His Saturn doesn't aspect any of my other planets (no positive or negative).
The only aspects his Saturn makes to my chart is the aforementioned his Saturn conjunct my Descendant in Gemini (in the 6th) AND his Saturn in Gemini trine my MC in Libra.
If it were just my chart, I would post it. But since I don't have his permission to post his chart, I will refrain from posting it here. Astroweekly is searchable by google.
I just went back and saw your edit. Again, houses and signs would be important, but in general, the Saturn/Uranus square can point to issues of free will again - and breaking one free from previous restrictions. I'm assuming either he will be the instrument to break you out of your restrictions, since you are Saturn and he is Uranus. Or maybe you will squelch his rebellion.Oh just in case it's important, my Saturn squares his Uranus.
His Saturn doesn't aspect any of my other planets (no positive or negative).
The only aspects his Saturn makes to my chart is the aforementioned his Saturn conjunct my Descendant in Gemini (in the 6th) AND his Saturn in Gemini trine my MC in Libra.
If it were just my chart, I would post it. But since I don't have his permission to post his chart, I will refrain from posting it here. Astroweekly is searchable by google.
Oh just in case it's important, my Saturn squares his Uranus.