren’t Americans able to develop their own policies? Should we rely on an organization that consists of member nations that have different forms of governments, most of which do not value individual rights as much as we do? It’s time to bring U.N. Agenda 21 out in the open where we can have these debates and then set our own policies in accordance with our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

U.N. Agenda 21 cites the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected. It calls for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more, a redistribution of wealth. Although people around the world aspire to achieve the levels of prosperity we have in our country, and will risk their lives to get here, Americans are cast in a very negative light and need to be taken down to a condition closer to average in the world. Only then, they say, will there be social justice which is a cornerstone of the U.N. Agenda 21 plan.
So, what does this have to do with Agenda 21?Redevelopment is a tool used to further the Agenda 21 vision of remaking America’s cities. With redevelopment, cities have the right to take property by eminent domain—against the will of the property owner, and give it or sell it to a private developer. By declaring an area of town ‘blighted’ (and in some cities over 90% of the city area has been declared blighted) the property taxes in that area can be diverted away from the General Fund. This constriction of available funds is impoverishing the cities, forcing them to offer less and less services, and reducing your standard of living. They’ll be telling you that it’s better, however, since they’ve put in nice street lights and colored paving. The money gets redirected into the Redevelopment Agency and handed out to favored developers building low income housing and mixed use. Smart Growth. Cities have had thousands of condos built in the redevelopment areas and are telling you that you are terrible for wanting your own yard, for wanting privacy, for not wanting to be dictated to by a Condo Homeowner’s Association Board, for being anti-social, for not going along to get along, for not moving into a cramped apartment downtown where they can use your property taxes for paying off that huge bond debt. But it’s not working, and you don’t want to move in there. So they have to make you. Read on.
They Will Try to Remove This: Who, What, and Why They Want You Dead, Sick, and Controlled

While the world is watching the mainstream media report lies, the global elite is secretly implementing their plans of mass human slaughter. According to the Georgia Guidestones, they want millions of people dead and will stop at nothing to get it done. So they aggressively pursue their plan of depopulation…
Today many methods of depopulation are being implemented, however, the biggest attack is being initiated against our health using chemtrails, fluoride, GMO’s, pharmaceutical drugs, vaccinations, and Obamacare death panels, to name a few.

The campaign to eliminate “useless eaters” on behalf of the planet’s “privileged ruling elite,” is sure to take a more ravenous toll as global population levels rise. It can be expected.
It is no secret that the elite want millions dead, and no longer do they hid it under, no, it’s out in the open and they are proud of their stance, and any numb-nut who denies it, well, they can just rest in their stupidity.
Here is the answer to how you too can be free from the government’s chess game of life. He discusses the effects GMO’s, chemtrails, and fluoride have on our bodies, and the solutions to aid in the cleansing of such things.
Here is the informative interview you won’t see anywhere else…

“The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization, and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary.” – Eco92 Earth Charter​
“If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburg​
“Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World.” Henry Kissinger​
“Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind” Theodore Roosevelt​
“A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine​
“There is a single theme behind all our work–we must reduce population levels. Either government does it our way, through nice clean methods, or they will get the kinds of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran or in Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control, it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it….”“Our program in El Salvador didn’t work. The infrastructure was not there to support it. There were just too goddamned many people…. To really reduce population, quickly, you have to pull all the males into the fighting and you have to kill significant numbers of fertile age females….” “The quickest way to reduce population is through famine, like in Africa, or through disease like the Black Death….” Thomas Ferguson, State Department Office of Population Affairs​
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” Alexander King, Bertrand Schneider – Founder and Secretary, respectively, The Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, pgs 104-105, 1991​
“A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people…. We must shift our efforts from the treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions.” Stanford Professor ” Paul Ehrlich in The Population Bomb​
“First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent, but there we see an increase of about 1.3.” Bill Gates TED Talk​