Saturn, Saturn, Saturn...even more Saturn. Does it ever end?

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This last month has brough a great surge in my creativity --like never befoer, and yet I still feel compeled to put my writing aside and keep working the 9 to 5- which is really 9 to 9 for me. I´d like to know if my time is now to take the leap into the unknown and be a little less responsible and a little more adventurous and try making the career switch. Where should I post my question? Not too sure if its an horary question???

I hope it will work out fory you. Unfortunatly, it didnt do it for me. I was in a similar situation (seems we do have lots of things in common). I thought I could do the things I always wanted to do. But I was wrong. Now, I have to go back to the work I hate even more than before. If Saturn has taught me anything it's that my life is a prison and no matter how hard I try, I can't escape from it.

Sorry to be the downer.
Insania, believe me I know exactly what you´re going through. 7 years ago I tried making the leap and it brought me hell. 7 Years of living this mess!! money issues, a ****** job or jobs, late hours at work, little pay, separation, got fat, bad health, the list goes on. And every time I check, my planets kep saying--not yet. I thought I wasn´t going to make it through. But this time it feels different. Looking back in perspective I can now see that I wasn´t ready back then but that I was thrown into this caos to help me grow and mature. The hard knocks hurt but they do make you a better person. Finally, I think i´m ready. I feel ready. But I don´t want to make the same mistake twice, so now I want to consult the stars before jumping head in.

I guess what I´m trying to say is that no matter how bad things are now, they can get better. And they will once we start doing things differntly. What is it that Meister Ekhart said: or demons are really angels showing us the way?

Last year I entered a writing competition and came in 2nd place. This year I am pushing to win. This might seem like insignificant but the truth is that I knew I wanted to be a writer since I was in 3rd grade. And I kept it up until I was in college, even frech out, but once I became a wife and a mother and had a full time job, I put all that aside ( forgot who I was) and I have paid dearly.
i think that is what I have learned in hindsight.
Don´t give up--shoot for the moment when saturn is gone! But be aware that wahtever you don´t learn now will eventually come back to haunt you again. So as I said, do some inner work so you can see what´s going on inside, you´ll be surprised.
ive been wondering this too. t saturn just squared my natal saturn in the 4th and i returned to the town where i was abused as a child in. about 8 months ago, i had the same square, along w a pluto square pluto in the 7th and 10th and my mom died of cancer.
this whole year ive lost every relationship w family and good friends and every home ive lived in. as of last month, i moved into my 7th home this year and finally landed employment. but im sure that uranus sq saturn had something to do w that.
im watching saturn closely because next spring it will conj my natal uranus.
saturn usually hits me hard, when it leaves a house, idk why, but i am nervous about it transiting my 8th.
these transits have been good for me (except for losing my mom) ive been humbled. i needed to learn humility and face fear. :smile:
Yes, I grieve with you Inania.

I've got my Saturn return coming soonish, at 10 Scorpio. Which is natally placed in the 2nd.

All I can say is that with Saturn you have to stand on your own two feet. If life is a chore then you've been spoiled as a child.

In my experience, with Saturn coming into my first I got a job and a flat, and started paying my own rent. It wasn't a hard experience, but I suppose that's the essence of it.

Wherever you have Saturn you can't relax, you have to do your duty. For me it's in my second, so money and income are pretty important for me, it's something that I worry about.
Indeed, i do believe that Saturn is teaching me responsability. it took a while to understand or even see that I had spent my whole life give my power to others in exchange for being "cared for" by them. Why i hadn´t realized was that by being lazy I had also renounced to my power to be more and better. So, that´s where I am now.

Questions-- How would you interpret a saturn/uranus aspect?

Someone mentioned something interesting on this post about everyone having a responsabilty to the world...I think that my saturn, along with uranus and neptune are trying to tell me that I was meant to do other things ( i.e. write) instead of wasting my life on odd jobs that leave me broke and depressed. This last month has brough a great surge in my creativity --like never befoer, and yet I still feel compeled to put my writing aside and keep working the 9 to 5- which is really 9 to 9 for me. I´d like to know if my time is now to take the leap into the unknown and be a little less responsible and a little more adventurous and try making the career switch. Where should I post my question? Not too sure if its an horary question???
you are right. with the little knowledge that i have about saturn i have deduced that saturn plays a significant role in teaching us things that we may have ignored or thought that we don't need to learn them. once you battle it out saturn shows you good phases in life as well.:smile:
Insania... Just came back, finally, now that I'm able, to see if I could add anything worthwhile to the wisdom many have offered you here... And I can't really say that I feel any kind of *opening* from your own receptivity that would, as it usually does with me when I offer astrologically, draw forward what would be best to highlight for you.

I do not mean to judge or criticize you; not at all! If you do not feel receptive to genuine insight and understanding around what Saturn by transit catalyzes for us in terms of inner growth, then it's no one's place to take issue with you. And, at the same time...with respect, I will also add that IMHO, until/unless you find yourself genuinely, authentically inclined toward not just what's meant so generally by "introspection," but toward claiming and enacting a stance of *proactive self-excavation* that examines your own energies, feelings, attitudes and beliefs as being what *creates and draws into your life* all that you will have a pretty challenging time understanding just how Saturn, and all the outer planets, *teach* us...

(And by the way, just so you know, transiting Saturn is currently sitting directly atop my Venus...exact today...which rules my IC or the foundation of my chart...and oh my yes, I find myself at that same table I describe above, with a great deal upon my plate to navigate as far as what I *authentically desire* to be what comprises my *foundation,* at all levels... :whistling:)

Best to you!
I do not mean to judge or criticize you; not at all! If you do not feel receptive to genuine insight and understanding around what Saturn by transit catalyzes for us in terms of inner growth, then it's no one's place to take issue with you. And, at the same time...with respect, I will also add that IMHO, until/unless you find yourself genuinely, authentically inclined toward not just what's meant so generally by "introspection," but toward claiming and enacting a stance of *proactive self-excavation* that examines your own energies, feelings, attitudes and beliefs as being what *creates and draws into your life* all that you will have a pretty challenging time understanding just how Saturn, and all the outer planets, *teach* us...
Now that is a very carefully written criticism.:tongue:

I think I can't express myself well enough to explain my current state of mind or situation. As I already have said, Saturn doesn't teach me anything of value. Telling me over and over again that Saturn is a “teacher” and I have to learn his lessons etc. doesn’t change my mind. It is just the opposite of my experiences I have made in the last 6 years. In the recent years I tried to improve and change myself but it made things just worse and just today I got another bad news.

Unfortunately, I can't talk about my problems because they are extremely private so it is hard for me to make you understand my point.

Honestly, I don’t feel I got any useful advices. I don’t want to sound offensive or ungrateful. I am very grateful for the answers I get, but they feel more like superficial platitudes to me.

I think I should stop posting here and this will probably my last post anyway.
Insania, as I read what you wrote here, I can understand why you felt that I was couching *criticism* within "carefully written words". Even though I took special care to make clear that criticism and judgement were the farthest from my intentions.

My sense is that where you find yourself in life, you simply haven't learned the subtle difference between criticism and constructive feedback from others. It seems that when you hear something you find *uncomfortable* or that asks you to look at your context of experience from an entirely different point of view, you feel attacked in some way. You came here apparently seeking insight into how Saturn teaches us; many offered their experiences with it and empathized with your situation and/or shared ways you might gain that insight, and your responses give me the impression that you are more invested in holding your stance of not allowing this information *in* than you are to truly learning and growing. That is not a criticism; it is an observation. I have much compassion for where you find yourself, as I feel it has a great deal to do with your age, and I have been there myself. I'm simply sharing that in my experience, and that of others I've known and counseled, nothing will change until your attitude/stance toward what you're going through changes. Nothing anyone has said here has been so superficial as to be called a "platitude," insania... I mean...*smiling and saying this with love*...did you really think anyone here would say, instead, something like, "Yeah, you're right, Saturn being seen as a teacher is just a myth, an illusion, we're all slowly figuring that out!"? :D

Yes, the issues that arise in one's life under a Saturn transit, especially its return, can definitely feel *relentless and harsh*... We cannot change what *happens to us,* apparently from *out there* in our 3D lives; but we can choose to learn, slowly but surely, that everything that outpictures *out there* has its source from *in here,* within ourselves and the complexity of our psyches....and choose to learn what that's all about.

