Hello Insania
Saturn (SA) is not really learning or teaching. Because we have an (genetic?) inclination to consider teachers as ill tempered people who teach by punishing, these symbolic concepts have been transferred to Saturn though old or classic astrology books. Yes Saturn transits are strong but only because he insists on doing the correct thing and won't let go until some degree of satisfaction is achieved. This is easily explained with midpoints. Be patient please.
Saturn is the only planet which tells us where are we heading on life and it is very useful to appreciate him correctly.
You mentioned you have been asked if your time of birth is correct and this is because the time of birth will give us your Ascendant (ASC) and Midheaven (MC) and this two are very important points as are all house Cusps too.
So, if your date and time of birth are correct I will take the liberty to write a couple of ideas about what has been and is going on your life. Consider please that we have not had a previous chat which could give me a better idea about you and your environment so I could give you a better opinion.
You where born in Sankt Veit an der Glan, Austria at 19:35 hours and this makes your ASC 29°32' Virgo. Saturn crossed your ASC for the first time ever on the 25th of October 2009 while heading to Station Retrograde (Rx) Station on Libra 04°39' on the 13th of January 2010, two and a half months later.
When Saturn crosses our ASC we are inclined to get better care of ourselves and so -for example- we get into a diet, go to a gym, get better food or become a little picky about what we eat, walk or jog to get better health, stop smoking or smoke less, etc. Also as with being picky about food and habits, we become picky with friends and so we get rid -some of them permanently- of many friends and relatives. In sum we discard most things and persons which do not give or make us good.
So between December 20 (or so) and the first week of February 2010 (or so) your midpoint aspected in this Libra 04°39' Saturn Rx station is Moon/Neptune.
When Saturn aspects Moon/Neptune midpoint (SA=MO/NE), your dreams or aspirations are brought "down to earth". This is done by you to other and/or by other to you, generally it works both ways, although we tend to acknowledge only what we sense is (harm, damage, etc) being done to us. This can be felt as sadness when done "to us" or indifference when done "to other".
Then, on the 14 of April 2010 Saturn Rx crossed for the second time your ASC heading to his Direct (Dx) Station due on May 30th 2010 on the 27°50' Virgo. Saturn stays put on orb of one degree before and after of the Station degree, for about two and a half months making this the length of time a given point is being touched by this planet during a Station.
Your ASC was being one and half degree away from this Saturnian Station degree does become "afected" by it, so many of the things that I wrote about you careing of yourself where done, either by you or by those very near you between mid March 2010 and the first week of August 2010 - give or take a few days before or after these dates. About 5 months in total. Good days also to unhook from drinking or drugs if any.
Simultaneous to Saturn being -almost- conjoining your ASC, Uranus was doing the same in your Cusp of House Seven (C7) tricking you into an impossible relationship or making you loose the one you had or tricking you by force into one you don't want. Yes, I have given you at least three very different scenarios with Uranus in C7 because
Uranus is about choices. Position yourself inside a room with several doors. You can choose any but then only one will be the correct one and then it won´t be the first choice you pick. You have to go back to the room and open another door and then this second (or "nth" choice) might not be the correct either. This is what Uranus is about. Undoing what we decided or making the wrong choice or the good choice and then the wrong one again. Uranus is about liberty of choosing (among other things).
So while Saturn is making -in a way- things tight for you (SA=ASC), Uranus is making a mess (in a sense) out of your relation, be wife, girlfriend, partner in business, boss, etc. with Uranus conjunct Cusp Seven (UR=C7) almost on the very same dates.
No wonder you say you have been having Saturn opposing natal Moon for a complete year, but all the turmoil has been caused by Uranus back and forth in your Cusp Seven since May 2010. Did your relationships became unstable near that date?
Can you see that Saturn is pushing you to be selective in your relations and Uranus at the same time is giving you freedom to choose any type of relationship?
Of course you have been under great pressure as your MC 29°26' Gemini and your Cusp 4 29°26 Sagitarius are also aspected by this two fellows, Saturn and Uranus.
Saturn is very strict, he want things done correct and right... diet, stop smoking, jogging, good friends, orderly life, etc. Uranus on the other -and opposite- hand, gives you all the permits you want even if you do not need them so when this "odd couple" get together, you do one thing and then get the opportunity to undo it even if the outcome is or will be wrong. (remember the Movie and TV series "The Odd Couple", two guys sharing the same flat, one very messy and the other very tidy?). Saturn Uranus.
So most of 2010, you got at least four battle fronts, your person (ASC), your job or school MC), your relations (C7) and home (C4). Yeah, a difficult year, no doubt.
Mars and Uranus in your chart are aspected by a semisquare which gives you a kind of nervous, "let´s take action now" kind of personality, a unique advantage over other people that makes you take leadership on short run situations. You are like a sprint runner, you react. If you had a Saturn Mars aspect, you'd do things with a slower pace as Saturn would make Mars take things a bit calmly.
Well this happened too with Saturn Rx station 17°14' Libra at the beginning of 2011, during January on your Mars 18°57' Libra. Many will say this to be a conjunction but as I do one degree or one and a half degree orbs, we can say they where very near because this nearness was felt although probably not much. The desire to do things correctly was a characteristic of those days, maybe the desire to stop rushing also.
For every Dx station the is a Rx station. In the case of Saturn he goes forward (Dx) about 20 degrees and backward (Rx) about seven, so after being on the 17°14' of Libra he went back to the 10°27'.
Node/MC and Node/ASC are your midpoints being aspected by Saturn 10°27' Libra. This compels you to abstain from making new friends, both in your personal (ASC) and professional (MC) environments. If you go and do make friends them come to be older persons.
On March 3, 2011, Saturn Rx transiting 16°06' Libra aspects your Moon/Mars midpoint, which brings your feelings those -few- days to rest. Moon/Mars midpoints is our point of excitement, where we laugh happily (Jupiter), think about things to do (Mercury), get passionate (Venus)... etc. With Saturn there we cool off. This very same day, Uranus crosses your C7 for the last time in your lifetime, bringing any and all choices regarding (again) husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, partner in business, boss, etc.
On the 25th of October 2011 you will have your first Saturn Return.
Since you felt compelled to email the forum on this, seems to me the real issue is with Uranus inside House Seven and the inability to choose correctly or a situation where the one person you want near is not.
From now on and until February 7, Saturn will continue its path to his next Rx Station on 29°30' Libra aspecting natal Venus twice so you must take time because seems love or expected love is the main subject of your frustration. Venus transiting conjunct natal Saturn on the day you wrote to this forum is to me an indicator of this subject being something that takes your time. This is because of Uranus stationed conjunct your Cusp 7, not because of Saturn.
Seems that at the beginning of 2008 you moved or almost moved -deceived or illusioned into a better future - to another house or town but there where doubts or insecurity which was very strong around mid year and self restraint had to be exercised. By the end of 2008 this change became defined.
Last but not least, from around mid November 2011 you´ll feel compelled to save money for a while. Later this will be very strong from August 2012 onward and until the end of 2014. You will (naturally) take care of not spending as much, this is a great opportunity.
I explained the Saturnian aspects so as to make sense of your actual situation.
Kind Regards.
Raul Quintanilla
[email protected]