Sabians: Jupiter retrograde Aug 31st>

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Oct 12, 2007
Alta California
Greetings ya' all.

In review of how I utilize this technique which is still empirical as I have only been using it about 10 years and I must state I developed it from Rudhyars dicourses on the movements of the planets and the correspondence of meaning to be found in the Moons North Node to understand the intent of the Cosmos for the actions and motives of the planents/luninaries at times of the retrograde cycles withintheir orbits and the resultant compelling affect and demand for responsive and appropriate activity of the part of far...this technique looks solid had provided clear, appropriate...if not profound...symbolism as to what societal conditions are/were and has yet to perceived as refu A planet in retrograde does a one, two, si do...little dance that is of important observational notice.
1. The degree and minute of the Zodiac it begins its retro. motion from.
2. The degree of the Zodiac it begins its 'Final Return' from.
3. When it returns to the exact degree and minute of the Zodiac that it started its retro movement from.

At each of these points its important to note the degree of the Zodiac the North Node is in at the time.

A planet at step number one is trying to release a principal/spiritual law of the Cosmos which is symbolically represented by the degree of the Zodiac it starts its retrograde motion from. This is the point I refer to as the "Stimulus"....what that particular planet is trying to get moving/influence [Stimulate...etc.] The symbol for the North Node at that time is "WHY" as it applies to society as a whole.

At step number two the planet is picking up 'ignition' energy for this 'cause' it is trying to achieve. The 'Ignition' is represented by the symbol for that degree of the Zodiac. The symbol of the degree of the Zodiac for the North Node at that point is, again, as to 'Why'.

At step number three we have the 'Release" and the degree symbology of the North Node again pertains to "Why".
[this technique is still looking 'All systems go" from my vantage point.] ____________________________________________________________
...that having been stated...this is what I'd like to apply it to...

Jupiter went retro yesterday using the technique I have been working with and developing here's what I see.

Jupiter went retro @ apprx. 10* Taurus 21' i.e. the 11th degree of Taurus.
This is the Cosmic Precept that Jupiter...the Planet of Growth, Expansion, Philosophy, Brotherhood etc. trying to invest its' energies in.

[From Rudhyar's book]:jupiter: "(TAURUS 11°): A WOMAN WATERING FLOWERS IN HER GARDEN.

KEYNOTE: Development of the powers of the mind on which ego-consciousness is based.

The psycho-mental nature of a human being takes form out of the fulfillment and transcendence of biological functions and drives, much as the bud appears as the sap rises, and bursts forth into bloom. "As the roots, so the flowers" is an old axiom. The consciousness attaches itself to this wondrous efflorescence; it lavishes its attention upon it, its love — alas, usually a possessive kind of love ("This is my garden!"). Thus the ego develops. It may develop in a negative, resentful way if a belated frost destroys the buds. This is the first stage of the ninth sequence of phases, a sequence that basically refers to the overall situation related to the development of the ego. The Keyword here is CULTIVATION."
[this symbol and Precept is very Taurean...IMHO, and speaking as a Taurus myself.]

The North Node on Sept. 31st is telling us why this is important for world society. The N. Node was @ apprx. 19* Sag. 29' i.e. the 20th of Sagittarius.
[From Rudhyar's book]

KEYNOTE: The foresighted use of natural resources to supply future needs.

At the close of this series of symbols we again see a reference to the relationship between man and nature. Man’s ingenuity and foresight make it possible for him to plan for the future in terns of his knowledge of the seasonal rhythm of cold and heat and, by implication, of even larger cycles of change. Quiet and relaxation may have to be sacrificed, and some hardships endured, in order that another type of problem, which may involve survival though proper feeding, may be met at some later time.

This is the fifth and last phase in the fifty second section of the cycle. It stresses the value of actively planning for future need, and of foresight based on the knowledge of cyclic processes. Keywords: ASSURING SUPPLY.", it seems with symbols of a garden and the nodes pointing to foresight and humankinds' relationship to nature is coming at a most appropriate time in my eyes. What with the nuclear/radiation situation around the globe. The apparent failure of the B.P. 'cap' on the well in the Gulf of Mexico...the current outcry over the 'Keystone Oil Pipeline', 'Fracking", Monsanto's bio-engineering, Corporations buying up Water Rights all over the world, hundreds of thousands of children dying of starvation in Africa and Asia...hmmmmmmm?

