Ruler of my 8th conjunct Ascendant?

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I have found that observing carefully when transiting Mars approaches your Ascendant to see if you can feel the change in energy is a handy way to make minor adjustments to the Ascendant and then your corresponding birth time.

Thank you IleneK, all of this is very useful! :smile:
I would really like you to educate US on what this means to you! You have a very unusual situaton....that Venus, the ruler of all that energy in Pluto's house, restricted by being in the 12th! Tell US what it means.
In what way does each planet in Libra feel like it is inhibited - or not immediately usable? 8th house energy, tho secretive, is usually very magnetic and usable. But with the ruler in the 12th there must be some restriction.
Would you share this with us?
btw, one of the most interesting energies is the moon here. Could you share with us your mother's personality (and if she was restricted in some way, how it affected you?)

And Lin, I'm looking forward to hearing back from you on this. The one other thing all of these 8th house planets have meant, and it's not been restricted or weakened - despite having saturn in with my mars-pluto in the 8th and all retrograde - is that sex has always been hugely important for me, even when I've not been involved with anyone. I always thought it was just a Pisces thing, having very strong desires, and then I realized it was all this build up in my 8th.

Perhaps my birth time is a little off and my venus is closer to the ascendant than it appears in my existing chart. I don't know. Or maybe having my ruler in the 12th (also with 12th house ruler in the 8th) manifests in other ways and means something else altogether. I'm still learning :innocent:
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Some good info from JupiterAsc... and yes of course, the more precise, the better.

I have a question, tho --- JA, maybe you can answer this. MJ82 has Uranus at the same degree as her Midheaven, and in modern astrology, Uranus rules her Ascendant. So an event timed to 4 Sagittarius could be Uranus-related and important, rather than MC-related. Could be either instead of both, depending on true Ascendant degree, and even if the birth time is tweaked, Uranus and her MC are probably close enough to be conjunct. How do you distinguish?

MC82, you said "I don't even know how fast or slow certain planets transit to be able to tell if something was accurate or not." Check downloadable ephemeris files at, or buy the Ephemerides book. Hugely useful!

Just my two cents' worth below:

Events can be messy. Some planets (could be Uranus in your case) might well activate events while applying a degree or so to an exact conjunction (or square or opposition). When I moved, it took almost five months from the time I decided to look for a new house and contacted an agent about it, to the time we moved in. There are often contingencies that make an 'event' into a 'process'. In a situation that rolls on for months, I'd look at more than the culmination date, and different planets are likely to be involved in various phases. Another example would be parental separation prior to a divorce; both would certainly impact a child, who may not understand the legal differences... just "Mom and Dad aren't together any more".

Events with a quick onset, such as starting a new job, the first time you met your lover, or an accident, are easier to use, because you can identify the timing pretty precisely.... though I wouldn't change jobs or get into an accident just to time it. ;)
I have a question, tho --- MJ82 has Uranus at the same degree as her Midheaven, and in modern astrology, Uranus rules her Ascendant. So an event timed to 4 Sagittarius could be Uranus-related and important, rather than MC-related. Could be either instead of both, depending on true Ascendant degree, and even if the birth time is tweaked, Uranus and her MC are probably close enough to be conjunct. How do you distinguish?
fwiw In traditional ancient astrology Saturn is the ruler of Aquarius ascendant. Uranus was simply not visible to ancient astrologers who nevertheless successfully rectified charts.

Rectification is an ancient technique at least two thousand years old, long before Uranus could be observed with the aid of powerful telescopes. As an example MJ82 - the “Animodar” method of rectification explained at this link when applied to your given natal chart provides a time of 05:02AM and rectifies your angles to 22[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]º Aquarius[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]45'[/FONT] Ascendant and 9[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]º[/FONT] Sagittarius 49' MC... However that is merely an example of one rectification technique of which there are many... Good idea to assess each method before drawing any firm conclusions.

IMO you may find it helpful to - as you continue to focus on the seven visible planets and the degrees they occupy on the specific dates and times you have chosen - to note IF
on the same day one planet aspects by conjunction, opposition, square, sextile, trine:

(1) the approximate degree you currently have for the Ascendant

while another planet on the same day
aspects by conjunction, opposition, square, sextile, trine:

(2) the approximate degree you currently have for the MC :smile: