Saturn Mahadasha and Sade sati

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Jan 13, 2017
My Saturn Mahadasha and Sade sati will begin almost simultaneously. I’m wondering how they will play together? Saturn is exalted in my chart but I’m still worried and curious. Can someone help? What to expect?

Thank you!
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After debilitated Jupiter period I wish only peace and happiness. How soon one could wish to see changes after Dasha change?
Its not? But Jupiter is with Ketu? And owns 4th and 7th. I’m Virgo asc. Definitely it did not bring me husband or any relationship or savings. Luckily I’m alive so far and Mahadasha will change soon.
Hi hearttree !

just saw your chart . its fairly good . your virgo asc kumba rasi .

your have exalted powerful mercury who is your 1st and 10th lord ,. u r lucky interms of profession and physical comforts u r without doubt will have self earned income , self made person . intelligent , youthful , pretty ,charming , commnicative . versatile genius , multi tasker very active and energetic . your speech has supreme power others will long to listen yr speech gifted communicator . natural businessman , good at maths . has logical mind . your logic will mind blow others . highly humorous fond of jokes . over all bubbly character .

sadesatti wont harm you since u lagna lord is powerful also saturn too is at good position. nothing to worry about sade satti and all , those money mined astrologers will say anything to earn money . they dont know true esseence of astrology or how karma works . sadesatti wont do bad for all , its gives trouble only in ur first round of your life ie upto 30 yrs , after that it losses its power and same sadesatti will do good . many got married in sadesatti only . its life changing event , nothing to worry . dasas like satuen and sadesatti are boon in some way that it clears majority of ur past life karma so that you proceed to moksha . if u look that in a spiritual way u wont get sad , u get enlighted and ready to face any sadesatti's

coming to ur chart . for u saturn in 2nd house delays marg or any relationships . it gives late marriage . settlement in foreign land . u have troubled childhood life . due to that u r have formed some misconception on marriage and spouse . ur values comes from family . they shape ur values . due to that u r somewhat feared of being committed relationship . for u its a big burdensome . ur mind is not made for committed relationship, though u wish marriage , u cant that much big responsibility to ur head . as a result frequent breakups and patches happens .

ur 7th lord jupiter is with ketu. generally it means partner is highly spiritual brave , eccentric lives in other world than present . touchy , sensitive . fights even for silly things . ketu means detachment . 7th lord with ketu means detached , mismatched . weird partner . infact to say truth u will be very happy only when he out . if he comes home u naturally feel down and walk away to bedroom . for u partner pooja room is most desired place in ur home than a bed room . but u r expectation is different .

this saturn mahadasa gives you marriage and forgein settlement , ie some where long distance from ur birth place .

from 2nd its aspects ur 4th , 8th and 11th saturn teaches u life lesson through these house related matters . so be prepared .

since 8th lord aspecting 5th lord love marriage is not possible for u , even dating will give u bitter and violent experience , lovers will physically abuse you . so dont get into that . just wait for ur man to come . also take care of ur health too . never touch abusive substances . dnt have any ill company . be careful with maternal uncles they may cheat you , physically abuse u . since 5th house is mind , ur mind is restless and often filled with negative thoughts . dnt do any silly things . practice yoga and meditation .
Hi hearttree !

just saw your chart . its fairly good . your virgo asc kumba rasi .

your have exalted powerful mercury who is your 1st and 10th lord ,. u r lucky interms of profession and physical comforts u r without doubt will have self earned income , self made person . intelligent , youthful , pretty ,charming , commnicative . versatile genius , multi tasker very active and energetic . your speech has supreme power others will long to listen yr speech gifted communicator . natural businessman , good at maths . has logical mind . your logic will mind blow others . highly humorous fond of jokes . over all bubbly character .

sadesatti wont harm you since u lagna lord is powerful also saturn too is at good position. nothing to worry about sade satti and all , those money mined astrologers will say anything to earn money . they dont know true esseence of astrology or how karma works . sadesatti wont do bad for all , its gives trouble only in ur first round of your life ie upto 30 yrs , after that it losses its power and same sadesatti will do good . many got married in sadesatti only . its life changing event , nothing to worry . dasas like satuen and sadesatti are boon in some way that it clears majority of ur past life karma so that you proceed to moksha . if u look that in a spiritual way u wont get sad , u get enlighted and ready to face any sadesatti's

coming to ur chart . for u saturn in 2nd house delays marg or any relationships . it gives late marriage . settlement in foreign land . u have troubled childhood life . due to that u r have formed some misconception on marriage and spouse . ur values comes from family . they shape ur values . due to that u r somewhat feared of being committed relationship . for u its a big burdensome . ur mind is not made for committed relationship, though u wish marriage , u cant that much big responsibility to ur head . as a result frequent breakups and patches happens .

ur 7th lord jupiter is with ketu. generally it means partner is highly spiritual brave , eccentric lives in other world than present . touchy , sensitive . fights even for silly things . ketu means detachment . 7th lord with ketu means detached , mismatched . weird partner . infact to say truth u will be very happy only when he out . if he comes home u naturally feel down and walk away to bedroom . for u partner pooja room is most desired place in ur home than a bed room . but u r expectation is different .

