SCHOLARSHIP interview! 1pm or 2pm

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Jan 25, 2010
Help a student out: SCHOLARSHIP interview, 1pm or 2pm?

Hello all, I received good news from a scholarship that I applied to (for students who show spiritual values; I applied as an artist who paints nature & places I've been to in trances) -- and they scheduled me for March 23rd, 2012 at 1PM.

However, I would like to see if at 2PM is much better.

Cancer rising. Moon the chart ruler, is kind of meh with aspects. Besides it being in the 10th house, it only has 2 separating square aspect and 1 separating conjunction aspect. The sun looks much livelier, which is why I wonder if the leo rising is the best...


Leo rising. Sun the chart ruler is in the 9th house. And it makes a trine to the Northnode (nn is conjunct vertex & juno exactly). The moon there is exactly trining the par of fortune and conjunct MC...


AM I right to try to switch it to 2pm?

Please let me know. I would appreciate any help at all. My life depends on it. Thank you!
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Personally, I would go with 2PM because the Moon is applying to Fortuna in the ASC and your own ruler, the Sun is exalted in the 9th where it joys.

In the 1pm chart, you are signified by the Moon which really has no power and is about to oppose Saturn.

That's what I thought too, switching to Leop rising. Thank you so much for your reply. Now to reschedule... I hope they can do so... thank you!
I'll definitely second Anachiel's recommendation of 2PM, and for the same reasons!
Good Luck!

Ugh, why why why. The interview is tomorrow and they said they'd rather keep it the way it was. Argh. Ok. Oh well. Wish me luck!