It's all your choice, insania, whether it feels like it right now or not. All I have said here and elsewhere has been meant with love and respect; I'm very sorry to know you are having such a hard time.
learning astrology and about Saturn is NOT going to change or improve your life YOU are!!

We can explain, sypathise, as we ALL have to go through difficult transits, you are not along in that regard. But wallowing in self pity is not going to do you any good and if you are depressed you need to see your GP.

What Astrology Can and Can Not Do
Perhaps you should read this thread entitled: astrology predicts meanings, not events
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Insania--( i hope you read this)
if it´s any comfort, i understand what you´re going through because I´ve been there. All i can say is that you are entitled to feel angry. The only times i felt relieved was when I yelled and shook my fist at the heavens.

All i can give you is comfort in knowing that all that will pass...slowly, but it will. And I won´t lie. It will probably take years.

My suggestion to you is a) get mad. You have every right to b) wing it and wait, you will eventually see a light c) as i mentioned before, try self hypnosis, reiki and therapy. I know, I put it off for years, but once i decided to do it--especially listening to subliminal tapes, it did start to make a difference.

Good luck!
Truth is some people have it harder in life than others. Yes, and for some life can get pretty rough.
Other distinction - some have the turmoils within themselves, for others all the bad stuff is happening, coming from the outside world.
You do have chart that is not very easy, you are extremely sensitive but at the same time also angry and destructive;
I've seen Mars in 1st house give all kinds of troubles, your aspects only make it worse. Saturn-Mars aspects are generally known as the worst - especially difficult for males, introverts and more evolved souls.
You also have many retrogrades - possibly heavy karma, old soul, and many hardships are associated with this - inner or outer;
Maybe the lesson for you is to let go of the idea that life will get easier. Maybe it won't, maybe it will even be more difficult, but what are you gonna do then? Give up on yourself? It's basically all about what you are going to do with it. Sometimes just acceptance is a great point shifter. Accepting that your life ***** and living with it - that is what has got me going at my worst points and transiting Saturn influences ( and there's been many, so I know where you're coming from)
One more thing - if you are interested in learning more head to the vedic section, check out your current dasha in vedic system, it can be easily done online, and read a bit into it, I've seen it work at prediction and describing of current life circumstances and overall positive/negative influences/periods much better than western astrology.

I don’t feel I got any useful advices
I am sorry this is how you feel, I just read thru the entire thread and thought it was really good, so many quality answers, but really there is no way of helping someone on line, yet people have best intentions. What kind of advice do you think would be useful to you?

Wishing you all the best :)
Its not just Saturn insania, you have been having some very big outer planet transits over your angles as well. You had Pluto activating your Ascendant, Midheaven, Vertex and Neptune in 2007-2008 and then Uranus, coupled with Saturn activating the same areas in 2010-1011.

No wonder you feel strung out, exhausted and depressed, many people who have planets and/or angles in late mutables feel the same way.

Your reaction of depression and hopelessness connected to current Saturn transits are telling you your body is depleted from trying to assimilate these powerful, outer planet energies and the situations they have brought into your life, so the very first thing you need to do is start repairing and strengthening your physical self. I would suggest a very good herbal tonic to start with.

With Virgo rising, one of the major tasks you have in this life is to learn to listen to and care for your physical body. Virgo rising often does well with herbal and homeopathic remedies as well as vegetables and fruits as foods. Sometimes it has difficulties with grains, particularly wheat, and often has allergies of some kind, sometimes to milk products.. in your case I hope not as I think yogurt would be a strengthening food for you. Because Saturn transits do not do well with cold, I would also suggest warm to hot soups, stews and casseroles as a major part of your diet during this time.

Saturn transits will always point out where there are weaknesses in the system - not to be nasty but to show you what needs repairing and strengthening. Its an automatic process. If you do that, the next time Saturn activates the same place it tends to bring rewards. If you don't it just activates further weaknesses and feels even worse.

That being said, it is fairly normal to feel very heavy and somewhat depressed on hard Saturn aspects to the Moon, very few people find these easy and with your energies already depleted from the outer planet transits, I can imagine how terrible you feel. As the Moon rules digestion, it suggests either your stomach or digestive system is not working properly. As you have your Moon in Aries you might benefit from acupuncture to realign these meridians and give you more joy in life. If you don't have any money search to see if there is a school of acupuncture in your area as these will often take patients at a much reduced rate.

