Saturn Is Transiting my Pluto and Ascendant (natally conjunct) in Libra

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Feb 9, 2011
san francisco
Hello there. I am hoping that perhaps someone has the same natal configuration as me and can relate their experience(s), or is knowledgeable about the topic and can shed some light. Here goes...

I have a Libra Ascendant and Pluto is 4 degrees from me Ascendant (in 12th House) natally. Saturn is in transit to both right now, and will be transiting and retrograde until close to the end of 2011. Lots of changes and awarenesses are coming forth - in my personal, familial and professional relationships.

As one example...I just changed jobs, from a job that I loved but management had a very bullying and Machiavellian management style, which got very old over the last year or so. That, and my old boss of 9 years had a close relationship with the management and I suspect quietly participated in jerking me around. The new job is a real opportunity to go and explore new areas (both literally and figuratively) in my career. I also think I will need to make the case for additional hires and a promotion fairly early on, to a position higher than one I've ever held, but am confident that I could do. And, no real connection to the past relationship (boss of 9 years).

In general, I've noticed that I've been dealing with some real bullies and big personalities in general over the years, and many of those relationships are coming to light. Also learning that I don't have to fight them or deal with them at all. And also learning some of these qualities in myself and need to take pains to correct them.

Anyway, there's more...but, the changes feel all positive and I can feel I'm taking conscious and proactive steps. I'm afraid (I admit it!) that I'll repeat old patterns or that my "progress" will blow up in my face.

I'm not looking for therapy here (promise ;)), but am wondering what the general experience is of Saturn transiting Pluto and Ascendant at the same time, and recommendations - do you stay put? Is initiating change a good thing? What should I really be conscious of?

Thanks in advance for your insight!
Hi Libra Rising,

Thanks for sharing. I also have the same transit, but it's happening in my 2nd house. I basically have been on one career path (Saturn) for the past 13 or so years, and all of a sudden, I'm completely done with it (Pluto), and I'm excited about taking a totally new path.

I've also been dealing with Machiavellian types in my relationships (Libra) with my superiors, my parents especially, but it's funny watching their power plays backfire on them! They've been getting away with it so long, they have no idea what's going on, and it's nice to see the tables turn. Pluto rules abusers of all types of power, and with this aspect, at least for me, it's been mostly my narcisstic and destructive parents. I kind of have been fighting fire with fire, and have basically psychologically eliminated them from my life, which is incredibly freeing. I feel light, like a huge burden has been lifted. It's like all my personal life demons have run into my own natal Pluto, and he's just been there in the dark waiting to destroy it, albeit, gracefully and diplomatically (Libra style).

Actually Pluto was natally in my 3rd house, so I have a probing, in-depth Plutonian mind, and somewhat of a way with words. I'm dealing with it more in its progressed stage in my 2nd house of possessions, and man, what a feeling! Because Pluto in 3rd also suggests a powerlessness in my childhood, from having overcontrolling parents, who somehow feared my own intellectual power. It actually annoys my dad that I'm smart. My intelligence is a threat to his own insecure sense of power, it seems, which is rooted in his own past feelings of powerlessness.

I can go on forever, but Pluto interacting with Saturn has been a good thing for me, it's two classic malefics cancelling each other out. Kind of like in cartoons where 2 enemies come at you, and you headbutt them together and they both fall? Kinda like that, and you're left still standing, a new person, reborn like a phoenix from the ashes. I suspect that this drama playing out on your Ascendant will totally rebirth your self-image, and you will own your own power from here on out.

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Pluto transits are so intense and rule of thumb that is that you will be challenged to become stronger than you ever thought that you wanted to is time to connect with your power.
I also have the same transit, but it's happening in my 2nd house. I basically have been on one career path (Saturn) for the past 13 or so years, and all of a sudden, I'm completely done with it (Pluto), and I'm excited about taking a totally new path.

funny, I have it in my 10th and, although I wouldnt say I'm fed up with the career I've treaded for the past 5 years, I'm really excited about a new direction. i've been a translator up till now, but I'm starting to make music and I'm absolutely crazy about it.
Saturn in 12 is basically good in some circles. if you feel somedays that it is difficult to get out of bed, then this is saturn for you
A lot of people posting here over the last few weeks has this transit. Me and hubby too. For me this means a time of restructuring in how I handle power and power struggles. My Saturn is in the 7th house of marriage so guess what I've got to learn from this... :whistling:

I've got to renegotiate how I handle power and disengage from power struggles. Yes, I also quite enjoy seeing how those around me engaged in power struggles keep on playing their little games while I'm disengaged from it. It's a good feeling. :innocent: That is true power. Owning your own power and not feeling like to need to steal it from someone else.
Thank you all for your replies. I can really relate to Divine's experience. Yes, power struggles are definitely showing up, and I started to learn my lessons and modify in my last job, but eventually I just had to leave. They still wanted me to stay, which was a bit of a surprise to me. ;) It will be interesting with the new job/employer. Lots of learning to unlearn. Definitely feel that I am coming from a more authentic place these days.

