Wow..!!!you have no idea how BINGO this is ..I have Aries rising. .I had to take my daughter to the hospital this last weekend to have surgery on an absess that they think was MRSA. It was suspicious enough so they did not wait and treated it as needless to say I have been cleaning and washing and sort of on the freak out hygiene mode! And Mars is in my 5th house!
But now I am concerned as she told friends and I told my supervisor why I was out. I hope we wont be ostracized. But the doctors told me at this point MRSA is everywhere and everyone just needs to be aware and do basic hygiene.
And too wierd. Last October a relationship was waiting for a return call which he never followed through on. This is a 14 year relationship mind you. I have not spoken to him or tried to reach him since Oct. 25th but yesterday I saw him and texted him. And though compelled again to reach out to him,stop by to see him, I felt the need to be patient with myself.
Needless to say my love life is rather or very NOT and I get in a panic but some voice inside tells me to wait just awhile.
This will be my third mars return as Mars is in Leo so finally I get to see what the direct Mars energy will bring us. Hopefully not to bad.
I have Pluto now opposing mercury at my MC so good to really ponder this picture of
Ten Logs Lie Under An Archway Leading To Darker Woods.
Saturn is posed on my natal Vertex...did she mention this?
Venus is on my Ascendant and Jupiter is creating a quincux to natal lots to think about.
Thanks meaningful to me.