Scorpio moon in the 10th house

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Aug 25, 2024
Greetings, I am interested in whether a person who has the moon in scorpio in his tenth house can practice any surgical branch of medicine, specifically gynecology? I'm asking because I specifically started reading something about it, and a friend of mine has that position in his birth chart. My logic was that if scorpio rules the reproductive organs (especially female), and surgery among other things, the moon is related to women, and yet in scorpio it is in its fall... And all this in the field of career... So my specific question would be: is that profession like really suitable for him, or is it the profession that is like the least suitable for him? Of course, all this should be interpreted as part of the entire birth chart. If anyone can help, I'm grateful :) Here's the chart.

horoscope_natal_5-6-1990_21-05_astroseek_v4 (1).png
A Scorpio Moon in the tenth house could be in a gynecologist's chart. In that case, it would describe their career very neatly. It could also be in the chart of someone who has just about any kind of career.

If your friend is interested in being a gynecologist and has the opportunity to become one, it works with his chart. If he's not interested or can't feasibly pursue that career, then his tenth house Scorpio Moon will signify something else.

The right career for anyone depends on both the gestalt of their birth chart and, even more crucially, on what they're interested in and have the means to pursue. Every birth chart is compatible with a very wide range of careers. Some of those careers will interest the native and some won't. Some will be feasible for the native to pursue and some won't.

The fact of his Moon being in fall says nothing about how suitable a gynecology career is or isn't for him. His current life trajectory says a lot more. Based on the positions of his generational planets, he's in his mid thirties. If he already is a gynecologist, or is studying to be one, that's a feasible career choice. If not, not so likely. While people can become doctors, including gynecologists, later in life, being able to spare the time, expense, and effort for it at that stage is the exception, not the rule.
Thank you for the reply! He actually is one, finished his residence a couple of years ago and is currently practising. But he always tells me that he fells that that career doesnt suit him for some reason. Was thinkig for the past couple of months of changing his vocation, although after so much trouble and hardship, he feels reluctant to just let all those years behind him. The problem is that he isnt sure which profession would suit him, and i just cant seem to help.
Also, the mars square uranus aspect some astrologers seem to relate to surgery, of being a great aspect for a surgeon. Not so sure about that?
Thank you for the reply! He actually is one, finished his residence a couple of years ago and is currently practising. But he always tells me that he fells that that career doesnt suit him for some reason. Was thinkig for the past couple of months of changing his vocation, although after so much trouble and hardship, he feels reluctant to just let all those years behind him. The problem is that he isnt sure which profession would suit him, and i just cant seem to help.
Maybe one reason he sometimes feels the current career doesn't suit him is that the ruler of that 10th house is Venus, in Taurus in the 4th.

Venus/Taurus/4th trining Uranus in 1st is about creative freedom and artistic choices and comfort in one's home, and family, feeling stable and secure emotionally, artistically, with stability and security.

The opposite feeling of the intensity, and emotional risk of the public 10th house with a very powerful Moon/Pluto conjunction, which must make intense impactful decisions concerning life and death issues on the daily. Does not mean he is not good at the job, just that it might take an emotional toll on him as he also has a need for a calm, creative secure private life without so much stress?

Maybe at some point in his life he might consider becoming an educator or consultant or an author/lecturer, as a way to impart his knowledge and experience without all of the daily stress? [merc/5th/taurus]
Maybe one reason he sometimes feels the current career doesn't suit him is that the ruler of that 10th house is Venus, in Taurus in the 4th.

Venus/Taurus/4th trining Uranus in 1st is about creative freedom and artistic choices and comfort in one's home, and family, feeling stable and secure emotionally, artistically, with stability and security.

The opposite feeling of the intensity, and emotional risk of the public 10th house with a very powerful Moon/Pluto conjunction, which must make intense impactful decisions concerning life and death issues on the daily. Does not mean he is not good at the job, just that it might take an emotional toll on him as he also has a need for a calm, creative secure private life without so much stress?

Maybe at some point in his life he might consider becoming an educator or consultant or an author/lecturer, as a way to impart his knowledge and experience without all of the daily stress? [merc/5th/taurus]
Yes, actually when talking about daily stuff he sometimes mentions he would rather work something at home and live a "normal" life, not so much full of stress. Not so sure about lecturing tho. Also, does the IC in Aries (at 22 degrees - the controversial "kill or be killed") add a more fiery component to the natives mental composition? And the ascendant at 25 degrees (Aries degrees) also i guess. Not so sure if the degree theory is accepted in the astrological community tbh. Maybe i am asking stupid questions, but just started reading about astrology, so i am very grateful for your responses :)
Yes, actually when talking about daily stuff he sometimes mentions he would rather work something at home and live a "normal" life, not so much full of stress. Not so sure about lecturing tho.

Ok, thanks. I do see that he might feel the need for less stress at times, and a more full Homelife. So maybe not lecturing, but there are still other possibilities in the future to build upon what he has studied/experienced without feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Hopefully...
Also, does the IC in Aries (at 22 degrees - the controversial "kill or be killed") add a more fiery component to the natives mental composition? And the ascendant at 25 degrees (Aries degrees) also i guess.

