Saturn Square Ascendant Experiences?

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I have Saturn squaring my ascendent from the 4th house as I write this ,it is also squaring my Mars and Venus AND ITS HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE .
I feel very alone all my friends seem distant and uninterested and im quite depressed This is going to last for most of 2015 as the wretched planet retrogrades over my ascendent . It feels almost prison like and for the life of me I cant work out what I'm supposed to be doing/learning from this transit . At least I know once its done 2016 is a much better year with lots of positive aspects to the outer planets . If your suffering at the moment like I am dont give in to it, im trying to be as positive as possible but it is a very isolating aspect so dont expect to be in a social whirl with squillions of friends around you . Be kind to yourself and you will hopefully get through it unscathed .
Transiting Saturn will soon start squaring my Virgo ASC and Sun and opposing my Gemini Moon from the 4th house.
But I am also having tr Jupiter conjunct Sun/ASC (so far the first hit) and I hope that it will mitigate Saturn's influence.

I hope that transiting Saturn won't affect my parents, especially my mother, in any negative way. But it might affect my living situation as I will soon have to decide whether to stay abroad or move back to my home country.

Any more insights about this transit?
I don't mean to scare anyone but when I experienced transiting Saturn in libra was squaring my ASC in capricorn from the 8th house. This was the worst time of my life. I was severely depressed (and I don't say that lightly). I went into a panic attack thinking I was dying. I had to be admitted to the hospital, my whole world came crashing down. My natal saturn is in the 12th so a lot of it had to do with a psychological crisis…so I think where your natal saturn is in your chart really is important. Also I will note that saturn is my chart ruler so this could be why I experienced such a challenging time.

It was by far the lowest point of my life- I was consumed with this feeling like I was dying- I spent a week in the hospital. Had a complete meltdown, it was around Christmas time- I didn't even come out of my room. I have never had such a low time since that in my life.
I don't mean to scare anyone but when I experienced transiting Saturn in libra was squaring my ASC in capricorn from the 8th house. This was the worst time of my life. I was severely depressed (and I don't say that lightly). I went into a panic attack thinking I was dying. I had to be admitted to the hospital, my whole world came crashing down. My natal saturn is in the 12th so a lot of it had to do with a psychological crisis…so I think where your natal saturn is in your chart really is important. Also I will note that saturn is my chart ruler so this could be why I experienced such a challenging time.

It was by far the lowest point of my life- I was consumed with this feeling like I was dying- I spent a week in the hospital. Had a complete meltdown, it was around Christmas time- I didn't even come out of my room. I have never had such a low time since that in my life.

Thanks a lot for your input. When Saturn was transiting my 8th house I also experienced a lot of psychological issues, I guess it is quite common for Saturn’s passage through this house...
My natal Saturn is in Libra, in the 2nd house. For me, every time Saturn make a hard aspect to any of my angles a new stage begins. It usually brings some good things into my professional life but personal life always suffers in one way or another.
Hi all, I'm interested in what your experiences were/are with transit saturn square ascendant. I'm even more interested in those with transit saturn squaring ascendant from the fourth house. Thank You!

I had Saturn squaring Ascendant... around the year 2005 and 2006....
Our dog tore up the rug... pooped on carpet... dug holes in the backyard... killed our baby trees we planted recently...

I went to family reunion... in Mississippi... visited Great Granddad's house.
Also went to the cemetery where he was buried with his wife. It was cool.

Went to my Granddad's side of the family, family reunion... That was cool as well. Don't know many of them.

I just stayed at home... Didn't want to pursue a career, cause I felt like I am being branded as a housewife... but I won't be anybody housewife...
If I gonna be at the house... I'll just stay at home with my mom as a housedaughter.

Just be on the internet and I felt like throwing my useless college degrees away.... and be with my mom forever.
but my family harassed me... saying I need to leave and get a job....

so I am in Los Angeles... I'm not doing anything... just staying at my apartment... being lazy... getting mad at AT&T and verizon for internet situation... Saturn was in my 5th house... I made some short films, participated with film crew... Saturn was in my 6th house... I was trying to get ear reconstruction surgery, but couldn't....

Now Saturn is in my 7th house, I'm suing people. I don't have anything else to do. A deaf guy tried to talk to me... I'm thinking "no I ain't being a housewife"

Oh well.

Well this is getting on a bit as its already 2018, March. And I have both Saturn and Pluto in the 4th house squaring my rising in Libra and moon in Aries.
It has been exhausting and has made me feel despondent, really. I journal a lot to try and keep things on an internal level and to see what I need to learn right now. But mainly what I notice is little to no support. Everyone seems to be gone or unavailable or I'm just unable to reach them because of the depression I feel, and the low energy. I need to be in bed early to ensure enough rest. and I can just keep up with basics, food, paying bills, etc I'm working on being very gentle with myself, because the tendency is to beat yourself up for being able to do so little and for having suffered various losses and thinking it's my fault--and it may be. It all has to be looked at.

