Here is a positive update on our daughter's cat Ziggy.
During the Uranus square, which was conjunct her Merc/Venus in natal 6th,squaring her Saturn, her kitty began to have breathing problems. Merc was retro , And when they did the first blood tests and they told us he had leukaemia. She was devastated. She rescued him when she first moved out of our house, and he is 14 yrs old.
Then as Merc stationed they said he does NOT have leukmia. They now think he might have lymphoma, MAYBE
Uranus in Taurus can mean sudden expenditures---she wears her heart on her sleeve and just went for it monetarily, and had his lungs tapped once a week for 3 weeks, and a CT scan, and put him on steroids and cancer treatments and NOW he is doing much much better...
He has a healthy appetite, he runs around the house and climbs his cat tower, he purrs when we pet him, and he seems happy, for now.
So yesterday, as Venus, ruler of her 6th of pets, entered Libra, he had another test, which will take 7 to 10 days, but should show whether he still has traces of cancer in the lung fluid. If not, he MIGHT be in remission. In his last test he did not have any...and a CT scan did not show any tumours, only inflamed lymph nodes.
So hopefully he has taken a turn for the better...if not, then at least we tried everything. She had that money she spent set aside to try and buy a condo. But she said she'd rather try and save up again if need be...[Uranus on her Venus/Merc in Taurus----money comes and goes. And Saturn rules her 2nd house and Uranus is squaring her Saturn in Aquarius. ]
So the next 7 to 10 days will bring clarity. I am concerned that she still might lose him, as Pluto is conjunct her AQ Moon right now. But at least she did everything she could.