this saturn mahadasa gives you marriage and forgein settlement , ie some where long distance from ur birth place .

from 2nd its aspects ur 4th , 8th and 11th saturn teaches u life lesson through these house related matters . so be prepared .

since 8th lord aspecting 5th lord love marriage is not possible for u , even dating will give u bitter and violent experience , lovers will physically abuse you . so dont get into that . just wait for ur man to come . also take care of ur health too . never touch abusive substances . dnt have any ill company . be careful with maternal uncles they may cheat you , physically abuse u . since 5th house is mind , ur mind is restless and often filled with negative thoughts . dnt do any silly things . practice yoga and meditation .

Thank you for your time and input. Many things are right on spot here. Especially that my dating experiences has been humiliating by so far. I never knew Saturn in my second house is the one delaying my marriage. :( My childhood was difficult because my mentally ill father who was violent towards me. I have been in therapy and I’m still trying to overcome my fear of intimacy. In my country there is no arranged marriages so finding somebody through dating is only option for me.
So that is only part that sound troublesome to me if there is difficulty to find love marriage.
Hi heartree

oh omg im very sad for ur bitter experience with father . oh yes i forgot to tell that too ,. 9th house is father , from lagna 9th lord in 12th and rahu in 9th . 12th house is animosity . irritable spiteful father . from rasi too saturn in 9th with mars aspecting , this too strong indication of abusive father . this saturn dasa even increases . take neccesary steps . part away with him . or ask him not interfere in ur life . but this saturn dasa causes death of father . u will travel lot and u may also get cheated by fake gurus . if u have siblings they will quarrel with u . but whatever problems comes you indeed overcome all with the virtue of lagna lord . lagna lord will save u from all miseries .

Arrange marriage means , marrying with parents approval . whatever culture it is , generally parents will intervene and say their opinion regarding marg . i said in that way . i know abt ur culture too . you wont have parents interference in marriage , will have liberty in choosing ur partner .

whatever happen in between u and ur spouse , marriage wont break . it will be long lasting , though occasional tension exists between couple .

cheers .
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Hi heartree

oh omg im very sad for ur bitter experience with father . oh yes i forgot to tell that too ,. 9th house is father , from lagna 9th lord in 12th and rahu in 9th . 12th house is animosity . irritable spiteful father . from rasi too saturn in 9th with mars aspecting , this too strong indication of abusive father . this saturn dasa even increases . take neccesary steps . part away with him . or ask him not interfere in ur life . but this saturn dasa causes death of father . u will travel lot and u may also get cheated by fake gurus . if u have siblings they will quarrel with u . but whatever problems comes you indeed overcome all with the virtue of lagna lord . lagna lord will save u from all miseries .

Arrange marriage means , marrying with parents approval . whatever culture it is , generally parents will intervene and say their opinion regarding marg . i said in that way . i know abt ur culture too . you wont have parents interference in marriage , will have liberty in choosing ur partner .

whatever happen in between u and ur spouse , marriage wont break . it will be long lasting , though occasional tension exists between couple .

cheers .
Thank you so much and sorry I forgot to answer and show my gratitude. My father passed away already when I was around 18 but effect has been big in my life. I have been thinking what you said, that relationships will be humiliating to me,and more I think of it more I find it true. I hope therapy etc will help me to go forward. At the moment I have deep feelings towards friend who is married. I know it can't go forward and I feel that this too is humiliating to me. Many situations with him I mean.
Dear heartree,

As requested here is my analysis
Love marriage---- 5th Cuspal Sublord must signify either 2nd or 5th or 7th or 11th. ( 7th house is a must for the love to get converted into marriage). Withouth 7th house it will merely be love affairs).

In this horoscope, 5th Cuspal Sublord is Rahu. Rahu is in mrigashira nakshtra ruled by mars and in the sub divison of saturn.

Rahu is occupying 9th. Rahu is aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter is the occupant of 3rd and lord of 4th,7th and 8th. Rahu is in taurus ruled by venus. Venus is in 11th and lord of 3rd.

Mars is in 10th and lord of 9th. Saturn is in 2nd and lord of 5th and 6th.

Rahu as a source planet - 9, 3,4,7,8
Starlord Mars - 10,9
Sublord Saturn - 2,5,9

Rahu in this untenanted planet(it has not become starlord(nakshtra lord or any other planet). Rahu is the cuspal sublord of 2nd,5th,8th and 11th). Here it become strongest significator of the above cuspal house.

So Rahu is significator of 2nd,5th,11th,7th and connected with 2nd and 5th. So love marriage is promised in this chart...

When will this happen during the joint significator period of 2nd/5th/7th and 11th

Planet - Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Mercury, Sun and Venus are the joint significators.

At the time of analysis at my location rising ascendant was virgo and in hasta nakshtra ruled by moon. Moon was transiting in cancer sign and in ashlesha nakshtra and the day was friday. Rahu is in mercury sign.