So, Jupiter will continue retro until this Dec. 26, 2011 when it will go direct @ 00* Taurus 22' i.e. the 1st degree of Taurus ...the symbol for which is...
[From Rudhyar's book] :jupiter:"(TAURUS 1°): A CLEAR MOUNTAIN STREAM.

KEYNOTE: The pure, uncontaminated and spontaneous manifestation of one's own nature.

Here we see life substance in its original dynamic form and as it emerged from its spiritual source. This is true whatever the nature of the source may be. In a sense the mountain stream is conditioned by the nature of the soil and by all the forces which in the past have formed the mountain's rock strata: that is to say, by past history. Yet out of this past a new, pure (i.e. unadulterated) release of potentiality has emerged. It is ready to perform whatever work its dharma is to accomplish.

This is the first stage of the seventh five-fold sequence of phases. Matter is still imbued with great potential energy, energy being matter at its source. It is flowing irresistibly toward its own destiny. It is simply ITS OWN NATURE." don't think I need to explain that at all...with the targeted emphasis that is, oh so, apparent sounds like the Cosmos is trying to tell the world something important ...IT'S NATURES WAY OF TELLING US...
['s a Mothers love and her own milk that makes a baby grow strong and healthy...not some formula concocted in a laboratory and fed to them through a tube...]...but not just on a mundane level as these symbols also are about the Spiritual ...what's in your Garden?

At the 'Return' point the N. Node will be @ apprx 13* Sag. 17' i.e. the 14th of Sag.[this is telling 'WHY' the Cosmos thinks that Jupiter needs to go back for energy emphasizing 'Purity and uncontamination and natural developments along the lines of nature]
[From Rudhyar's book]:northnode: " (SAGITTARIUS 14°): THE GREAT PYRAMID AND THE SPHINX.

KEYNOTE: The enduring power of occult knowledge and of its quasi-divine Custodians, "Seed-men" of a previous cycle of existence.

The belief in an Original Tradition based on the perfect knowledge of the archetypal principles and forms which underlie all manifestations of life on this Earth (and by extension in the cosmos) is deeply rooted in man's consciousness. The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx are witnesses to such a Tradition, especially for the Western world. The symbol implies that such an archetypal knowledge remains the foundation upon which men's minds can still build solid and valid formulations, as new evolutionary developments are pending. This fourth stage symbol suggests that this occult knowledge and the traditional process of acquiring it is still available, and that by accepting their principles modern man can best meet the challenge of our present world crisis. The symbol, interpreted from a personal point of view, points to the greatness of a Soul's past achievements and the value of trying to re-evoke this past. What is revealed is THE POWER OF SPIRITUAL ANCESTRY."

...what I've been saying all along...

So, when Jupiter does it's 'Final Return' to the orig. point of retro @ 10* Taurus 21' on March 18, 2012 the N. Node will be @ apprx. 08* Sag. 54' i.e. the 9th degree of Sag.

KEYNOTE: The need in any social situation to assist the less evolved in their management of the problems which society requires its members to solve.

A staircase does not present a natural difficulty to a very young child. Man builds stairs and therefore is responsible for assisting the child to climb them step by step. Social and cultural living is not "natural." The child must first be taught by example, then helped along as he imitates as well as he can the grownup's behavior. Climbing stairs is only an illustration of a general process. Every generation must involve itself in teaching the next even the simplest skills needed for social existence.

At the fourth stage of the preceding five-fold sequence we saw parents encouraging a little child to walk. Walking is a natural human function; climbing stairs is a skill made necessary by the building of several-storied houses — a product of civilization. What is implied here is SOCIAL CONCERN for the less evolved of society's members."

...again...what is being emphasized is living 'Naturally'...and we are being told that in this generations case that we have to go 'Way Back' to the time of the 'Ancient Knowledge' the interim generations somewhat failed in getting everyone up the 'Staircase of Spiritual Evolution'...

Well, that's what I'm reading...and to be truthful it seems pretty clearly spelled out and obvious...

[but, maybe one of you has a different take on this...?...If so...the podium is your's...the audience is waiting!]
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