The other thing to remember is that Saturn doesn't do well with cold so you need to keep yourself as warm as possible. If you do get cold, put yourself in a warm bath or sauna ASAP, because if you get chilled you are really likely to also become extremely depressed.

I have written quite a bit about Saturn transits here: and some of it might be helpful to you.

Hello Insania

Saturn (SA) is not really learning or teaching. Because we have an (genetic?) inclination to consider teachers as ill tempered people who teach by punishing, these symbolic concepts have been transferred to Saturn though old or classic astrology books. Yes Saturn transits are strong but only because he insists on doing the correct thing and won't let go until some degree of satisfaction is achieved. This is easily explained with midpoints. Be patient please.

Saturn is the only planet which tells us where are we heading on life and it is very useful to appreciate him correctly.

You mentioned you have been asked if your time of birth is correct and this is because the time of birth will give us your Ascendant (ASC) and Midheaven (MC) and this two are very important points as are all house Cusps too.

So, if your date and time of birth are correct I will take the liberty to write a couple of ideas about what has been and is going on your life. Consider please that we have not had a previous chat which could give me a better idea about you and your environment so I could give you a better opinion.

You where born in Sankt Veit an der Glan, Austria at 19:35 hours and this makes your ASC 29°32' Virgo. Saturn crossed your ASC for the first time ever on the 25th of October 2009 while heading to Station Retrograde (Rx) Station on Libra 04°39' on the 13th of January 2010, two and a half months later.

When Saturn crosses our ASC we are inclined to get better care of ourselves and so -for example- we get into a diet, go to a gym, get better food or become a little picky about what we eat, walk or jog to get better health, stop smoking or smoke less, etc. Also as with being picky about food and habits, we become picky with friends and so we get rid -some of them permanently- of many friends and relatives. In sum we discard most things and persons which do not give or make us good.

So between December 20 (or so) and the first week of February 2010 (or so) your midpoint aspected in this Libra 04°39' Saturn Rx station is Moon/Neptune.

When Saturn aspects Moon/Neptune midpoint (SA=MO/NE), your dreams or aspirations are brought "down to earth". This is done by you to other and/or by other to you, generally it works both ways, although we tend to acknowledge only what we sense is (harm, damage, etc) being done to us. This can be felt as sadness when done "to us" or indifference when done "to other".

Then, on the 14 of April 2010 Saturn Rx crossed for the second time your ASC heading to his Direct (Dx) Station due on May 30th 2010 on the 27°50' Virgo. Saturn stays put on orb of one degree before and after of the Station degree, for about two and a half months making this the length of time a given point is being touched by this planet during a Station.

Your ASC was being one and half degree away from this Saturnian Station degree does become "afected" by it, so many of the things that I wrote about you careing of yourself where done, either by you or by those very near you between mid March 2010 and the first week of August 2010 - give or take a few days before or after these dates. About 5 months in total. Good days also to unhook from drinking or drugs if any.

Simultaneous to Saturn being -almost- conjoining your ASC, Uranus was doing the same in your Cusp of House Seven (C7) tricking you into an impossible relationship or making you loose the one you had or tricking you by force into one you don't want. Yes, I have given you at least three very different scenarios with Uranus in C7 because
Uranus is about choices. Position yourself inside a room with several doors. You can choose any but then only one will be the correct one and then it won´t be the first choice you pick. You have to go back to the room and open another door and then this second (or "nth" choice) might not be the correct either. This is what Uranus is about. Undoing what we decided or making the wrong choice or the good choice and then the wrong one again. Uranus is about liberty of choosing (among other things).

So while Saturn is making -in a way- things tight for you (SA=ASC), Uranus is making a mess (in a sense) out of your relation, be wife, girlfriend, partner in business, boss, etc. with Uranus conjunct Cusp Seven (UR=C7) almost on the very same dates.

No wonder you say you have been having Saturn opposing natal Moon for a complete year, but all the turmoil has been caused by Uranus back and forth in your Cusp Seven since May 2010. Did your relationships became unstable near that date?