Current Mahadasa is of Saturn . Saturn is significator of 2nd house and it's starlord mars is close to the 11th cusp. So Saturn dasa will give the marriage results.

In Saturn Dasa--- Mercury Bhukti-- Rahu Antardasa---Venus Sookshma period will give marriage results... This will be in 2024 between November to December.
Thank you Zappy and sorry for late response. Forum is kicking me out when i try to login. Maybe its my WiFi. Thank you so much for explaining everything in detail! I'm quite nervous because of this issue so thank you again! Can I ask I you see will I have children? And how many? Also I would like to know if its possible to know what is my greatest karma in this life? And can I burn it through meditation. But I'm already very happy and content because all your help and want to thank you and all who has helped me, so if you don't have time I won't mind :)
I remember you have already asked about marriage last year and did a horary at that time. I am not going to analyze again, but re-quoting what was said last time - marriage during 26-Aug-2021 to 12-Sep-2021
I remember you have already asked about marriage last year and did a horary at that time. I am not going to analyze again, but re-quoting what was said last time - marriage during 26-Aug-2021 to 12-Sep-2021

It is indeed so and thank you too narasimha sharma. There are so many different methods that vedic astrologers least Parashara, KP, Nadi Jyotish, Jaimini and also because many astrologers have said my chart is difficult to interpret, so I'm asking what different people are seeing in my chart. I will definitely update if I will enter into serious relationship or marriage and if I have a child at some point.
I remember you have already asked about marriage last year and did a horary at that time. I am not going to analyze again, but re-quoting what was said last time - marriage during 26-Aug-2021 to 12-Sep-2021

Hi! Just updating that this didn’t happen. I didn’t form relationship or met anyone new.
Dear heartree,

As requested here is my analysis
Love marriage---- 5th Cuspal Sublord must signify either 2nd or 5th or 7th or 11th. ( 7th house is a must for the love to get converted into marriage). Withouth 7th house it will merely be love affairs).

In this horoscope, 5th Cuspal Sublord is Rahu. Rahu is in mrigashira nakshtra ruled by mars and in the sub divison of saturn.

Rahu is occupying 9th. Rahu is aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter is the occupant of 3rd and lord of 4th,7th and 8th. Rahu is in taurus ruled by venus. Venus is in 11th and lord of 3rd.

Mars is in 10th and lord of 9th. Saturn is in 2nd and lord of 5th and 6th.

Rahu as a source planet - 9, 3,4,7,8
Starlord Mars - 10,9
Sublord Saturn - 2,5,9

Rahu in this untenanted planet(it has not become starlord(nakshtra lord or any other planet). Rahu is the cuspal sublord of 2nd,5th,8th and 11th). Here it become strongest significator of the above cuspal house.

So Rahu is significator of 2nd,5th,11th,7th and connected with 2nd and 5th. So love marriage is promised in this chart...

When will this happen during the joint significator period of 2nd/5th/7th and 11th

Planet - Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Mercury, Sun and Venus are the joint significators.

At the time of analysis at my location rising ascendant was virgo and in hasta nakshtra ruled by moon. Moon was transiting in cancer sign and in ashlesha nakshtra and the day was friday. Rahu is in mercury sign.

Current Mahadasa is of Saturn . Saturn is significator of 2nd house and it's starlord mars is close to the 11th cusp. So Saturn dasa will give the marriage results.

In Saturn Dasa--- Mercury Bhukti-- Rahu Antardasa---Venus Sookshma period will give marriage results... This will be in 2024 between November to December.
Hi just updating that I didn’t meet anyone during that period. I’m single.
There will be issues related to finance, communication issues, health issues especially related to mental health. There will be thoughts of marriage/relationship, but won't happen as the promise for marriage is too weak because of inauspicious Venus and Jupiter.
So you went to the_only_other thread where that person ignored my plea not to quote my birthinfo and you did that too.

It was unkind and unwarranted for you to make such definitive and negative claims about my relationships and other aspects of my life. Also I believe your prediction is not based on my info but you search that up after I confronted you. Accurate interpretations require an in-depth analysis of natal chart, including planetary positions, house lords, dashas, and transits. Without that assessments can often be baseless or overly generalized. Astrology is a tool meant to empower and provide insight, not to make anyone feel defeated or judged.

Moreover, it’s irresponsible to draw harsh conclusions like “marriage won’t happen” or suggest broad issues without offering understanding or remedies. It’s important to approach astrology with compassion and nuance, especially when discussing sensitive topics like relationships. A blanket statement like “marriage won’t happen” without thorough assessment is not only inaccurate but potentially harmful.

My chart reflects potential challenges, yes, but it also highlights immense strengths, personal growth opportunities, and periods when things improve. For example, Venus in Leo in the 12th house gives you a unique capacity for deep love, creativity, and spiritual connections in relationships—qualities that can lead to meaningful and fulfilling bonds when the timing aligns. It certainly doesn’t rule out fulfilling connections or marriage.