Saturn Mahadasha and Sade sati

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I thought you posted the question to seek answers from anyone who can answer. I saw your profile and got the birth details and did my analysis and wrote everything as the chart said.

It's my analysis, and you are free to discard it.

If you like only desired answers, you should not post it in a public form, for everyone to answer.

If some event won't happen, then it won't happen as per the chart, or in some cases happens with remedies, which most people don't do or there are constraints of location, availability of remedial materials/places etc.

I don't give remedies in open form, as most of people don't believe in remedies. Moreover remedies for a particular chart may not be suitable or may not work for other chart, as they are not generic, and some other person may use it for themselves and may harm themselves in some cases.

If in any way you are hurt, I apologize for my sincere and prompt answer and will not answer your question in future.
I appreciate your response, but to clarify: I didn’t post to only hear desired answers; I sought insight and perspectives that could help me understand my path more clearly. It’s natural to seek guidance, especially on sensitive topics like relationships, where we often crave constructive insight.

Your analysis felt harsh. While astrology offers different viewpoints, it should empower and encourage growth, not focus on limitations or fixed outcomes, which can sometimes limit someone’s potential for happiness and connection.

You apologized for me feeling hurt. It’s not just about me being hurt or not (I am actually pretty angry)—it’s about the approach taken. The initial response came across as unnecessarily negative and dismissive. Rather than focusing on deterministic or fatalistic views, a more constructive approach would be to focus on understanding the complexities of each person’s chart and offering guidance that fosters self-reflection, healing, and growth.

For example, my own chart shows that I need to heal from past rejections and avoid people who perpetuate that same cycle. Astrology, when used thoughtfully, should help guide me towards understanding my path and empower me to grow, rather than reinforcing a narrative that keeps me stuck in negative cycles.

Astrologer has pretty big power in what they say. Whether you choose not to engage in the future because of criticism is your choice. I would appreciate it if we could continue in a way that encourages mutual respect and constructive feedback.
I understand your concern. But my approach is to first look for any issues in the chart and find for any solution. Whatever good in the chart remains good anyways. I have a method in which I make use of divisional charts and I find out the planets causing trouble. They get this behavior from their placements in different divisional charts. For any issue in your life these planets are only responsible, as I have tested them on several charts and on the native's chart who come to me for a consultation, and the results are pretty good.

You said about transits, which is the last thing to look for, it's the delivery of the event. If there is no promise or the promise is very weak, in spite of having the promise there will be no delivery.

The promise for marriage is seen as the Bhav(7th house)=Bhavesh(7th lord)=Karaka(Venus for marriage). If any of these turn out inauspicious they will create issues in marriage, may delay or even not give the event, depending on how much they are troublesome. There are also some micro checks in the divisional charts for the promise, denial or delay of the event.

There are two ways to get the event. One is to wait for the favorable time when the planets causing issue are not in some dasha or related to the concerned houses and the second is to do remedies, which most of people don't do or they don't believe also.

I can use a lot of fancy words in my analysis, but that won't change what the chart has to say as per my analysis. Again you are always free to ignore/discard my analysis, as there is always a possibility that it may go wrong.
Birth data deleted from this thread at HeartTree's request.

Astrologers usually tell the truth as they see it. Not always, but usually. It is important both for astrologers to be sensitive towards their querents, and also for querents to recognize that one person's harsh language is merely another person's straight talk. So long as a post doesn't amount to a personal attack, we have to recognize that this Forum allows for a range of chart interpretation styles.