Can you see that Saturn is pushing you to be selective in your relations and Uranus at the same time is giving you freedom to choose any type of relationship?

Of course you have been under great pressure as your MC 29°26' Gemini and your Cusp 4 29°26 Sagitarius are also aspected by this two fellows, Saturn and Uranus.

Saturn is very strict, he want things done correct and right... diet, stop smoking, jogging, good friends, orderly life, etc. Uranus on the other -and opposite- hand, gives you all the permits you want even if you do not need them so when this "odd couple" get together, you do one thing and then get the opportunity to undo it even if the outcome is or will be wrong. (remember the Movie and TV series "The Odd Couple", two guys sharing the same flat, one very messy and the other very tidy?). Saturn Uranus.

So most of 2010, you got at least four battle fronts, your person (ASC), your job or school MC), your relations (C7) and home (C4). Yeah, a difficult year, no doubt.

Mars and Uranus in your chart are aspected by a semisquare which gives you a kind of nervous, "let´s take action now" kind of personality, a unique advantage over other people that makes you take leadership on short run situations. You are like a sprint runner, you react. If you had a Saturn Mars aspect, you'd do things with a slower pace as Saturn would make Mars take things a bit calmly.

Well this happened too with Saturn Rx station 17°14' Libra at the beginning of 2011, during January on your Mars 18°57' Libra. Many will say this to be a conjunction but as I do one degree or one and a half degree orbs, we can say they where very near because this nearness was felt although probably not much. The desire to do things correctly was a characteristic of those days, maybe the desire to stop rushing also.

For every Dx station the is a Rx station. In the case of Saturn he goes forward (Dx) about 20 degrees and backward (Rx) about seven, so after being on the 17°14' of Libra he went back to the 10°27'.

Node/MC and Node/ASC are your midpoints being aspected by Saturn 10°27' Libra. This compels you to abstain from making new friends, both in your personal (ASC) and professional (MC) environments. If you go and do make friends them come to be older persons.

On March 3, 2011, Saturn Rx transiting 16°06' Libra aspects your Moon/Mars midpoint, which brings your feelings those -few- days to rest. Moon/Mars midpoints is our point of excitement, where we laugh happily (Jupiter), think about things to do (Mercury), get passionate (Venus)... etc. With Saturn there we cool off. This very same day, Uranus crosses your C7 for the last time in your lifetime, bringing any and all choices regarding (again) husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, partner in business, boss, etc.

On the 25th of October 2011 you will have your first Saturn Return.

Since you felt compelled to email the forum on this, seems to me the real issue is with Uranus inside House Seven and the inability to choose correctly or a situation where the one person you want near is not.

From now on and until February 7, Saturn will continue its path to his next Rx Station on 29°30' Libra aspecting natal Venus twice so you must take time because seems love or expected love is the main subject of your frustration. Venus transiting conjunct natal Saturn on the day you wrote to this forum is to me an indicator of this subject being something that takes your time. This is because of Uranus stationed conjunct your Cusp 7, not because of Saturn.

Seems that at the beginning of 2008 you moved or almost moved -deceived or illusioned into a better future - to another house or town but there where doubts or insecurity which was very strong around mid year and self restraint had to be exercised. By the end of 2008 this change became defined.

Last but not least, from around mid November 2011 you´ll feel compelled to save money for a while. Later this will be very strong from August 2012 onward and until the end of 2014. You will (naturally) take care of not spending as much, this is a great opportunity.

I explained the Saturnian aspects so as to make sense of your actual situation.

Kind Regards.
Raul Quintanilla
[email protected]
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learning astrology and about Saturn is NOT going to change or improve your life YOU are!!

We can explain, sypathise, as we ALL have to go through difficult transits, you are not along in that regard. But wallowing in self pity is not going to do you any good and if you are depressed you need to see your GP.

I have to agree with this =/

I have a very strong Saturn natally and I am extremely thankful for it. You have to learn that life isn't pink fluffy clouds with kittens all the time.

I have no doubt my Saturn has saved me many times.
Well, I didn't want to post here anymore, but Raul and others made some efforts to post so I think I should answer.

