I would really like you to educate US on what this means to you! You have a very unusual situaton....that Venus, the ruler of all that energy in Pluto's house, restricted by being in the 12th! Tell US what it means.
In what way does each planet in Libra feel like it is inhibited - or not immediately usable? 8th house energy, tho secretive, is usually very magnetic and usable. But with the ruler in the 12th there must be some restriction.
Would you share this with us?
btw, one of the most interesting energies is the moon here. Could you share with us your mother's personality (and if she was restricted in some way, how it affected you?)
Hi Lin,
Interesting points and questions. I know 12th house energy is more hidden, but I'd like to think it doesn't restrict my 8th house stellium too much! I don't know if the following things make a difference: that I have 8th house planets in aspect to my ascendant (like moon, mars and saturn) and my luminaries by aspect and declination, and that venus is in that wide conjunct to the ascendant. But maybe it's far too wide.
To answer your question as to what it means to me: I have to say that the 8th house has been huge in my life, though I'm not sure how having my 8th house ruler in the 12th specifically affects things. Interestingly, I have the reverse situation of having the
ruler of my 12th in the 8th too, so maybe this alters things a little or mitigates it.
When I was younger I was
much more 12th house for sure and overwhelmed by the 8th house energy but in a way I could't understand or easily recognize (regardless of not knowing about astrology). I was strongly affected by my stellium (deep feelings about things and people, very strong attractions, psychological issues and subconscious responses, all of which seemed to overwhelm me and "grip me", but I wasn't conscious (12th) of this enough to be able to handle it and work through it like I, thankfully, am now. So one way I see this working out is that my 8th house issues affected me strongly but they were beyond subconscious (8th), they were almost unconscious (12th). This has radically changed though as I've gotten older. Perhaps this is having Pluto in the 8th and the ability (along with it aspecting my Mercury) to see directly into my subconscious (something I was "untrained" to do when I was younger).
Today, while it works at many levels, I'd say my 8th house stellium affects me most strongly in relationships (Libra) for sure. As for the moon in the 8th, I can't say my mom was particularly restricted in any way, nothing springs to mind. My mother is a very strong woman (but also very sensitive) and we are very close, but when I was younger (I'm an only child raised by a single mom) she could be very overprotective and smother-loving. I have to say that the love part always came through more than the smothering, so it wasn't a very bad thing, but definitely too much at times, when I have always been someone who needs my freedom and space.
When I was in college we had a year and a half of being emotionally estranged for different reasons, and it was a very tough time. It was then that I fully realized how complex our relationship is in some ways. I've learned in my life that I can affirm my own boundaries and life needs without loving any less. I think when I was younger I confused the two: that to love was to be there in exactly the way those closest to me "needed". Well let's just say I've grown up since then
Anyway, I think, just from answering your question, that the ruler of the 8th in the 12th meant that my 8th house planets were inhibited earlier on, in the sense that I had no conscious handle on them. But the ruler of the 12th in the 8th gives an interesting description, and maybe this has helped to unlock my 8th house ruler...?
When the ruler of the Twelfth House is in the Eighth: A most fascinating placement as it combines the energies of the two most esoteric houses of the horoscope. To the soul-centered, spiritually anchored individual, this combination can give a universality of feeling that makes no person a stranger. It helps us ride the “cloud of all knowable things” and come up with insights to life surprising others as well as ourselves. When positive, this position gives us powerful hidden resources that can be utilized for the good of many people. When negative and/or when expressed in the life of the psychologically or spiritually immature, this placement is the source of much difficulty. It can indicate an addition to substances, people or activities that may do much to tear ourselves down and take us on a most degenerative track in life.