A friend of mine had a saturn transit to her libra asc, she has completely changed her image. its taken years off her, new hair style and hair colour. she looks great and is looking to do new things - study etc

she doesnt have pluto in libra.

I often think that our asc determines the work we do when it should be the sun. Its this focus we have on the outward appearance as opposed to the inner appearance/contentment.

so maybe this transit and shift of jobs will make you work towards what makes your soul/sun happy.
Saturn in 12 is basically good in some circles. if you feel somedays that it is difficult to get out of bed, then this is saturn for you

When I had T Saturn in my 12th Cappi, then me, my family, parents are on a roundabout going to hospital for op's treatments and visitations. Not a great time really.... but I didn't find it difficult to 'get out of bed'

There will always be a positive and/or negative with all transits. Let's not forget all transits simply act as background influences, unless or until they make a mathamatical aspect to another planet within the chart or an Angle ie: Asc/MC espc


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Pluto transits are so intense and rule of thumb that is that you will be challenged to become stronger than you ever thought that you wanted to is time to connect with your power.

With Libra rising T Pluto would be transiting 3rd or 4th house now, so this would/should affect home roots and family matters.

Natal pluto in 12th would have these themes
Pluto in 12th House - cadent
· Deep insight into subconscious realm
· Considerable tendency to be secretive and sometimes even reclusive
· Inner confidence (always there to draw upon in times of need).
· Enormous amount of strength underneath. Got to be linked to another planet to access
· Good counsellor or psychologist for people with breakdowns or mental problems. Pluto will suggest alternatives. But have to wait for the knock on the door first before offering help and advice
· Maybe overly sensitive to drugs especially when under stress, can easily become addicted

now as Scorpio rules the 2nd house, this suggests that any earned income would be kept *private*
Researching rulers of houses will help you understand more where I joining the dots so to speak

now Transiting Saturn conj Asc is not a great time for starting new projects and could cause a lack of confidence and slow down. Good if you want to start a diet regimin though as you could lose some weight..
Hello. I posted to this forum back in February and really appreciated all the feedback. Definitely positive steps in my life and I feel a lot better than I did when this transit started. However, it's not over, and I'm starting to question where I really want to go in my career and how to identify/define myself. That, and though I feel genuinely happy and confident on the inside....I'm having some crises of confidence on the outside from time to time. I am focusing hard on structuring my work and time and far less focus on being out in the world than I have in the last 6+ years. I've actually attached my chart this time, and am wondering if anyone can provide some additional insight. Both transits (as well as a Saturn-sextile-Saturn transit) end this Fall. What more can I expect?



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Hello. I posted to this forum back in February and really appreciated all the feedback. Definitely positive steps in my life and I feel a lot better than I did when this transit started. However, it's not over, and I'm starting to question where I really want to go in my career and how to identify/define myself. That, and though I feel genuinely happy and confident on the inside....I'm having some crises of confidence on the outside from time to time. I am focusing hard on structuring my work and time and far less focus on being out in the world than I have in the last 6+ years. I've actually attached my chart this time, and am wondering if anyone can provide some additional insight. Both transits (as well as a Saturn-sextile-Saturn transit) end this Fall. What more can I expect?
Saturn has just turned direct from a retrograde that lasted almost 6 months (started at end of Jan this yr), give it a bit more time to pick up its pace. Hopefully things change for the better for you.
Hello. I posted to this forum back in February and really appreciated all the feedback. Definitely positive steps in my life and I feel a lot better than I did when this transit started. However, it's not over, and I'm starting to question where I really want to go in my career and how to identify/define myself. That, and though I feel genuinely happy and confident on the inside....I'm having some crises of confidence on the outside from time to time. I am focusing hard on structuring my work and time and far less focus on being out in the world than I have in the last 6+ years. I've actually attached my chart this time, and am wondering if anyone can provide some additional insight. Both transits (as well as a Saturn-sextile-Saturn transit) end this Fall. What more can I expect?


t Saturn when conj pluto would have set off Pluto aspects and I notice it has a square to mercury, this may be good for studying, research, reading as you may want to communicate less with others and just stimulate your mind..

