saturn-moon conjunction in synastry

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May 20, 2022
guy at work has his saturn and south node conjunct my moon (i’m outer circle he’s inner) and he’s literally the first man i’ve ever been shook around. like i can usually talk to guys pretty fine but when he’s around me i become jittery and anxious and extremely awkward. i’m so attracted to him physically ljke im lusting over this man fr which is shocking in itself bc i thought i wasn’t attracted to men in that way so he’s already given me a revelation…anyways any thoughts? i rly wanna know ab the moon-saturn conjunction bc in a way i do feel like i’m cautious as to how i act around him as i’ve read that this can lead to feeling like you dim your personality around the saturn person, but i’ve also read there’s a binding/karmic effect and even just from being in the same room as him i feel the intensity. there’s stories i have of him but for your guys’ sake i’ll keep them for another time. my moon is my chart ruler and it’s the most sensitive point in my chart in the highest place (on my midheaven), but i’ve never rly had super tight conjunct contacts to it up until now and he’s surely made an impression on me. his pluto also trines my moon. i’m also not sure what houses his saturn is ruling but i’m aware it’s in aries which is in its fall so idk whether or not that creates a diff story but i rly like him and i want to get closer but he puts my nerves in a jumble. oh and he’s my coworker lol so strictly platonic bc i could never date someone i have to see at work.

i don’t know his rising sign so the moon deg and house contacts may vary

any observations? could we be good friends? or is the attraction mutual?


here’s the composite as well…which isn’t too pretty.

i would like to add that he’s 6 years older than me which lead me to thinking maybe he’s cap/aqua rising and that saturn is his chart ruler
Jewel sums it all up pretty neatly.

If I have read your chart correctly you have Moon square Saturn natally' so you may be able to live with that heavy Moon/Saturn conjunction. However, you also have Saturn in square which can lead to a power imbalance -
I'm more concerned about the Moon/Pluto opposition in the composite. I think you need a great deal of emotional maturity to deal with this aspect as it can make an intense relationship with a fear of losing the other person. There can be manipulation and power plays at work.

If this guy is a colleague then I would keep things platonic.

Sorry I can't be more positive.
i would like to add that he’s 6 years older than me which lead me to thinking maybe he’s cap/aqua rising and that saturn is his chart ruler
Sorry, not following your reasoning on this, can you explain a bit more?

The moon/mars composite opposition explains the strong physical attraction.
It shows up in the synastry sun trine mars, Venus conjunct pluto, and moon trine pluto.
His sun and mercury trine your Venus and mercury are very easy comfortable contacts, good companionship.

The moon/saturn conjunction can be intimidating, which might be what gives you the "jitters".
Inside, you feel almost that you are exposed, and he is judging you in some way.

You already sensed that romantic relationships with co-workers are best to avoid, so you might just enjoy the good feelings and let them make your work hours that much more enjoyable, without stepping over a red line.