Saturn on the ascendant - what partner is suitable?

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Aug 26, 2019
I am wondering what sort of partner Saturn on the ascendant (in Libra) is best suited with?

I suppose I am quite Saturnian, being super reliable, punctual and I have my life in order. I get angry when people don’t live up to my standards, like if they aren't reliable, come late without prior messaging or don’t have their life sorted in different ways.

I seem to have attracted some younger men, but I just don’t want to be a parent or mother to them, I find I am just telling someone how to get their life in order. A role I don’t like.

Would Saturn on the ascendant make me more suitable for an older partner? I feel I want someone who is just as proper and reliable as me. Maybe that’s a Capricorn then or someone who has some Capricorn placements?

Does anyone have any insight to offer into this? Anyone else with Saturn on the ascendant?

I have also read that it’s a very karmic placement. Does that mean that I will just attract karmic relationships that leave me in a love/hate ambivalent state?


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It's descendant, not ascendant, that gives us clues about who we need as a partner. Look there instead.

DC in Aries suggests something Arian about who you need. Maybe someone who challenges you. Maybe someone you enjoy friendly competitions with. Maybe someone who takes you mountain climbing, literally or figuratively. Maybe someone who helps you figure things out by engaging in debates with you. Maybe someone who has a very feisty personality.

Your Moon also being in Aries indicates a deep emotional need for Aries sorts of things. Personal challenges, competition, debate... those are all Aries sorts of things. Since it's in the seventh house, you're most likely to experience these things through others bringing them to you. Doing them by and for yourself isn't likely to be anywhere near as fulfilling for you as sharing them. If you have a romantic partner, you need to be able to share those things with your romantic partner.

DC ruler Mars in the eighth house, in sensual Taurus, suggests a need for any couple relationship you have to be very deeply sexual.
Thanks for your reply Osamenor! It's useful to be reminded of the Aries qualities that I feel attracted by, as I have Aries on my descendant. I definitely like a man who has initiative and fire in him! And you're right about that Mars in Taurus in my 8th house :D
I have just been thinking, more and more lately, how strong and determining Saturn on my Ascendant is for me.
I know that people who have Saturn close to the descendant may attract an older partner. Does that then mean, that having Saturn on the ascendant would make me attract a younger partner? That I am the Saturn in a relationship. But I don't want to be the Saturn person in a relationship. I want someone else I can lean on and who is responsible, not someone I have to look after or almost be a mother to.
I guess I was just wondering if anyone had any experience of the dynamics when Saturn is on the ascendant. Or maybe it doesn't determine relationships as much as I think? Maybe it's just that I haven't found the man I can lean on yet, who can fill that role.
I know that people who have Saturn close to the descendant may attract an older partner. Does that then mean, that having Saturn on the ascendant would make me attract a younger partner?

The only astrological association I know of with a strong tendency to attract younger partners is Mercury at the descendant. I've read at least a couple of charts where that was the case.

What's on your ascendant says nothing about the age of partners you attract. Even Mercury or Saturn at the descendant doesn't guarantee younger or older partners, respectively. It's just that those placements correlate with those patterns often enough for it to be a known association.

The ascendant is yourself, how you meet the world, and how you present to the world. The descendant is others, what you need from them, and what kinds of people can bring you what you need.

What you're attributing to Saturn is probably coming from your seventh house Moon. Moon indicates the ways we need to be nurtured and the ways we're inclined to nurture others. In the seventh house, you need plenty of nurturing from others. Your desire for a responsible partner you can lean on, who is independent (not someone you have to look after) describes an Aries style of nurturing.

However, since Moon also indicates how we give nurturing, it's equally possible that you've tended to attract people who need a lot of nurturing. In that case, you may find yourself feeling like you're mothering them. With that Aries Moon, you're likely to have a mother bear style of nurturing: pushing the other person to be independent while also being fiercely protective of them.
Basically just echoing Osa: Saturn on the ascendant means you are Capricorn-like in some way. When it's on the desc, that means you tend to be attracted to Saturnian types, for example, Cappy, Libra or maybe Aqua.

It can also signal delay in romantic matters.
Thanks again Osamenor! Maybe you're right that what I am attributing to some of my Saturn qualities in relationships, may, in fact, be my 7th house moon in Aries! I definitely feel nurtured by being in a partnership, and I am fiercely loyal and committed when I am. And the fact that I want someone who is independent and can fend for their own life, is, as you say, Aries qualities. I like to be nurtured in relationships, but that moon could also work the other way, that I attract people who need nurturing. That is so true. I am happy to nurture if I feel the other person is worth it and I want to invest in it. But I don't want to attract guys who just need a mum, and haven't got major things like a job and home sorted...
But I don't want to attract guys who just need a mum, and haven't got major things like a job and home sorted...

So if you meet guys like that, don't get involved with them. If you find out they're like that after getting involved, don't stay involved. Hold out for someone who has it together and is ready for a mutually supportive relationship.

One thing Saturn on the ascendant (and in exaltation, too) is very good for is keeping good boundaries.
Thanks for your reply Wan! He's more of an artist, currently living at his parent's flat at the age of 38!
He grew up in between the US and Sweden, but lived in the US for most of his life, now he's back in Sweden since about 1,5 years and he still hasn't got his life in order. He's a musician and artist and I think prefers just doing that, I don't know if he gets money from his parents. In the past he did all sorts of random jobs... from being a bar pianist at an establishment to being a security guard, an administrator, working in a shop...
I told him I needed a man with his own platform about a year ago, and it has been on and off all the time, when I go into the love bubble (I have Venus oppositive Neptune), and when I see the harsh reality of things and cut off. I really don't see any change in him, so I am cutting off for good now. He adores me and writes me songs and poetry, so it makes it a little hard, but I just find I hate him all other times... The problem is also that he never gives up and always gets back in touch, even when I've blocked him on Whatsapp, then he writes emails instead...Maybe I need to block him there too. It's a very intense connection we have, South node conjunct Pluto and Juno in Synastry. Pluto square Mars. Actually, I did a post on him here about a year ago. I found it, if you are interested in seeing his chart, and mine together:
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