Saturn and fertility issues

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Jul 2, 2007
By the sea
I thought I would add this.

Saturn gets such a bad press. I have it in 5th house/pisces and I think this is commonly linked to fertility issues which is true in my case.

however wanted to give a glimmer of hope as I went to a talk in uk by an astrology who saw saturn again as the possible life giver(even in 5th house) and often with transits to this house women can unexpectly fall pregnant. (they have previoiusly had issues)

the name of astrologer - not sure if I am allowed to post this but you can google under Fertility astrology - and the name is Nicola Smuts.

it was a really positive and hopeful lecture.

positive thoughts.

You would have to look at the other planet aspects it makes if these are favourable aspects, what other planets you have in the 5th and what your ruler of the 5th is.
Saturn I personally have found it is a task master it makes you work hard to achieve anything it is connected to. People for example with Saturn in the 7th usually have relationship later in life and those relationships are heavy they can break down, but if they do the work they can learn how to maintain those relationship and grow from them, yes they are heavy and many may abandon the work but like many Saturn things with hard work you learn a great deal and build up something solid and worthwhile.
I think Saturn in the 5th can be the same, with hard work, doing all the research with other good aspects it could be achieved. I've seen Saturn present with people with fertility issues either in the 5th or in hard aspects to the Moon or Venus and it often means delays late motherhood, a hard labour or someone who suffers with post natal depression. I would really examine all the other elements in your chart. Where the moon is placed and is it well aspected. If you're looking at IVF I would look if there are any positive aspects to the moon or your Saturn in your 5th with Uranus. If your considering adoption or Surogacy I would look at possible aspects to Neptune and Jupiter, and what's going on in your 11th house . Hopes, dreams and other peoples children.
I hope this is helpful. I am in a similar position to you, I just have very hard aspects to planets in my 5th from Pluto. I also have a hard aspect from Saturn to my moon. So I understand what a minefield getting help and info is and how depressing and disillusioning it can get. A good thing to check out is asteroid child it will give you an indication of the circumstances a child may come into your life, it's also good to check what's currently transiting your 5th house for example if you had jupiter moving over there that would increase your chances of expanding your family or if it's making good aspects to planets in your 5th.
Good Luck
Hi and thanks beatnikgirl.

I posted for others to check out the website I mentioned - this lady does interesting calculations.

I have moon in pisces 4th house and venus in pisces in 5th house.I have pluto and uranus in virgo opp saturn 10/th11th th la la.

I am an aqua - someone told me how to attach chart I must attempt to do this. my details 11 feb 67 time 00.30(just after midnight)

Hoping for a good year next year!!! :whistling:

your post was really interesting and I will take a look at that. although sorry to hear about Pluto and saturn in your case. the saturn will shift soon - phew for us .

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in vedic saturn views 3rd, 7th and 10th houses from where it is
so in your case saturn effects 5th, 7th, 2nd , 11th all related to marriage, family,love and kids
saturn delays but will not deny in the end
it will keep giving hopes but will keep u waiting
it'll come in installments slowly
Hi Virichi would you mind taking a look at my chart, dependent on what house system. I have two bad scenarios I either have Venus and Mars in the 5th Sq Pluto, but trine Uranus, or in the Placidus system I have nothing but Pallas in the 5th which is sq pluto again. I also have asteroid child in the 8th Opposing my sun and sat next to lilith.
Do you have any insights I have Saturn opposite
Moon as well, but Moon conjunct Neptune and sextile Pluto. I be really grateful for any input, I've been encountering fertility issues mainly hormone imbalances rather than anything physically constraining pregnancy, but my fear is now the worse thing that is holding me back. I was born with a heart defect it has often held me back that along relationship breakdowns and finances, I thought I was finally ready to tackle this my heart seemed to be finally seemed to be under control then I started having hormone imbalance problems, I went through investigations, nothing came up as a cause except age and stress, I'm 37. I began to looking into the astrology, that's when for the first time I saw all the negative aspects to pregnancy. Asteroid sits in direct oposition to my sun, I have observed when Pluto Chiron or Saturn have sat opposite my sun in the what is probably the 8th I first lost my great grandmother, my grandfather, I almost died myself, almost lost my ex partner to TB. SO I am pretty fearful of anything that sits in that opposition and when transits trigger activity there. I have yet to have any of the rebirth insights or other peoples money experiences others say are part of the 8th.


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Hi beatnikgirl
i dont understand western charts clearly, so better post your date,place,time of birth here or PM me
i go by 2 methods of house system. placidus and also north indian
thank you for posting your interpretation.
I appreciate and it is nice to know that there is a light on the horizon.
I guess saturn as the teacher - teaches patience and so when it does arrive I will be better placed to appreciate it. :smile:

Beatnik girl. not an astro reply but have you thought of therapies ie reflexology or healing- both known to help women in these situations. these can help the anxiety and release issues related to loss and grief.
looks like hope is there for you too from virinchi's reply.

best wishes

Thanks Caro, I got turned down by another adoption agency today that will be my 4th, me and my partner are the wrong ethnic mix yet again so it's looking a very bleak prospect going down that route. At the moment I have zero hope that I will ever make it to be a parent of any kind in this lifetime, but I really hope the predictions for you come true.
sorry to hear this Beatnik girl.