@Alice. Thanks for your advices but I am afraid acupuncture or keeping myself warm want solve my problems. But I do find it interesting what you had to say about my transits of 2007-2011. Last year I was told that 2010 would be a great year for me, but that turned out to be nonsense. 2010 was one of the worst. Raul, you were right about my relationships becoming unstable at May 2010.

@hermetic: Can you give me a link to the Vedic system?

@Raul: Thanks for your analysis. Some stuff was right some was wrong.
Uranus in 7th house did indeed lead to a break-up with a female friend. But I am not sure if Uranus was the reason to post here. Your 2008 analysis of moving is wrong though.

You really think that saving money from next month on till 2014 will be a "great opportunity"? Sounds more exhausting to me.
Well, I didn't want to post here anymore, but Raul and others made some efforts to post so I think I should answer.

@Alice. Thanks for your advices but I am afraid acupuncture or keeping myself warm want solve my problems. But I do find it interesting what you had to say about my transits of 2007-2011. Last year I was told that 2010 would be a great year for me, but that turned out to be nonsense. 2010 was one of the worst. Raul, you were right about my relationships becoming unstable at May 2010.

You'd be surprised insania how much this can help.

The body itself processes all incoming energy from the solar system, so if the body is imbalanced or depleted the processing is inferior and the person is unable to deal with stress or the problems that life presents. If the body is balanced, steady and healthy the person can quite easily deal with severe problems.

I know this is so through the experiences of the thousands of clients I have seen over a great number of years, and through my own life, which has had very severe stress at times.

This is one of the best parts of astrology, it can really help people deal with very heavy transits. All my clients who were having the severe Neptune, Pluto, Uranus and Saturn transits in late mutables over quite a few years who paid attention to keeping their bodies healthy and in balance and replacing what was depleted have managed to do quite well out of this period in their lives. Other people I know have not been so fortunate.

Both Tropical and Vedic astrology provide methods to help alleviate the pressure of difficult transits - vedic astrology mostly through chants and gems, but this form of astrology also uses the medicines of India as well. Tropical astrology has derived various forms of therapy and a number of books have been written about these. Both forms are oriented to keeping the body healthy and in balance with the mind. If this occurs the person is able to cope with almost anything.

Your post clearly described someone whose energies are so depleted that they feel no hope and only have fear for the future. This is a terrible way to live and really not necessary at all. You may not be able to solve your difficult problems with your mind, but the least you can do is pay attention to the needs of your body and find a way to strengthen it and put it back in balance. If you do this you will be surprised to find how much easier it is to manage the pressures in your life and perhaps find ways to solve some of them.

Has or had anyone similar experiences?

Tell me about it..
I do not know much abiut western astrology..but i do know a lil bit abt vedic astrology
And i have been in teh major period of Saturn since the year 2000 and will be till 2019.
I had to and have to struggle for everything and anything..
Worst was Sat-Moon..
I felt like i was cursed...
I would get out of teh cab with big bags in hands and it would start raining..
I would come home with tons of bags after grocery shopping and the elevator would not work and I have to take stairs..

Saturn return wasn't great either...

At the beginning of saturn return i decided to leave my job and join school to stay close to my boy friend..
By the end of sat return, i used up all my savings to pay for the school...left school without graduating..lost the person i valued the most..
I literally started my life all over again, exactly the way i did 4yrs ago..

But before my sat return ended I found another job..and started my life again..well i would not say life...but just job and a little money to support myself..

Sat is retro in my chart..according to Vedic astrology..
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Wow, I kind of forgot about this thread. I was really in a bad mood when I started the topic.

Some of the things you have experienced sound familiar.

But before my sat return ended I found another job..and started my life again..well i would not say life...but just job and a little money to support myself..
Better than nothing and a typical Saturn return outcoming. I have heard that jobs you get during a Saturn Return phase can be quite important for your future in some way. Fated if you want.
The 'work' of Saturn is complete when mind and heart are 'united' . . .
Saturn is also 'form and structure' . . . a context for evolving human consciousness .
Invariably ... too much concern for 'self' produces the conundrum that Saturn is designed to remedy .

best regards,

post script . . . Saturn also provides the structure for the fulfillment of our material dreams . . . e.g. schools , jobs etc .

Saturn operates in duality . . . if Saturn is kicking you around then the problem is 'inner' and needs to be corrected by the self.

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