What I'm wondering is I see I have the North node in Leo 13 about to transit over my Part of Fortune also Leo 13 in the next week. Does anyone have experience with this or know what it means. I'm looking for hope and something to look forward to because things are so heavy now. I also have about 7 different Saturn trines to my natal Pluto coming in 3 weeks. (Sun, Merc, Venus , Saturn and a few others. Does anyone see any helpful or uplifting transits coming up?? Because I'm just getting through one hour at a time and I'm looking for possible beacons to watch for to pull me through! Thanks!

One more thing I can add, is that these transits coming out of the 4th house really make you feel like you've moved under a mountain (Saturn, Pluto --underworld) I feel very removed from society and there's a sense of imprisonment. I suddenly had to move to a very small place which is so confining and I may lose my dog as a consequence. :sad:

Hopefully my chart attached, here.

astrology chart.jpg
Hi Saoirse, how interesting! I posted here on June 20, 2012. At that time, I was experiencing the square of saturn to my natal moon and ascendant. Saturn was also conjunct my Venus at 3rd, which rules my 10th. I felt very alone and out of the world, isolated from everything. I was living in a small country town with my husband, we had moved in because of his work. I was without a job and not knowing what to do. Just two months later, when saturn entered the cusp of my fourth house, I passed the exams to get masters degree in literature, an old dream. That changed my whole life. I discovered my true calling, I understood why I never felt well in my old job. Since then, my life has only improved, as Saturn begins its path towards my descendant, my life seems full of new meanings. The passage of saturn by my 4th house was really the opportunity to launch new foundations in my life. I hope this happens to you too.
Venusinlibra, Thanks so much for the response.

This Pluto squaring my moon has brought out my doomsday mentality and I forget all the time that the planets are bringing needed transformation opportunities. Thanks for the reminder. Launching new foundations is something I hadn't thought about and it's a much better way to look at it then the depressing way I have been thinking about it.

Also, I said "I also have about 7 different Saturn trines to my natal Pluto coming in 3 weeks" I meant to say I about 7 different planets, including Saturn trining my natal Pluto coming up.

Any one know anything about transiting North node conjunct Part of Fortune? Very significant or not?
Hi all, I'm interested in what your experiences were/are with transit saturn square ascendant. I'm even more interested in those with transit saturn squaring ascendant from the fourth house. Thank You!
I know this post is extremely old but i wanted to reply in case anyone has been searching like i have with no success.
I have had a couple healing encounters and it’s only started two months ago. I have been no contact with my entire family For the last 4 years and was pretty certain it would remain that way because those relationships were causing me to struggle in just about every area, I had never felt like I belonged and never felt enough , without getting in to it I have a lot of trauma. When my Saturn began squaring my acendant(3rd house) , my thoughts started to shift and long story short, I made the choice to text my dad and tell him I didn’t want to be at odds. I didn’t expect anything because he’s very stubborn and doesn’t have much tolerance for anyone who thinks differently than him so I was surprised when I received an apology.

The next thing that happened is an ex that I had a good friendship with before we ever became a thing made contact by total accident. I had been worried about this person because i dreamed they died, and it was heavy on me bc the last interaction we had wasn’t positive . He had told me previously he never was in love with me, which is what made me move on.. as if cheating wasn’t enough right ? But we were kids. And technically we were not a solid item , just had a thing . I anticipated the worst again, and was met with more than i couldve ever thought. Not only was this person kind to me, they apologized for all the pain they caused me and to take it further, told me they were always in love with me and always will love me, that they’ve been single since me, (10+ years) and the reason they pushed me away was because they felt entirely inadequate. It was a lot to take in because i built a lot of my self beliefs off of feeling like i was not enough , but in hindsight these actions match with the words . It was a healing encounter that ultimately led to a conversation that helped me gain courage to text my dad.

Words I never thought I would hear from either party , and right there they were plain as day. I wept . I’m still taking it in honestly.

I am in a healthy relationship now, he’s my soul mate without a doubt so I’m very happy with who i am with. But all of these things are and have been like a tidal wave although they seem positive, I’m just taking it one step at a time, I still have 7 months to go in this transit.
I’m going to be having Saturn transit square my ascendant soon. I’m curious how it will play out because Saturn will also be conjunct my natal mercury (natal mercury square asc) and - mercury is the lord of my 7th house. How can the lord of my 7th house be square to my Dc 😂 I would think Saturn conjunct 7th house lord would bring a relationship but Saturn square the Dc seems to mean breaks in relationships.

The last square i had to asc was transit Neptune conjunct my mercury and during that time I entered into a relationship with a narcissist that deceived me 😬
I actually really thrive when Saturn is in hard aspect to my Ascendant. Maybe because I'm Sagittarius rising so the square of Saturn really gives me structure and discipline. The square and conjunction were the greatest moments of my life because of how organized and productive I was
I have it on my natal chart which is not nice at all so when it squares my ASC by transit it's no big difference. I had the Saturn opposite my asc two years ago but can't tell how difficult it was, if it was, because there were other aspects hitting harder at the same time eg. the Saturn Uranus square hit my sun several times while opposite my asc so I m glad that I am still alive and kicking! It was a financial disaster though..