I think these agencies from what I hear sound a bit power mad and those rules - they are very strict - is this the saturn influence. I dont even look there. I have met a lot of people who have gone thro IVF - again it can be very hard. maybe I have heard to much negative.

I have thought of adopting an orphan from abroad. Nepal is a country I have a strong connection to.

keep looking for different solutiions. I presume you have tried private agencies as well as different councils. some councils have more liberal rules.

I am sure that you will make a great mum!Virinchi indicates it will come for you to.
Hi i have saturn conj nn in the 5th opposite moon in pisces. i expected to have children by this age. i teach now. dont know of any fertility issues. pray to God none come up. just havent had the right opportunity to bring my own kids into this world. the ideal no. of kids used to be at least 4 but circumstances are making me realize that this probably wont be possible.
I thought I would add this.

Saturn gets such a bad press. I have it in 5th house/pisces and I think this is commonly linked to fertility issues which is true in my case.

however wanted to give a glimmer of hope as I went to a talk in uk by an astrology who saw saturn again as the possible life giver(even in 5th house) and often with transits to this house women can unexpectly fall pregnant. (they have previoiusly had issues)

the name of astrologer - not sure if I am allowed to post this but you can google under Fertility astrology - and the name is Nicola Smuts.

it was a really positive and hopeful lecture.

positive thoughts.


If Saturn is well aspected in the 5th it can mean a responsible attitude towards children especially with education and indeed you may play a strong part in this. That child may in later years become a parental type towards you. You may have a Capricornian child. We need to see the whole chart for the aspects. It does as a rule limit children to perhaps one or two.....but by no means, without the moon to consider, infertility is not an issue necessarily.
Hi i have saturn conj nn in the 5th opposite moon in pisces. i expected to have children by this age. i teach now. dont know of any fertility issues. pray to God none come up. just havent had the right opportunity to bring my own kids into this world. the ideal no. of kids used to be at least 4 but circumstances are making me realize that this probably wont be possible.

I am assuming you have the Saturn conjunct NN in Virgo 5th house??? This can mean becoming an unmarried mother. Independent if you will. Saturn doess tend to limit the number of children born. Moon in Pisces in the 11th can indicate with the SN there that you may mother groups of children and have done this in a convent or orphanage situation in the past and this time you need to concentrate on perhaps one or two children. You may indeed take advantage of the modern technologies to have a child, such as invitro or perhaps adoption.......In Pisces you have sympathy and sensitivity towards mothering issues. Once again I see the religious or charitable connection.
Liz Greene is a Saturn expert. Saturn does get bad press and it is where we need to grow up and take responsibility and be cognisance of our karma from the past. It is the nitty gritty and the reality bite and can bring losses and restrictions no doubt about it. However on our Saturn returns for instance we have the opportunities to get rid of the past strictures and sometimes we do pass over on these if the aspects and transits are heavy enough.
On my second Saturn return with Saturn conjunct Mercury I lost a sister and a pet dog with the 6th and 3rd involved. This caused great grief and heartache being in Leo but at the end of the day my sister is better off and the dog in the future would have to have been put down due to circumstances I wont go into here. It takes a year or so to get over it and gain perspective on these kind of events. So when Saturn hits your 5th house in transit or progression that is the time to consider perhaps having a child alone or at least without the marriage situation.
Hi Claire
thanks for posting.

yes I had read Liz Green and that is where I had got the original intrepretation

however on attending the lecture at the top of the post I realised that things were not so bleak.

I have Saturn conjunct NN in Virgo in the 5th, and I am also childless. Since my saturn return I have been trying to conceive and have been unsuccessul. Im hoping when transitting saturn moves out of my 5th, i might start seeing some progress.

Just going off a little of the topic, I did some research on womens charts that havent been able to have children, nothing stood out particularly strong, even the Saturn being in the 5th, but the plus is if you have Scorpio on your 5th house cusp you wont have any having children, I looked at about 100 or more charts and only came up with 2 people having Scorpio that didnt have children. All the other signs it was even at about 10 or 12.
You have just found another woman with Scorpio in the cusp of the 5th (just for a bit, some degrees later it is Sag). I am 42 years old and did not have children, abortions or anything. As a matter of fact, I have never wanted to have a child. :)
Oh, can you post your chart? If I remember right the ladies had a strong 10th house, I think Mars conjunct the MC of one. Is that the way for you too?
has anyone replied to your chart?
you can always edit and takeit down if you feel uncomfortable.
I just checked out Nicola Smut's website. There were a few intresting articles on the site. I wasn't able to find many concrete details, but what I found was good. I'd like to learn a little more about her idea of traveling to the location of a fixed star to conceive. Sounds like it might be fun.