Sabian Sage, Lynda Hills' newsletter: Mars Goes Direct Again.

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As an Aries type, all I can say in response to this newsletter is "Thank God!" :happy:

Is there a past newsletter which describes the effects of Mars Retrograde? I'm almost looking forward to the symptoms of being "charged up," "throwing themselves right into a situation that perhaps they should have shielded themselves from," and "racing forward into something half-baked and ill-thought out." At least this energy would make me feel alive again, instead of the zombie I've been since Christmas--since Mars turned retrograde.

Arian Maverick
Wow..!!!you have no idea how BINGO this is ..I have Aries rising. .I had to take my daughter to the hospital this last weekend to have surgery on an absess that they think was MRSA. It was suspicious enough so they did not wait and treated it as needless to say I have been cleaning and washing and sort of on the freak out hygiene mode! And Mars is in my 5th house!

But now I am concerned as she told friends and I told my supervisor why I was out. I hope we wont be ostracized. But the doctors told me at this point MRSA is everywhere and everyone just needs to be aware and do basic hygiene.

And too wierd. Last October a relationship was waiting for a return call which he never followed through on. This is a 14 year relationship mind you. I have not spoken to him or tried to reach him since Oct. 25th but yesterday I saw him and texted him. And though compelled again to reach out to him,stop by to see him, I felt the need to be patient with myself.

Needless to say my love life is rather or very NOT and I get in a panic but some voice inside tells me to wait just awhile.
This will be my third mars return as Mars is in Leo so finally I get to see what the direct Mars energy will bring us. Hopefully not to bad.

I have Pluto now opposing mercury at my MC so good to really ponder this picture of
Ten Logs Lie Under An Archway Leading To Darker Woods.
Saturn is posed on my natal Vertex...did she mention this?
Venus is on my Ascendant and Jupiter is creating a quincux to natal lots to think about.
Thanks meaningful to me.
1 degree Leo,'A case of apoplexy',keyword 'irresistibility,conjunct the Sun of Greece ,Democracy Chart 1974.Sun in the 1st, Leo on the 2nd,Aries intercepted (plac).

Greece became the 10th member of the EEC,on 1-1-1981.Mars at 1 degree Aquarius,'An old adobe mission',keyword durability.

'The Sabian Symbols in Astrology',Aurora Press,ISBN 0-943358-40-6.
By Dr Marc Edmund Jones.(page 270)
Quote.Leo 1 A case of apoplexy.
The keyword is irresistibility.When positive,the degree is creativity in the day-by-day expression of the self's real possibilities,and when negative,thoroughgoing self-indulgence and imposition on others.

His words,not mine.

Jerry :)
On the back cover of T.S.S in Astrology.
'The Sabian Symbols in Astrology,marks the fruition for the present lifetime,of three decades of my astrological research.The symbols are catalytics to the astrologer's higher understanding'

Dr Marc Edmond Jones.

Marc Edmund Jones' Sabian Symbols is by far the best.They constitute a momentous astrological revelation.Its practical value in astrological practice is absolutely beyond doubt.'

Dane Rudhyar.

Jerry :)
After being perfectly well all winter, I caught cold the day Mars went direct, even though it was still in the latter part of my 5th house after retrograding back through my 6th. I got chilled on the way home from an acupuncture treatment.
I'm a bit like cara4art - I never ever ever get colds or flu - ever! I have natal Mercury @ 2 deg Leo, and the day b4 tr Mars stationed I developed a very sore throat, which slowly has developed into a cold of sorts.

My 4-yr-old grandson has had a very challenging time over the last 2 years, and has a lot to cry about, but he does not cry. Instead of crying, he has developed a very blocked nose which is just always blocked. Then on the evening of 11th March, while visiting his father (the child's natal Saturn is at 1 deg Leo), the tears began to flow. Just before he went to bed I offered to read him some stories and he burst into tears. When I asked him what was wrong he said, "I don't know." His father cuddled him while he cried. This was the therapy this child needed. It was as though his `dam' of emotions just broke.
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I know since this last weekend with my daughter all my energy went to her and I had to be patient. Since she went back to school friday my head has been hurting and I feel like it is about to implode.
Feel pretty bad but so far...knock on system seems fairly hardy against all the colds and bugs running around. My temper though is not so good....I feel like a wounded animal...just leave me alone. It just seems to come on me out of no where and for no apparent reason.