Saturn in 7th it always bad

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Sep 13, 2009
Saturn will enter my 7th at 5'40 Libra. I have vx at 2', north node at 9 Libra and venus mars at 7'40 Leo which Saturn will sextile. Now saturn in the natal chart forms an inconjunct to venus and mars. Saturn will also trine natal sun eventually at 22 degrees but that is far far away.
So I am a tad interested in if anyone had any positive experiences with saturn in the 7th?
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Saturn moving into Libra, it's sign of exaltation, cannot really be bad if you ask me!
And what does "bad" mean? Nothing is bad in astrology. Saturn in the 7th can show various things, usually a late marriage or an older partner and it shows that marriage will be looked upon as a serious matter.
Oh good. I guess everything I have read up to this point is that saturn seems to be kind of a bogey man. It certainly was in my 6th. It talked about how saturn in the 7th gives a strong dose of reality to relationships, loneliness, withdrawal from others, dissappointment in relationship, etc, etc. but maybe it depends on sign and hopefully could be a positive. This is the second time it has passed through my 7th. The first at age 22 to about age 25. Pluto and saturn were transiting that house at the same time so my perspective might be skewed. It was when saturn was close to its sojourn that I finally met and began a stable relationship. Prior to that it was indeed a sorrowful, intense, quiet and lonely time. In fact that was the year I began to see correlations in my life and astrology. It was the year I began to wonder..maybe there is a connection. :)
But thanks starlink with the positives. Certainly if I marry it will be most serious.
Tr. Saturn has been my 7th house for awhile now, and will continue to be for the first 8 degrees or so of Libra as well. During this time, I have found that a number of social occasions have ranged from somewhat unsuitable all the way to being disasters for me. In this process I have found that there are previous friends with whom I have little in common, and at this point I am disinclined to socialize. I have also found(this may have to do with the Saturn-Uranus opposition that is now in effect)that said people don't understand my unusualness(tr. Uranus in 1st)and unwillingness to conform to just "being social". My husband has given me some, but not too much flak for this, but at the end of the day he has to understand because there's nothing he can really do about it, and to a certain extent, there's not too much I can do because this seems to be part of a larger process that's in place, and that started when some other inner things were happening in my life. It WOULD be nice to have at least one other person who is on the same page to hang out with sometimes, but I simply don't have the psychic energy to go looking either. The usual advice to "volunteer", or "attend social things where there are people with one's interests" have failed to resonate at this time, so both my husband and I have been keeping it pretty private these days, aside from attending collective, amazing events where we don't know anyone. That part actually gives me freedom because no one expects me to be a certain way.
Saturn will enter my 7th at 5'40 Libra. I have vx at 2', north node at 9 Libra and venus mars at 7'40 Leo which Saturn will sextile. Now saturn in the natal chart forms an inconjunct to venus and mars. Saturn will also trine natal sun eventually at 22 degrees but that is far far away.
So I am a tad interested in if anyone had any positive experiences with saturn in the 7th?

My chart is very similar to yours in that I have Aries rising at 4:50 degrees. We are close in age as well - I was born in 1963. I also noticed like my chart your MC/IC are very close to the degrees of your ASC giving an extra zing to outer planets aspecting the angles. I too was wondering how Saturn through the 7th would be. It will T-square my Sun Moon Opposition in the 4th and 10th H. Not looking forward to that. Saturn through the 6th has been very unpleasant. Health problems, back problems, teeth problems, lost my job. Pretty much cookbook events. Most people that I have seen who have Saturn trasiting the 7th, end up getting married or getting into a serious relationship with someone that leads to marriage. That would be nice as I am single. There is usually a significant age difference.
In the not too distant future, we are going to have Uranus conjunct the ASC and T-square our MC/IC. That should be interesting.