I think the IC being in Aries surely adds a fiery component to that house, especially w/ruler Mars, being in Aries also in 3rd. [which is why I thought teaching, writing might be another possible creative outlet. -- 3rd house of communication]

And yes, the Ascendant also being Fire, along w/IC is important component of his personality. Self motivated, ambitious, energetic, independent, etc.

Not so sure if the degree theory is accepted in the astrological community tbh. Maybe i am asking stupid questions, but just started reading about astrology, so i am very grateful for your responses :)
I know a lot of astrologers do work with the various degree theories. I'm sure there is good reason to do so but I look more at the aspects to that degree and the rulerships than the meaning of the degree itself.

You. aren't asking stupid questions at all. :)
Some charts seem to 'shout' out the path an individual may but not necessarily does follow. Your friend's chart would seem to indicate an example of that shout.

A career in medicine is not just a job or a desire for a career and advancement over the years. It's one of those fields of employment service that is chosen and driven through a vocation towards it. An individual doesn't go through training college, internship, plus specialisation in a particular field, and eventual residency ( a total period of plus 10 years?)merely for the financial rewards or status position that can be attained. The driving power of dedication expresses something far more.

It's a known fact that, nowadays, in whatever part of the world one lives, there is a great shortage in every branch of the medical profession. Tiredness and stress through over work is common anyway, yet may now play a greater role in the part of the world where your friend lives.
As a Gemini sun the variety of change is of importance in one's work. A gynaecologist never delivers the same baby twice and if all is well may never see it again after its birth. The building of a personal relationship plays no role in the profession. This is so different to the private life, especially if and when 'the patient', through one's dedication, can take priority over the one with whom one is in a relationship. A feeling of disinterest, neglect, abandonment, and even jealousy (according to their chart placements) at not being put first can arise, that can effect the influence towards the relationship versus professionalism. In those cases where the profession has been the priority, there may have been no time or incentive towards an enduring relationship (natal Moon-Pluto-Neptune to both Sun and Mercury in the 6th and 5th houses).

The progressed one day after birth = 1 year advanced planetary positions for this year show no influences that would indicate a once-in-a-lifetime change of direction. Yet the 'other' type of chart for the same period, called a solar direction chart, can indicate outer circumstances 'on the periphery' of one's life that can influence it.
An S.A.D.'s current positions are advanced at the same rate of motion as that of the Sun = the age for the year in question. Taking 34 years as current age, and adding this number to the natal planetary degree, it can be seen that Mercury has advanced to form a strained aspect with natal Saturn and conjoined Descendant opposite Ascendent. Mercury, as ruler Gemini and Virgo is of importance in the realms of both the 6th and 9th houses of the chart. Saturn is intercepted in the 1st house. Apart from work, the impliction can refer to 'mental health', and Mercury's position any cause for its current state. Wouldthis have anything to do with Saturn's 'sense of responsibility' that has become a burden and had consequences upon the personal relationship(s)?

Natal Mars is on 4* Aries (and square Uranus - irrationality?) and is ruler of 4th house - home life. Advance it 34 years and it is separating from natal Venus in the 4th house, yet now trining natal Uranus . Has a break or separation occured in the home life that has resulted in the friend wanting to go in an alternate direction? Remembering that the mental state is not optimal at present, and the dedication to the profession is NOT itself the reason to be blamed for what has occured within the home. As the mind settles (Mercury in Taurus trine Saturn) and rationality returns, any 'sudden' decisions (tr. Uranus conjunct Mercury) may take on an alternate outlook.

Jupiter is ruler Sagittarius rising in service for the Sun. When the Moon feelings are in an emotional state (Scorpio) and take priority, Jupiter can influence through its traditional rulership of P:isces that rules the 3rd house of relating, the local environment , and family. Its current transit in Gemini can effect one's state of 3rd house related mind. Circumstances and situations are not as clear as they should be and Gemini change may seem desireable. Better to wait for its 'larger than life' mental effect upon the total horoscope to pass, than make changes one might later come to regret.

All that said, everyone knows 'someone' who went through similar circumstances. Many Moons ago our dr. passed on. His practice was taken over by one whose profession as a gynaecologist had become a strain on his heart. He became 'the country doctor' for the next 30 or so years, where he came to know almost all his patients by their christian, let alone surname! As a recognised 'professional' within his medical field, any patient needing hospital treament of any kind seemed to get priority. :)
Some charts seem to 'shout' out the path an individual may but not necessarily does follow. Your friend's chart would seem to indicate an example of that shout.

A career in medicine is not just a job or a desire for a career and advancement over the years. It's one of those fields of employment service that is chosen and driven through a vocation towards it. An individual doesn't go through training college, internship, plus specialisation in a particular field, and eventual residency ( a total period of plus 10 years?)merely for the financial rewards or status position that can be attained. The driving power of dedication expresses something far more.

