Saturn in the fifth house

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Oct 25, 2006
Can a saturn transit in the fifth house bring back an old love relationship from the past? My saturn has just entered into the fifth house of virgo. I know the natural ruler of the fifth house is the sun which is at 1 degree sag. in my eigth house (cusping the seventh) Also ruler of virgo (mercury) is in my seventh house.
hi Discover

my experiences of being reunited with an ex and or from the past was an aspected saturne venus
So I will be reunited in the end of 2008. :rolleyes: Actually, it makes sense!! And Saturn will be in my 7th house conjunct Vertex and making a grand trine with Jupiter and Venus. So, it's true, can't wait.
or venus retrograde period especially in 5th house.

did u meet someone from past recently? because venus has been retrograde till today.

in my case, i received mails and phone calls from my ex boyfriends after long time that we stopped communicationg each others. venus retro didnt fall on my 5th hosue but that was amazing.
Venus retro. fell in my forth house and I literally was surprised by a surprise encounter with my ex-boyfriend from my hometown (which is no longer my home town; but definitely where my foundations were laid) I saw him briefly for two hours at Madrid airport where I was connecting for my next flight; and Madrid is NOT my home town. We both happened to be there. Interesting,;) uh?

Well let me tell you my story. Saturn can and does bring back someone from the past but be completely prepared for it is SATURN!!!!!!!!!!!! Transiting Saturn was squaring my 5th house taurus stellium in 2006 and my progressed ASC was trining natal Venus and Saturn at the same time. We met and dated when we met in college in 1990 and later broke up but we were on good terms when we broke up. When we got back in touch with one another it started out as friendship and I had no intention of dating him again but it developed into a very strong relationship but it was wrougt with Saturnian problems. Plus we have a Saturn tie in our comparison charts. I am not trying to take focus off you by talking about myself but please prepare yourself. Saturn is teacher and I am learning a lot. I don't know what the future holds for us because we have experienced restrictions beyond our control but our love for one another is still strong although we have decided to take things slow now due to the restrictions(hard to completely break from Saturn tie) but in Jan 08 trans Saturn and Jupiter will both be trining my taurean stellium so I will keep you updated if you like since there is an apparent interest of someone from your past you may be excited about. If you want to check it out my birth data is 4/9/70 10:38 pm chicago, Il and his is Nov 9 1969 11:03 pm chicago, illinois.

Here is something for you to evaluate in addition to comparing your charts and reviewing your own transits, progs, solar return and arc see if there is an hard aspect with your SunMoon midpoints. (Conjunctions, squares, opps, semisqares as well) A large percentage of married couples have hard aspects but in the midpoint picture a hard aspect gives it energy don't think of it as negative. I hope I was helpful. Wishing you the best of luck!

Dear Erinj,
Thank you for sharing your valuable input. It does bring some clarity for sure to hear about your experience with saturn. I am wondering when you talk about restrictions, do you feel comfortable in sharing what Saturnian type restrictions have come up for you? You don't have to if it's too personal - only if you feel comfortable.
The person I have in mind shares a saturn-mars connection with me. We also have a north node-saturn conjunction in our composite.
I am aware that there will be work involved.