cara4art can I ask where your Saturn sits natally? If you take a look at that and your current circumstances it may point a way forward to how you can work through this time of social isolation. Saturn is always trying to teach us something and where it lies natally is often the key to progressing in life through difficult transits. My Saturn dependent on which house system you use either lies in My 3rd or 4th House, and it is currently going through my 7th/8th House in the (placidus system I have a massive 7th house). I found personally that it effected me in two ways, which is why I'm unsure which house system is most accurate. On the positive side it has made me more able to address some of the heavier issues in my relationship, me and my partner met during my Saturn return and at the time Jupiter was moving through my 7th house, over the last couple of years Saturn has moved round and meant I had a much more serious attitude to my relationship I felt settled down my Saturn Venus and Mars are all in Gemini so I have always being slightly flirtatious never saw any relationship as totally permanent Yet I feel like I am content and happy to settle down, the relationship is hard it has brought great financial burdens and problems but we work those matters through together. We have also encountered fertility, depression and other health issues but the relationship is more rock solid than my previous relationship that lasted 13years. So I think Saturn can help you work harder at something and offers you the chance to watch your efforts mature and bear fruit. My Saturn has been moving closer to my Pluto and will eventually conjunct it. I have found recently that I suffered from depression because I became very disenchanted in life in it's limitations and the pain and suffering I see and I have wondered about god and the afterlife and thought about life death and rebirth a great deal, it seems to constantly push for attention in my thoughts. So bascially that seems to be what Saturn in the 7th or 8th has brought so far, I am quite concerned what it will mean when Saturn makes a transition to Pluto and then later Juno opposing Chiron. That does worry me a lot. I'll keep you posted with any further developments.
Hi beatnikgirl! My natal Saturn is part of a stellium in my 6th house, with the Pluto and the Moon - all conjunct within a few degrees. Saturn when it transited my 6th house for my second Saturn return a few years ago led to us relocating back to our favorite city, when it hit my Moon in my 6th house stellium. Of course, Uranus and Pluto were doing their work too, so that wasn't all Saturn's doing however. However, up until that last conjunction in my 6th house, we were trying to move, but couldn't for one reason or another because no viable alternative presented itself. Practically the minute tr. Saturn hit my IC back in '02(another pass of the collective Saturn-Pluto opposition that was happening at the time)my husband and I found out that we were going to have to move out of a dear little house that we had loved very much where had lived happily for 4 years. Then, it took until 2006 with multiple moves in the same community, even when tr. Saturn had left my 4th house. Pluto was doing it's work here too since it was retrograding over my MC a couple of times, and it was also going back and forth over an opposition to my natal 4th house Uranus, so you can see that there were other influences at work. But back to Saturn, with that stellium in the 6th, it does also have nice sextiles to my natal Venus trine Neptune, the artist's signature. This stellium adds discipline and refinement to my artwork, plus a real attention to health, diet and fitness which comes naturally to me. I'm always refining something in that department - LOL! Was sick a lot as a kid, but my health got better later.
I have had a lot of relationship issues here. Natally Saturn rules my 11th house and resides in my 7th.
I have had people judge me for being me.
Friends have come and gone
I moved
I changed jobs
A lot of activity happened here. Honestly, when you are going through it, it dosent seem to be nearly as bad as it is made out to be. I actually was very dutiful to my education and not having the friends/people around kept me to my direction that I needed to go in life.
So I would look at the house Saturn rules natally to help assess what will happen? I have Saturn in the 10th and Pluto will conjoin it. Saturn and Pluto are in trine in the natal chart.
I have begun to be quite depressed over a recent loss of a relationship so I guess nothing would improve in the 7th:( that was my hope that somehow things would improve as they have been difficutl as best.
Hey Vista...I guess we can compare notes:) we should start a Cardinal axis angles group or some such. I am glad I am not alone in that great adventure.
So I would look at the house Saturn rules natally to help assess what will happen? I have Saturn in the 10th and Pluto will conjoin it. Saturn and Pluto are in trine in the natal chart.
I have begun to be quite depressed over a recent loss of a relationship so I guess nothing would improve in the 7th:( that was my hope that somehow things would improve as they have been difficutl as best.
Hey Vista...I guess we can compare notes:) we should start a Cardinal axis angles group or some such. I am glad I am not alone in that great adventure.

That sounds good to me! I don't find very many people with Aries rising, especially so close to the same degree on all the angles. I always find it very facinating how people with the same rising signs in similar degrees have many of the same life issues in common. FYI, I just ended a relationship a few months ago too, so I know how you feel. He wasn't a good person though, so it's for the best. Also lost my job, so this year has been one of losses for me. My friend, who is your exact age has Aries rising too with her rising sign at 2 degrees and her Capricorn MC at 1 degree. She began a new relationship recently with a man from another country and he is moving to her Country(Canada) for work, but to a different city where he was offered a position. They are planning to live together, so that will involve a move for her and her possibly changing careers. We will see if there is any similarities with life events with all of us. BTW, she and I both have been in the medical industry, she does fund raising for womens health(incontinence) and I have had a career in surgical device sales, with the past 8 years in urology. Oh, her new boyfriend is a urologist too.

I am pretty sure I will be changing industries and going into another area of surgical sales, and I am pretty sure I will have to move out of the area if any of the jobs I am currantly interviewing for pan out.
Well how odd. I work with people who have disabilities and work a lot with a rehab. hospital. I figured it was the Saturn in the 10th in capricorn trining pluto in the 6th.
I deal with people post surgery:)....
Right now pluto is trining pluto....again...
Well keep me posted on your journey.
Well how odd. I work with people who have disabilities and work a lot with a rehab. hospital. I figured it was the Saturn in the 10th in capricorn trining pluto in the 6th.
I deal with people post surgery:)....
Right now pluto is trining pluto....again...
Well keep me posted on your journey.

I am sure there is something to that trine and medical industry in some way. I have Sun in the 10th trining Pluto in the 6th.
I will definitely keep you posted...
Whereas Saturn always tests us you have some good aspects as well as challenging. The 7th house is involved so any legal matters and contracts especially with domestic issues need to be thoroughly researched and handled with responsibility. There may be changes with the family and the home and perhaps a family member may become somewhat of a burden.
The area of partnership and all one to one encounters is affected also.
People sometimes break up on this one and then again can find an older or more established partner with whom the relationship is based in reality and mature and therefore likely to endure.

Your 6th house of work, everyday needs such as housing, food and clothing... and health is affected and there will be transformation there to the good. You need to watch all communications dealing with the domestic sphere and try to discuss the issues that you find pressing in a clear way.