It's a known fact that, nowadays, in whatever part of the world one lives, there is a great shortage in every branch of the medical profession. Tiredness and stress through over work is common anyway, yet may now play a greater role in the part of the world where your friend lives.
As a Gemini sun the variety of change is of importance in one's work. A gynaecologist never delivers the same baby twice and if all is well may never see it again after its birth. The building of a personal relationship plays no role in the profession. This is so different to the private life, especially if and when 'the patient', through one's dedication, can take priority over the one with whom one is in a relationship. A feeling of disinterest, neglect, abandonment, and even jealousy (according to their chart placements) at not being put first can arise, that can effect the influence towards the relationship versus professionalism. In those cases where the profession has been the priority, there may have been no time or incentive towards an enduring relationship (natal Moon-Pluto-Neptune to both Sun and Mercury in the 6th and 5th houses).

The progressed one day after birth = 1 year advanced planetary positions for this year show no influences that would indicate a once-in-a-lifetime change of direction. Yet the 'other' type of chart for the same period, called a solar direction chart, can indicate outer circumstances 'on the periphery' of one's life that can influence it.
An S.A.D.'s current positions are advanced at the same rate of motion as that of the Sun = the age for the year in question. Taking 34 years as current age, and adding this number to the natal planetary degree, it can be seen that Mercury has advanced to form a strained aspect with natal Saturn and conjoined Descendant opposite Ascendent. Mercury, as ruler Gemini and Virgo is of importance in the realms of both the 6th and 9th houses of the chart. Saturn is intercepted in the 1st house. Apart from work, the impliction can refer to 'mental health', and Mercury's position any cause for its current state. Wouldthis have anything to do with Saturn's 'sense of responsibility' that has become a burden and had consequences upon the personal relationship(s)?

Natal Mars is on 4* Aries (and square Uranus - irrationality?) and is ruler of 4th house - home life. Advance it 34 years and it is separating from natal Venus in the 4th house, yet now trining natal Uranus . Has a break or separation occured in the home life that has resulted in the friend wanting to go in an alternate direction? Remembering that the mental state is not optimal at present, and the dedication to the profession is NOT itself the reason to be blamed for what has occured within the home. As the mind settles (Mercury in Taurus trine Saturn) and rationality returns, any 'sudden' decisions (tr. Uranus conjunct Mercury) may take on an alternate outlook.

Jupiter is ruler Sagittarius rising in service for the Sun. When the Moon feelings are in an emotional state (Scorpio) and take priority, Jupiter can influence through its traditional rulership of P:isces that rules the 3rd house of relating, the local environment , and family. Its current transit in Gemini can effect one's state of 3rd house related mind. Circumstances and situations are not as clear as they should be and Gemini change may seem desireable. Better to wait for its 'larger than life' mental effect upon the total horoscope to pass, than make changes one might later come to regret.

All that said, everyone knows 'someone' who went through similar circumstances. Many Moons ago our dr. passed on. His practice was taken over by one whose profession as a gynaecologist had become a strain on his heart. He became 'the country doctor' for the next 30 or so years, where he came to know almost all his patients by their christian, let alone surname! As a recognised 'professional' within his medical field, any patient needing hospital treament of any kind seemed to get priority. :)
"Shout out" the path as in he should go down that path, it is the "most favourable", or as in he has more options, this is just one if them? As far as i know, there has been no breaks or disturbances in the home life, but his relationship with his mother has always been extremely bad (scorpio moon influence here?). Also, he never like really wanted to study medicine or be a ob/gyn, his mother is a doctor (not ob/gyn but still she is a MD), so he took that path also. He never said he liked the job, on the contrary, that he thinks that that job is the worst he can do in this life. Somewhere at the end of january, he quit his job in the most prestigious ob/gyn clinic in our country and took a job in some primary health care center - which is like working for the best firm in some field, then quitting and working for like some irrelevant third grade firm. He has no more operation room, no surgery, no deliveries, and no on-call duties (not sure if that is the correct word, but when you work for 24h straight). He has literally took a 100 steps down the professional ladder. And he will never be in a position to make a career now, but he seems to think that it is ok, and that he will live a more peaceful life. He cant even afford a car atm (in our country doctors are paid terribly little).
I think he will change his profession (after more than 10 years of hell).
Btw folks that for the answers, this is really useful for me, and sorry if i misinterpret something, English is not my native language :)
Thank you for the reply! He actually is one, finished his residence a couple of years ago and is currently practising. But he always tells me that he fells that that career doesnt suit him for some reason. Was thinkig for the past couple of months of changing his vocation, although after so much trouble and hardship, he feels reluctant to just let all those years behind him. The problem is that he isnt sure which profession would suit him, and i just cant seem to help.
Does he work in a hospital? Is it state run? In which case, it may be easy to see where the stress is coming from. Could it not be a case of working for a private practice ibatead
Does he work in a hospital? Is it state run? In which case, it may be easy to see where the stress is coming from. Could it not be a case of working for a private practice ibatead
He worked in the best state hospital. Now he works in a small health center also state-run (he went from tertiary care to primary care). Like driving a mercedes G class and then a fiat punto. His stress comes from the fact i think that he feels inadequate for his job, and the people he works with. I think he just hates his job simply put. He has options to go work for private hospitals, but he declined.