T Saturn trine venus in fourth would be a good time to structure finances, romance and family matters and the energies would/should be cordial.
T saturn sextile neptune, could have been a time to structure and put some hard work into creative work, 2nd and 3rd house issues ie: earning power, and communications..

I don't see this transit as being that with far more 'easy transits' and hard ones...
When I had T Saturn in my 12th Cappi, then me, my family, parents are on a roundabout going to hospital for op's treatments and visitations. Not a great time really.... but I didn't find it difficult to 'get out of bed'

There will always be a positive and/or negative with all transits. Let's not forget all transits simply act as background influences, unless or until they make a mathamatical aspect to another planet within the chart or an Angle ie: Asc/MC espc

12th house capricorn???. This is saturns own sign. He is strong in capricorn, that is why the negative aspects of the 12 th house were more shown. Now had jupiter been transiting here, and even though jupiter does not show its full effect in capricorn, you would still have been cured of some illness, psychological problem etc.
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12th house capricorn???. This is saturns own house. He is strong in capricorn, that is why the negative aspects of the 12 th house were more shown.[strong yes, being domicle, no negative aspects as he trined my taurus stellium] Now had jupiter been transiting here, and even though jupiter does not show its full effect in capricorn, you would still have been cured of some illness, psychological problem etc.

this is not saturn's own house the 10th house is. For me however, Capricorn rules 12th house. At the time in question not only saturn was transiting 12th but uranus and neptune were in cappi too :sad: Tjupiter was late taurus, then gemini
this is not saturn's own house the 10th house is. For me however, Capricorn rules 12th house. At the time in question not only saturn was transiting 12th but uranus and neptune were in cappi too :sad: Tjupiter was late taurus, then gemini

I meant own sign like capricorn and aquarius. A star in its own sign exerts its strength either beneficial or otherwise.

Its the same way where I have seen a lot of people with jupiter in the 10th house , and yes they were lucky where career was concerned, but remember the tenth house , actually belongs to saturn, and this placement of jupiter actually makes it weak. Most of these people had monetary difficulties.
Dear all

Can I remind everyone to please stay on the topic of Saturn transiting Pluto. If anyone doesn't want to post up a chart its their own free will to do so or not. his has clearly escalate into a personal argument. I'm deleting the off topic comments/arguments. Please stay on topic, by all means discuss and debate the topic, just no personal arguments please.

Thank you all for your replies. I can really relate to Divine's experience. Yes, power struggles are definitely showing up, and I started to learn my lessons and modify in my last job, but eventually I just had to leave. They still wanted me to stay, which was a bit of a surprise to me. ;) It will be interesting with the new job/employer. Lots of learning to unlearn. Definitely feel that I am coming from a more authentic place these days.


Hello libra rising. I just had a look at your chart. To my understanding both your 2nd and 3rd houses are afflicted. The word affliction is not a forgone conclusion, these houses will just cause more problems than normal that's all.

If you like more detail from me you can pm me, or if you want me to post here please tell me so.
If you want me to stay on a specific topic, also inform me the same. Otherwise a person might say whatever he thinks he sees in a chart.
Hello All. Wow! Lots of activity on this thread since I last checked. Well...Saturn is now firmly in my 1st house and I am totally reset. It is true that this transit was not really negative. It was more of a healing transit. I have now changed jobs again, and now to a very viable company in a very good position for more money and less work. The job I wound up taking turned out to be rather light-weight, but gave me a chance to heal and recuperate, not only from the first job and difficult relationships that I mentioned in my original post, but also just all the really difficult people I've had in my life for all of my adult life...and, on a deeper level, how hard I have been on myself over the years...and, especially, how hard and punishing I have been on myself. I really dug deep and took the opportunity to "own it", "it" being all of the negativity towards me that I was projecting on to other people. I've also practiced turning away from really negative people and focusing on positive. This is pretty huge for me, as I've ALWAYS focused on making the negative "better" - in people, situations, etc., and it just finally burned me out. This new approach has really changed me and my life dramatically...and, now, it feels as though there is a lot of "space" in life and in my psyche. I'm sleeping 8 hours a night for the first time in years...and have a few personal goals that I am starting to focus on now that Saturn is in my first house. Thanks, all!